
Princess Assassin

Check out my new book "Fangless: The Alpha's Vampire Mate", which participates in Cupid's Quill. Please support me by adding the book to your library, voting, and commenting :D *** This story is slow-burn to show the characters' desires and emotions properly. The ML will appear in Chapter 28. If you'd like to skip the earlier chapters, you can go ahead to Chapter 28, where the main story begins. Chapters 1-28 give a glimpse of Yohana's life before she's resurrected in Runa's body. They also contain hints for several mysteries, but not major ones that would disrupt your reading flow. ___ [updated daily] Yohana, a skilled and relentless assassin, is killed after eliminating a prostitute. But she returns from the dead and finds herself in the body of the prostitute, who turns out to be the former princess. Now Yohana must unravel the mystery of her death while navigating high society as she assumes a new identity. As she uncovers the truth, she faces unexpected allies, enemies, and love, challenging her at every step. ___ Instagram: merakiconstellation Discord: merakifiction Join my discord channel here https://discord.gg/dgHBGW84

merakifiction · Fantasy
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480 Chs

An Accusation 

Count Yannik received news of the alleged affair between his brother and his wife. A maid claimed to have witnessed the countess frequently visiting Isaak's residence without her ladies-in-waiting.

He made his way to Countess Augusta's chamber, where he was met by Miss Natali at the door. "I apologize, My Lord, but Her Ladyship is currently unwilling to receive visitors," she informed him.

Count Yannik forcefully pushed the door open and entered the chamber, ignoring the previous refusal. "This is my house, and I have the right to be anywhere within this castle, including this chamber," he declared firmly.

There, he found his wife sitting on the couch, appearing dazed. Despite her condition and her apparent protest against eating, she was adorned in a beautiful dress, her hair was impeccably styled, and she even wore makeup.

"Augusta, tell me the truth about your involvement with my brother!" he demanded, seeking the truth.

The countess made no effort to greet her husband. Instead, she collapsed to the ground, inching toward Count Yannik's feet, and wailed, "My Lord, I'm afraid to say this, but Sir Isaak has raped me and made threats against me."

Count Yannik's eyes widened in shock. "Say that again!" he demanded, his tone filled with disbelief.

"Please have mercy on me, My Lord. I would never do anything to tarnish your reputation," Countess Augusta pleaded, gripping onto Count Yannik's ankle, her desperation evident.

He crouched down, his grip tightening on her arms. "Augusta, look at me! Augusta! Are you telling the truth? Do you understand the consequences if you ever lie about this?" he asked, his voice filled with intensity.

She nodded, her shoulders slumping. "I wouldn't dare lie to you, My Lord," she whispered, her voice filled with resignation.

"I will not forgive him," Count Yannik seethed, his teeth clenched in anger.

He stood up, but Countess Augusta held him back, concern etched on her face. "My Lord, where are you going?" she asked anxiously.

"I'm going to confront my brother and hold him accountable for what he's done. I will not allow him to trample over me and my wife like this. It's humiliating and traumatizing for you," he declared with determination.

The countess appeared agitated as she pleaded, "Wait, My Lord. Are you going to confront him about this?"

"Yes, Countess. Don't worry, everything will be alright," reassured Count Yannik as he gently released her grip.

However, she resisted, shaking her head frantically. "Please, don't, My Lord. Please..." she pleaded.

"Don't be afraid, Countess. He will pay for his sins. I will protect you," Count Yannik assured her, planting a tender kiss on her forehead. He then left the chamber, leaving the countess on the floor, overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty.


Upon hearing Countess Augusta's distressing confession, Count Yannik wasted no time and promptly summoned Isaak to the castle, revealing the grave reason for the summons.

As Isaak arrived, it was evident to Count Yannik that his brother was visibly shaken. Egon, standing faithfully by his side, was constantly checking on his well-being. Count Yannik even felt compelled to inquire if Isaak was unwell.

However, Isaak dismissed any concerns and expressed his eagerness to address the matter and find a resolution.

"I fail to comprehend your accusation, brother," Isaak stated, his confusion evident in his voice.

"The question is simple: Did you or did you not rape my wife?" Count Yannik's voice held unwavering resolve.

He had no desire to dwell on this matter for long, as it was deeply humiliating. If he deemed his brother guilty, Count Yannik would not hesitate to send him to prison.

Without hesitation, Isaak replied, "The answer is no."

"Allow me to interject, Count. Isn't it hasty to accept the words of a distraught woman without further investigation?" Egon offered his perspective.

Count Yannik glared at him, but deep down, he knew he should give his brother the benefit of the doubt. "Can you provide evidence of your innocence?"

Isaak started to speak but then hesitated, lost in his thoughts. Once again, Egon stepped forward to advocate on Isaak's behalf. "Count, may I have a moment to speak?"

Count Yannik exhaled. He nodded, granting permission. "Yes, you may speak."

"No, let me. I should be the one to speak," Isaak interrupted, assuring his advisor that he was capable of handling this weighty task. He took a deep breath before continuing, "I have been captivated by the countess' beauty for some time. However, knowing that she is happy in your arms, I never acted upon my feelings."

Isaak nervously fidgeted with his fingers, pausing briefly before proceeding, "But she began to confide in me. It pained me to see her upset, so I tried to offer my support."

Count Yannik pressed, "Did she visit you?"

"Yes, she did. Several times. Initially, I listened to her as a brother-in-law would, but things began to change," Isaak's voice trembled.

Count Yannik narrowed his eyes, suppressing his anger as he visualized his wife being embraced by another man. Worse yet, it was his own brother. "So you forced yourself on her simply because she confided in you?"

"No!" Isaak leaned forward, agitated. "You may find it hard to believe, but it was consensual. In fact, she initiated it. She threw herself at me. I knew I should have resisted, but considering my feelings for her and the circumstances at the time, I was swept up in the moment."

Count Yannik let out a mocking chuckle. "Do you honestly expect me to believe that?"

"Brother, if I had truly done such a despicable thing, why would she willingly come to visit me again? If she were afraid of me, why would she come and even spend a night at my residence?" Isaak pleaded with his brother to believe him.

"You could have threatened her," Count Yannik replied, recalling Countess Augusta's words.

"Why would I stoop so low? I am not capable of such actions," Isaak retorted, but he had no evidence to support his claim. It was his word against hers.

"I do recall seeing a red mark on your neck the morning after she spent the night with you," Egon chimed in. "Would someone who was raped leave a mark like that on her rapist? It appeared to me that she... enjoyed—"

"Sir Egon! Mind your tongue. While my wife may cause trouble, she is still the lady of this house. Show respect when speaking of her, as long as she remains my lawful wife," Count Yannik snapped.

"I apologize, My Lord," Egon said, lowering his gaze.

Once Count Yannik regained his composure, he added, "Furthermore, what motive would my wife have to lie about this? What does she stand to gain by seducing you?"

"I was her only hope in exposing the former princess," Isaak explained.

Suddenly, it occurred to Count Yannik that there was a possibility of Countess Augusta's accusation being false. "The Royal Gazette," Count Yannik interrupted Isaak's narrative, as he began to piece together the timeline of events.

"Yes, I had explicitly warned her not to reveal her true identity, but she disregarded my advice. I took a considerable risk by complying with her request, but she was adamant," Isaak explained.

The memory of Countess Augusta's stubbornness resurfaced in Count Yannik's mind. It was not difficult to imagine her manipulating Isaak to introduce her to Karsten.

"Shouldn't you have known better?" Count Yannik's jaw tightened as he spoke. He had expected his noble-born brother to have a clearer understanding of the situation and to know when to draw the line.

Isaak bowed his head low, consumed by remorse for his actions. "It is indeed my fault, and I deeply regret it. Unfortunately, the deed is done, and I cannot undo it."

Count Yannik rubbed his temples, growing increasingly frustrated as this problem escalated. "Very well. If you are confident in your version of events, I will bring this matter to court. The court will provide you with the necessary details.

"You must understand that during the trial, I will remain impartial. Despite being my brother and a member of the Berger family, I will not offer any assistance."

"I understand, brother. I will take my leave now and prepare for the trial," Isaak said, rising from his seat and exiting the chamber with Egon.


As Isaak worked on gathering evidence to prove his innocence, an unexpected visitor arrived at his residence. Egon, wearing a sour expression, announced, "Miss Natali wishes to speak with you."

Miss Natali was perhaps the only person who knew the truth. She was aware that the countess had visited Isaak willingly, going to great lengths to see him. Isaak hoped that Miss Natali could provide a testimony that would be beneficial to his case.

However, it soon became clear that the purpose of Miss Natali's visit was solely to aid the countess. "Sir, I implore you to reconsider your statements," she pleaded. "The countess is not doing well. She refuses to eat and is growing increasingly thin. I fear she may perish if this continues."

Isaak couldn't believe his ears. "Did the countess send you?"

"Sir, I beg you to show mercy to the countess. She has no one else but you now," Miss Natali continued to plead.

"What is it that you want?" Isaak wondered what scheme the countess had concocted now.

"Could you please claim that you did indeed rape her?" Miss Natali asked in a hushed tone, a hint of her own uncertainty in her voice.