
Princess Assassin

Check out my new book "Fangless: The Alpha's Vampire Mate", which participates in Cupid's Quill. Please support me by adding the book to your library, voting, and commenting :D *** This story is slow-burn to show the characters' desires and emotions properly. The ML will appear in Chapter 28. If you'd like to skip the earlier chapters, you can go ahead to Chapter 28, where the main story begins. Chapters 1-28 give a glimpse of Yohana's life before she's resurrected in Runa's body. They also contain hints for several mysteries, but not major ones that would disrupt your reading flow. ___ [updated daily] Yohana, a skilled and relentless assassin, is killed after eliminating a prostitute. But she returns from the dead and finds herself in the body of the prostitute, who turns out to be the former princess. Now Yohana must unravel the mystery of her death while navigating high society as she assumes a new identity. As she uncovers the truth, she faces unexpected allies, enemies, and love, challenging her at every step. ___ Instagram: merakiconstellation Discord: merakifiction Join my discord channel here https://discord.gg/dgHBGW84

merakifiction · Fantasy
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480 Chs


The red district area, typically quiet and deserted during the day, experienced an unprecedented flurry of activity.

On this particular day, the narrow alleyways of the red district buzzed with an angry mob. They rampaged through the streets, vandalizing every establishment in their path and demanding to see people's identities.

It appeared that they were searching for something—or someone.

"We know she is here!"

"Release her immediately, or we will set your place ablaze!"

"Surrender her or forfeit your business!"

Men and women clad in worn, commoner attire wielded sticks, thick branches, kitchen knives, and any makeshift tools they could find to unleash destruction.

Shop signs in the red district were violently torn down, and doors were forcibly kicked open.

Owners and employees were abruptly awakened from their slumber, some of them forcibly expelled from their establishments and left naked. They stood in a state of shock and humiliation, unable to comprehend the unfolding chaos.

Among them was Madam Geneviere, an owner compelled to join the crowd on the street and witness the unsettling scene.

In the midst of the turmoil, a member of the mob brandished a torn piece of paper, on which derogatory words were scrawled in large letters: 'The former princess is now a whore.'

Madam Geneviere was taken aback, her senses reeling as she fought against the overwhelming urge to faint.

Desperately, she feigned indifference, attempting to convince herself that none of the commotions affected her. Keeping a close watch, she trailed behind the mob as they inspected Nanty Narking.

"There's nothing of interest here," she quavered, her voice trembling.

"Oh, really? Then why are you cowering like a thief?" jeered a male commoner, cornering Madam Geneviere until she had no space to retreat.

Fear gripped her, terrified that they would uncover the whereabouts of the princess. "It's morning, and your intrusion has disrupted my sleep. How can I be composed under such circumstances?"

Intentionally, Madam Geneviere assumed an angry facade, stomping her feet defiantly on the floor, deliberately disheveling her hair and tightening her nightgown around her body. "What? Are you lusting after an old woman like me?"

The man snorted dismissively and departed, while others continued to roam within Nanty Narking.

The girls, including Miss Alice, were forcefully evicted from their rooms. Miss Alice stifled her tears, seeking refuge behind Madam Geneviere in trembling fear.

Rubbing her shoulders soothingly, Madam Geneviere assured the young woman, "It's alright. We haven't done anything wrong. There's nothing to fear."

Another male commoner approached Madam Geneviere. His demeanor was seemingly mild, yet he carried a cleaver in his hand. She held her breath, feeling a surge of anxiety as the man drew nearer.

"Where is she, ma'am?" he inquired, his voice deep and oddly sweet. Under different circumstances, she might have regarded him favorably and invited him to partake in the services of her finest girls.

However, in the current situation, no matter how sugary his words were, the madam could only perceive him as a barbarian.

She swallowed hard, mustering her courage, and responded, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"There's no one here!" a female commoner shouted, having completed a thorough search of each of the girls' rooms, including the madam's own chamber.

Madam Geneviere remained inside Nanty Narking until the very last member of the mob left. She locked eyes with the first man, her gaze sharp and defiant, silently conveying that he had no power over her since he had found nothing within the premises.

"Tsk!" he grunted, delivering a punch to the Nanty Narking sign before storming away in frustration.


After the angry mob had finally left the red district, Madam Geneviere hurried to see the princess in the secret room. It appeared that the princess was already aware of the commotion.

"Your Highness, are you alright?" she asked, approaching the princess who stood by the window.

Before the princess could respond, Madam Geneviere swiftly closed the window and issued a warning. "Please forgive my insolence, but it would be best for you to avoid the window for now."

"What has happened?" the princess inquired.

"I'm not sure but it seems that someone has revealed your location. These people are demanding to see you, and it could be dangerous if they discover this place. I will go to the town square and gather more information," Madam Geneviere explained with concern in her voice.

Before leaving, Madam Geneviere once again emphasized the importance of the princess exercising extra caution given the volatile nature of the situation.


Madam Geneviere, walking alone to the town square, found the usual hustle and bustle of business. She scanned the area for anything suspicious and noticed a group of people gathered in front of the news board.

Making her way through the crowd, she reached out and took the paper that was nailed to the board. It was the same paper the commoner had shown her earlier.

Waving the paper in the air, she asked the crowd, "Do you believe these words?"

The responses varied, but the majority admitted they were unsure.

Madam Geneviere continued, "To me, this is simply someone trying to incite chaos. Haven't you heard about the riots happening in the neighboring kingdoms?"

As she spoke, the crowd began to nod in agreement, seeing the possible connections she was pointing out.

Madam Geneviere exuded a charismatic aura as she continued to shape the group's opinion. "Our kingdom is currently undergoing a crucial transitional phase, a time of great significance.

"We must remain vigilant, as there are individuals with nefarious intentions who seek to exploit this momentous occasion and undermine the very foundation of our kingdom."

Satisfied that she had successfully influenced the crowd in the town square, Madam Geneviere took it upon herself to remove every offending paper she could find, even those scattered on the ground.

As she crumpled the papers in her hand, she muttered in frustration, "What a waste! These papers could have provided warmth on a cold night."

She approached vendors in the vicinity, inquiring if they had seen anyone responsible for posting these illicit posters.

Based on the information she gathered, it appeared to be the work of multiple individuals, suggesting the involvement of an organization working behind the scenes.


Before Nanty Narking opened for business, Madam Geneviere returned to Yohana and shared the information she had gathered during her brief investigation.

As the red district saw its usual activity of passersby, streetwalkers, and potential customers, Yohana found herself lost in deep contemplation.

Madam Geneviere reassured her, emphasizing that only those who supported her were aware of this secret hiding place.

Nevertheless, the fact that the location had been leaked to another party raised the unsettling possibility of a spy among the princess' supporters. Yohana couldn't completely dismiss the idea.

However, she also had to consider the alternative possibility: that the perpetrator deliberately orchestrated this event to sow seeds of doubt and fracture the princess' circle of loyalists from within.

There were several underground organizations Yohana was aware of. One of them was the Rotschild, which consisted of loyalists from the previous monarchy.

Yohana couldn't think of any reason why the Rotschild would attack someone they supported. Setting that possibility aside, she turned her attention to other ideas.

Another notorious underground organization that had been a constant thorn in the government's side was the Black Rose Society.

While the Black Rose Society was known for pursuing justice even through illegal means, it was possible that they leaked the princess' location because they believed she should face a fair trial, much like her parents.

Among all the organizations, one stood out in this scenario: the Ancient Humans. Unlike the other organizations, this one remained shrouded in mystery. They had a tendency to create chaos without concern for their organization's reputation.

Yohana couldn't comprehend the purpose of the Ancient Humans organization, making it difficult for her to rule out their involvement. Thus far, their actions appeared to be desultory and anarchic.

She fell asleep, pondering each option, considering every angle, motive, and piece of evidence.

With everything on her mind, she couldn't sleep well. She tossed and turned, frequently waking up in the middle of the night. Every little sound seemed to jolt her awake.

Suddenly, she heard an unusual rustling sound coming from her door. It wasn't the time for Madam Geneviere to visit her, as it was business hours.

From the heaviness of the footsteps, Yohana deduced that the intruder was a male. Judging by his clumsy entry, he appeared to be an amateur infiltrator. Keeping her eyes wide open, Yohana quietly slid down from the bed, feigning ignorance of his presence.

She stealthily reached for a letter opener from the drawer of her dressing table, a precaution she had taken for such situations. With caution, she tried to sense the exact location of the male intruder.

Suddenly, Yohana swiftly turned around, hoping to catch him off guard. However, he was quicker and tightly grabbed her wrist, causing the letter opener to slip from her hand.

He tightened his grip on her neck, pressing her against the wall. Yohana attempted to strike his thick hands, but her efforts proved futile as her body was unaccustomed to such physical confrontation.

Desperate, she flailed her arms, searching for a way to counterattack. The man's teeth were clenched in a display of intense anger.

Trapped in his firm grasp, Yohana couldn't break free or call for help. She was immobilized, trapped in a potentially lethal position.

Finally, seizing a moment when the man extended his arm, Yohana used her fingers to jab at his eyes. As he recoiled in pain, she dropped to the ground, coughing and struggling to catch her breath.

Blinding her assailant had bought Yohana some freedom of movement, even as he regained control of himself.

Seizing a nearby poker, she struck the back of his head, causing him to collapse unconscious. Yohana swiftly tied his hands and legs with a rope, intending to await Madam Geneviere's arrival before deciding on what to do next.