
Professional... otaku?

Dix Rodev, the dysfunctional otaku wakes up in a white emptiness, after successfully committing suicide. There a weird and quirky "boy", or more like entity, greets him to explain whats up with the clichéd "reincarnation" setting. He will have to explore the world of Naruto and handle the challenges coming his way to the best of his abilities. What will he do? The book's cover is not mine. I found it online and didn't see the artist's name. Contact me if you have a problem. At some point the series was cut short due to private life problems. I foolishly changed the status of the novel to "completed" without realizing its finality, that even support can't change it back. So now I had to reupload the whole novel. I hope it will still reach many people, as it did before. Disclaimer: The first half of the novel is about the MC going trough Naruto's early life, finding the best ways to become ridiculously overpowered. It takes a while for the actual story to start. Please bear with it.

HavocHUN · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

The troubles of a ruler

Tsunade was sitting in her office just like any other day, handling the business of the village. She only took up her post that week, but the stress was already getting to her. She couldn't help but keep doubting the sanity of her own decision when she agreed to being the next hokage.

She was aware how much of a trouble it is at the best of times, but now she had another huge load of trouble to deal with. The little genius, a devil incarnate and a huge problem walking on two legs.

"Naruto!" she called, slightly raising her voice. It wasn't necessary to shout, any ANBU unit stationed next to her would hear her calling even if she didn't raise her voice. But she was quite annoyed.

"Yes, Lady Tsunade?" came the answer, while at the same time Dix appeared in front of Tsunade in his ANBU equipment. He used flying raijin, which made him appear without any notice or sign of him entering. It was a bit unnerving for Tsunade.

"Do you truly intend to help the village?" she asked. There was a tiny pause before the answer came.

"Of course I do, Lady Tsunade. I am under your command, I do as you say."

"And do you know that you are huge fucking problem for me right now?" she declared with a neutral tone. A few days have already passed, she was beyond being angry.

This time there was a slightly longer pause. If Dix didn't have a mask cover his face, his frown would've been plain to see for Tsunade.

"I am not sure why would you say such a thing." he said in the end.

"Ah, so you are just being ignorant. That is certainly better than having malevolent or dubious intentions. This I can correct at least, more or less. Now." she said, as she stood up and walked in front of her office desk and leaned on it.

"This little trick you use to filter everyone with bad intentions and take them to the local police could've been considered useful in a war situation... maybe. Now you not only brought a huge burden on the civilian and military juridical system, but you also most likely increased tensions between us and every single ninja village around." she explained in an annoyed tone and closed it off with a sigh. Then looked at Dix with piercing gaze and continued.

"Can you tell of someone if they are a spy or not? Does your ability also consider them to be 'malicious'?" she asked.

"I am not entirely sure. I can't tell of a person if they are spies or not simply by looking at them, but I think they also have malicious intents, so they most likely get filtered too." Dix said after a bit of thinking.

"That's really bad." Tsunade replied right away. Her gaze was even colder than before. She was hoping the situation isn't so bad. But she is certainly stuck with this now, there is no takesies-backsies when it comes to her post.

"I don't really understand. I get it that handling so many criminals at once is a strain, but in the long run it will be better, won't it?"

"Its not so simple. Right now you detained a not so small portion of the village population. Next to that most of the police force right now is occupied by your little stunt to process and guard these criminals. You effectively paralyzed almost half of the village.

Obviously our aim is to improve on these things, but when it comes to governing, gradual change is the only possible way. What you did was most likely detrimental for the village, both in the short and long run."

*Well... I joined ANBU to cooperate with the government. I knew that coordinated efforts bring the best results, but I never thought a bit of extra work would be so bad... Damn, I fucked this up pretty bad. Probably this is why armies and governments have a clear hierarchy...*

"I think I understood, Lady Tsunade... I apologize for my hasty decision. I will make sure to discuss these things with you before acting next time."

"God... Life would be so much easier if problems went away with a simple apology." she said then sighed again as she looked up at the ceiling in contemplation.

Dix couldn't say anything. After some pause Tsunade continued.

"Now about the spies. According to you we have to assume that every foreign spy were captured. As I said this is not necessarily a bad thing, but right now we are in a delicate peace with the neighboring ninja villages. Tell me, what would you think if your spies suddenly disappeared from their post in a foreign village, whom encountered no problems for many years?"

"I... I'm not sure." Dix said. He started to feel like an actual child that is being lectured for wetting their bed or something similar. Tsunade pursed her lips. She knew the one in front of her was just a kid, but sometimes its hard to connect a child's ignorance and naivety with world-ending power.

Dix was no idiot, but he never worked in or got education about governmental responsibilities. He only ever served in the military, but even there he was a low ranked foot-soldier without any power or influence. Now his impossibly huge power and influence was paired with ignorance and incompetence.

"As I heard your existence must've leaked too. I've got a few reports of how you handled the invasion of the sand and sound not long ago. Your actions kind of remind me of Uzushiogakure. You know their story, right? That village was destroyed because everyone feared their sealing jutsus. There are only a few similarities though. Because the way you handled that invasion it feels almost like you are begging for the other ninja villages to gang up and declare war on us. Now, you flashily took care of the invasion, gave the spies time to report what they've seen, and only then decided to capture all of them."

She couldn't help but sigh again. She felt like this was one of her worst decisions. Becoming the new hokage in such a disastrous times. Next she looked straight into Dix's eyes.

She had brown eyes, but he could still feel the bone-chilling coldness that is associated with blue eyes. He was glad there was a mask on him, as his face winced hearing his mishaps and being subjected to Tsunade's anger.

If her eyes could hurt, she would've already killed the kid in front of him with her gaze. She was afraid to say it out loud, she didn't want to jinx it, but she had to make their ace understand what kind of problems he caused.

"We might be on the verge of the Fourth Shinobi World War."