
Princess of the Twelve Magics

Our heroine gets struck by lightning and 'dies', only to wake up as Filia Atmos Strondom, a princess in a world of magic. The problem is only men practice magic!? image from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:RGB_color_wheel_12.svg

Atmos_Scriptor · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Consider This

Seeing that they agreed, Eidus reared his head back. His neck grew red lines that grew towards his skull. Filia threw up an earthen wall to defend from the flames. "Don't aim for the neck! It can grow back!", Filia screamed.

The flames died down and Marcus charged towards the Hydra. The flames once again fired, but now at Marcus. Even with his resistance to fire, Marcus knew he couldn't come out of those flames uninjured. "Amary!" Hearing her cue she shot forth a stream of water to block the flames. Filia ran to the left towards Nera and Iris to the right to Oknos.

Nera fired a much more powerful stream of water than Amary, hence her name. Oknos kept sleeping while Iris sprinted towards him. Filia Raised her hand and... nothing appeared. Nera, now confused, checked her surroundings for a trap. She failed to realise what was happening to her. Suddenly feeling cold she stopped attacking and coughed up blocks of ice.

At this point Iris was right next to Oknos. Oknos hazily opened his eyes slightly and breathed a cloud of black mist. Sensing danger, Iris backed off. He dodged the majority of the mist, but still breathed in a small amount. He started swaying and nearly fell to the ground. Leaning on his sword, he struggled to stand. Now sweating profusely, he tried to retreat back as quickly as he could.

Marcus was now next to the hydra. When the fire ended again he bolted towards the underbelly of the hydra. His sword pointed at its underbelly. Filia was now facing its side with her palm on its skin. They were both ready to fire at any second. Nera and Eidus looked at each other and Nera spoke, "Alright, you pass. That was the fastest we have lost in quite a while, especially from low leveled adventures. I would expect this from a group near 50 not 30."

Marcus and Filia didn't move. Marcus spoke in an 'unamused' voice, "What about the poison?" This time Oknos spoke, "Don't worry. The poison's effects are like alcohol. He'll be fine in a couple of hours." Filia and Marcus let out a long sigh and backed off, their concern diminished. They walked back to Amary trying to support Iris.

They pulled out his makeshift bed and set him down on it. After a few minutes Eidus said "Since you won here is your reward." Eidus nodded towards a pile of various supplies ranging from a few pieces of armor and weapons to gold and supplies and the aforementioned hydra blood. They would have to wait until Iris woke up to move it though. His spacial ability could compress items into a bag for more room, although only he and Filia could access it. The others didn't have high enough levels to use spacial magic and Filia couldn't access it without him being there.


>Hey you all gained a few levels


'huh, what are they?'


>You are still 25, Marcus is 23, Amary is 24, and Iris is 24


'Almost at 25 for all of us, then?'


>Yeah, and that's what I wanted to tell you before. You can chose a class


'Oohh, can I be like an assassin in a video game!


>I guess, but not right now. You don't have the requirements. You need stealth and such. Your class can be changed later, but it comes with setbacks. At level 50 you can chose a secondary class. Right now you have the obvious basic classes like chef and swordsman.


A class is like a skill group. It is as if you combined multiple skills into one. There are hundreds of currently known classes, but theoretically there are an infinite number of classes.

'What are some of the classes that I can choose?'


>Well, let's see. Ruling out most of the useless ones. There are about 37. There are 13 main classes making up those 37. For example a paladin is a subclass of a knight. I'll list the 13 classes here:

1. mage - one who uses magic from within

2. fighter - close combat

3. knight - mid-range sword user

4. scholar - studies the world, non-fighter

5. mortician - stop dismembering monster bodies, please

6. sorcerer - one who borrows magic from the world and spirits

7. researcher - non-fighter, similar to the scholar, but uses science

8. alchemist - a cross between science and magic

9. princess - pink frilly dress wearer, controls knights

10. enchantress - manipulates others and casts curses, support class

11. merchant - money is always good

12. apothecary - medicine and poison maker

13. Programmer - how, just how

'I can't even. Let's remove mortician, enchantress, merchant, and apothecary.'


1. mage - one who uses magic from within

2. fighter - close combat

3. knight - mid-range sword user

4. scholar - studies the world, non-fighter

5. sorcerer - one who borrows magic from the world and spirits

6. researcher - non-fighter, similar to the scholar, but uses science

7. alchemist - a cross between science and magic

8. princess - pink frilly dress wearer, controls knights

9. Programmer - how, just how

'Better, hmm, fighter and knight are out. Sorcerer sounds powerful, but borrowing magic from spirits to become better sounds limiting in the long run. After all, it's not your power. Princess can be a class?

>Yea, any citizens of your territory will be more faithful and the more powerful the country, the more powerful you become. The drawback, however, is if you are dethroned you will be powerless. In a foreign country you lose some power and can't harm its citizens. Pretty useless for a warmonger like you.

'What was that? I am a warmonger? You pitiful excuse for a system! Can't even give me upgrades or anything!'

>I can make maps, contact others, measure stats, and most importantly I am cute!'

'haah, whatever, just never mind. Just please give me the list.


1. mage - one who uses magic from within

2. scholar - studies the world, non-fighter

3. researcher - non-fighter, similar to the scholar, but uses science

4. alchemist - a cross between science and magic

5. Programmer - how, just how

'What is a programmer in this world?'

>See my value now? I want an apology!

'What, why should I?' ... 'Fine. I am. Sorry. There, happy?'

>Good enough. A programmer in this world is normally useless, but with your vision skill you can create new spells! But, before you chose that you should know that the class is unique and I know very little. The class will most likely have little physical power, defense, or any other stats. There is a unique class that you might like.

'Why didn't you tell me sooner?'

>Plot development. 'Heroic Scholar' - unknown class, subclass of scholar, researcher, mage, sorcerer, and others. The class is bound together by 'programmer'. The user loses the ability to create spells easily. In exchange physical stats are higher. The user cannot use standard magic spells without analysis. WARNING: USER CANNOT CHANGE THIS CLASS

'I can't change my class? So if I wanted to become a knight?'

>You can't. Some later regret a class and can change them at the cost of a complete level reset. You on the other hand will be bound to this one via the soul. I know the least about this class though. Most come from something you learned in life. Like a chef learned how to cook or a knight can fight. The class is like a medal of accomplishment. This class however should not even exist for someone like you. The 'programmer' class tying it together is only half true. A class can be given by someone powerful, a king can gift a knight power for example. This is a class given by someone above a normal human, like the adorable cat at the guild, athough it wasn't from Mavros. It feels different.

'That sounds dangerous and like something out of a film.' 'Let's do it."

>Consider this first! This will be bound to your soul! THE GOD-LIKE BEING COULD DO WHATEVER THEY WANT!

'If they're that powerful they could do it anyway. I chose to be a 'Heroic Scholar'.


A golden light started enveloping Filia.