
Princess of the Twelve Magics

Our heroine gets struck by lightning and 'dies', only to wake up as Filia Atmos Strondom, a princess in a world of magic. The problem is only men practice magic!? image from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:RGB_color_wheel_12.svg

Atmos_Scriptor · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Why Are There Trolls Everywhere

There were around 20 trolls. The party each prepared a shot. If they could each take one troll down from the start, they could drastically increase their odds. When they were ready, Iris whispered, "Fire!" One troll became charcoal, one had an earth spike lodged in its heart, another had a small burned hole from a laser through its head, and finally one was decapitated. The rest of the trolls were momentarily stunned. The party began to shoot like maniacs. The trolls started rushing all at once, but when they were only a few feet away they stopped. Their feet were encased in mud. Amary had set up a mud trap. The trapped trolls were quickly killed. Their bodies acted like a wall to the others. Their brethren attempted to either climb or rush around. Any that tried to flank them were swiftly roasted by Marcus. When only four were left they tried to run away, but collapsed while clutching their throats. Everyone stared in confusion at the dying trolls. Everyone except for Amary. She had pulled all of the air away from the trolls, preventing them from, you know, living!

Amary just continued to smile, leaving Marcus to reevaluate his life choices. He made a mental note not to annoy her if he valued his life. Trolls didn't have many valuable resources. Their hides were strong, but smelled. Their flesh didn't taste any better. The only valuable parts were things like teeth or organs for necromancy or sorcery.

The party continued on their journey, leaving behind the piles of corpses. Years later they would be known as the mysterious party, "Crimson Slayers". The unknown group would be renowned as genocidal maniacs who killed any who got in their way.

Finding an empty cave, they rested. It would be nightfall soon. Iris carried a stack of sticks over to Marcus. "Can you light this?" Marcus closed his eyes and sighed. "Do you think I'm a lighter? First I'm a torch and now a lighter?" Iris quickly said "Yes." after the fire was lit they started roasting the salamander. Marcus controlled the heat of the fire to cook the meat better.

The meat was disgusting. They resisted the urge to throw it all up. They would only find out the next day that it was a mistake to eat it. The salamander meat was poisonous. The spent the whole day keeled over, groaning. If they weren't as powerful as they were they would have died. They all silently agreed to never speak of this day. All evidence of the incident must be burned!

They groggily walked further into dungeon. They just threw random spells at the enemies that appeared. A skeleton? Boulder. A troll? Sinkhole. They just walked and walked, not caring about what they were doing.

This solace didn't last long though; they saw a duo of golems guarding the entrance to the dungeon boss. The door was made of stone and was carved into a large hill. It stood four yards tall and had beautiful designs of vines. The golems stood three yards tall and carried spears blocking the door. In the chest of the clay behemoths was a head-sized, purple crystal. The crystal had a slight glow and three characters glowed brightly in the crystal.

Some dungeon bosses were guarded by other monsters or mythical creatures, either to prevent the boss from leaving or as a test to adventurers.

Because golems are essentially inorganic, they cannot bleed or 'die'. If a limb is removed they will remain 'alive', but will not heal.

The Quartet stood before the irksome golem duet. The golems started to walk forward, but before they could set their feet down Amary had frozen their legs in place with ice. Using this moment, Iris and Marcus charged forward. They sliced the golems' Achilles tendons. Falling onto their backs the golems were immobilized. Filia dealt the final blow by using a laser to carve the hearts out. She held two fingers out in the shape of a finger-gun. She used her other arm to stabilize the 'weapon'. When she was done she posed and blew the imaginary smoke off of her fingers.

Seeing this her teammates sighed in disappointment. Filia jollily trotted over with the golems' cores under her arms. "Hey, what do ya think makes these work. Whanna dissect them with me." In her previous life she liked to study technology and coded software, so seeing an autonomous 'computer' really piqued her interest. Her party just silently prayed that she wouldn't dissect anything with blood.

The doors opened and revealed a torch-lit hallway. Walking for a few dozen meters the hallway opened up into a large cave containing a hydra. The hydra had three heads which arose from its massive body. Its body was as large as an elephant. Its necks were several meters long.

[Hydra]- An ancient being. It is so poisonous that even smelling its blood can kill. Cutting off a head will cause said head to regrow. This particular hydra is very weak and is defiantly not the original 'Hydra of Lerna'. Highly intelligent and can use magic.


>Hey, uh, Filia? Are you going to fight this? (一.一;;)


'Yep. I'm not gonna get married off... anytime soon.'


>What. That's... wait so later? ▼ω▼




>The person you are trying to connect to has disconnected. Please try again later.


Now annoyed (and embarrassed), Filia wanted to kill something (someone). The Hydra raised its heads and growled. Then it coughed. "Excuse me. It has been a few years since we have talked to someone." The middle head spoke in a low, masculine voice. The left head then spoke in a higher, feminine voice. "Yes, It has. I am Nera, named after 'water'." The middle head then continued "I am Eidus, my mighty name is 'strength'." The right head then awoke from its slumber. "Are you still saying that. It means 'kind'. My name is Oknos, for 'lazyyyy'." His voice trailed lower an lower. He had fallen asleep. The other two heads sighed. They had long since gotten used to Oknos.

"You have come to fight, correct? Well, if you win you get the standard treasure and some of our blood. If we win, you leave you valuables and become our temporary slaves. Deal?" Filia and the others were surprised. Most beasts would just fight to the death, although most had little intelligence. They all nodded their heads in agreement and got ready to fight.

I like to name characters after words in other languages or other things. It has been difficult to write lately. School takes up so much time. To anyone reading, thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Hercules killed the hydra as part of his trials. Wikipedia doesn't have much information, but it is a good read.

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