
Primordial Magic Academy

Sirius was transmigrated into a Magical Fantasy World with his previous life's memories intact. The Fantasy World, Zenix, had Humans, Elves, Demons, Dragons, Faes and even Angels living there. After transmigrating, Sirius awakened the Primordial Academy System, and created the Primordial Magic Academy. From accepting the first student, Sirius turned the Primordial Magic Academy from an unknown school to the strongest organization in the Universe. Gods, Demon Gods, Immortals and even the Undead wanted to enter Primordial Magic Academy. However, only the most talented juniors in the universe could enter the Academy. During all of this, Sirius grew stronger and stronger with the help of the System, becoming the strongest in the Universe. Watch Sirius's adventures as in the Mythological World of Zenix as he turns the Primordial Magic Academy into the strongest organization, slaying all his enemies on the way to becoming the strongest of them all while gaining valuable allies. ( There will be SMUT )

StrikerAuthor · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Student Hunt

2 Years Later!

The Luxurious City encompassing the Primordial Magic Academy, that Sirius had amply named 'Primordial Magic City' was currently in a serene state. It was currently the Winter Season in the Zenix Continent, which meant that snow was falling. Snowflakes fell from the sky and littered the City's floor and roofs of the various buildings.

While Primordial Magic City was being flooded with snow, inside Sirius' luxurious personal training room, a unique occurrence was happening.


Loud Sonic Booms echoed from the Training Room as the Mana within the building grew unstable. The Mana was exceptionally pure, purer than anywhere else in Zenix and it was still rampaging wildly. If one were to look inside the room, one would be able to see Sirius sitting down in the lotus position cultivating. He was currently experiencing a Breakthrough, which caused the Mana within his Home to rampage, his blue hair began glowing like a Rainbow and various patterns and tattoos emitting a Chaotic, Primordial Aura appeared on his body.


One more loud boom echoed throughout the room and Sirius opened his [ INSERT ] color eyes, looking around as the rampaging Mana slowly grew calmer and calmer until it returned to peacefully existing in the environment.

"Finally, the 50th Step." Sirius said with a sigh of relief. It had been 2 years since he had established the Primordial Magic Academy and the City was constructed by the System, and not much had changed.

Sirius had taken the System's advice and decided not to accept any new students. Putting his focus instead on cultivating and growing stronger. Due to this, Sirius had Cultivated all the way to the 50th Step of the Divine Steps Mana Realm ( SSS RANK ). While reaching this Mana Realm in 1 year seemed near impossible, using all the resources given by the System, alongside his Personal Talent and cultivating in a Time Chamber, this was a normal pace.

In fact, Sirius could've cultivated to a much Higher Mana Realm, but focused on building a perfect, impenetrable foundation and stability, so he intentionally suppressed some of his Breakthroughs to make himself much MUCH stronger in the long run.

Alongside this fact, Sirius had also taken the time to read almost every book in the City's luxurious Library. At the start, he had primarily focused on Books related to Mana Theory and Application, various types of Monsters & Beasts, types of plants and herbs, Mana Formations and combat styles and techniques. However his brain power was exceptionally high even compared to beings in this world, so Sirius ended up reading almost everything he could.

Now that 2 years had passed, and he was more than sufficiently powerful to challenge almost anyone in the world, Sirius decided it was time to finally begin accepting students into the Academy. Sirius didn't want to unnecessarily create conflict, but he knew that as long as he was strong enough and influential enough, conflict would come calling, so he prepared everything he needed to before beginning to accept students.

Sirius swiftly used a Spell to clean himself of any potential filth on him after a breakthrough, and then pulled out a luxurious hooded-cloak out of his System Inventory. The Cloak had the effect of blocking Sirius' face so persons wouldn't know what he looked like unless he allowed them to see through the disguise, and had multiple defensive Mana Formations on them to protect Sirius to the point where even a Demi-God ( EX Rank ) would be unable to hurt Sirius in any way, shape or form.

"Now that I'm ready, lets begin exploring. I'll start with some Human Settlements." Sirius said. While many races controlled land especially in the four ( 4 ) cardinal directions, Humans still maintained the majority of land, and thus it would be much more likely for Sirius to find potential students there.

Saying that, Sirius vanished, beginning his Student Hunt!


Far Far Far Away from the Primordial Magic City was a large Capital City where Sirius had arrived. Sirius had explored all throughout Zenix, but had been unable to find someone talented enough, or with a strong enough will and determination to become Students of his academy.

Now Zenix had arrived in a City called Spirit Beast City, called that due to the fact the City held the Spirit Beast Academy, the #1 Academy in Zenix when it came to handling Spirit Beasts.

Having the talent to become a Spirit Beast Master was much more rare than simply having the Talent for Mana Cultivation, but the roads they went on were different. While Mana Cultivators cultivated themselves to become strong, Spirit Beast Masters cultivated their Spirit Beasts, and received a feedback of strength.

In the long run, both sides were immensely powerful and could not be underestimated, but it would take immense resources to take one path, let alone both, which is why only the immensely rich and influential families had their Descendants become both Spirit Beast Masters and Mana Cultivators.

Sirius had arrived at Spirit Beast City because he heard the Academy's Entrance Examination was happening, and he wanted to oversee the Examination to see any potential talents the Academy might've missed.

"With my senses now, I could feel the density of the Mana in the City is millions of times worse than in Primordial Magic City." Sirius whispered to himself as he arrived in the City.

He quickly looked away from the bustling city and instead focused on the examination ground located in a massive specialized Arena.

The examination ground was bustling with activity as children had come from all over the world to try their luck at becoming a Student of the Spirit Beast Academy.

Sirius simply went and sat on a ledge on the roof of the Arena, overseeing everything. Of course, he turned himself invisible and hid his aura, making sure no-one would be able to sense him and then began to inspect the Entrance Examination.

The Entrance Examination started off simple as the Students simply needed to create a Spirit Beast Space based off of the instructions given by the teachers who oversaw the examinations.

A Spirit Beast Space was simply a special Dimension which held the various Spirit Beasts someone contracted. However, there were different qualities. A low quality Spirit Beast Space might even hamper the Beast's growth and health, while a high quality one would allow the Beast to grow quickly and stably, thus it was immensely important.

Sirius inspected the various aspiring students, who were sitting in the lotus position and tried to create a Spirit Beast Space. Of course, not all students were equal, there were some students whom, due to their Rich Families, had already created Spirit Beast Spaces and even contracted a Talented Beast, and was allowed to skip the Entrance Examination.

Sirius could see the various teachers beginning to remove certain students from the examination. These students were obviously not too talented, and would never be able to enter the Academy.

During this, Sirius' eyes landed on a peculiar subject. Unlike everyone else dressed well enough, this young man had ragged, blood soaked clothing, as if he had just exited a war. The most interesting part was the fact that although he looked poor, he had previously had a extremely strong Spirit Beast Space in the past, and even contracted a very Talented Spirit Beast, however, Sirius could tell that his Beasts were all killed, and his Beast Space was forcefully destroyed by someone else.

The Young Man was intensely concentrating and trying to reforge his Beast Space, but Sirius could tell it was a lost cause. Whoever had destroyed it had done it in a way that without a Strong Powerhouse helping him, the Young Man would have no chance of every recovering his talent, no matter how hard he worked.

Eventually, a Teacher came and dragged the Young Man out, tossing him outside the gates of the Academy and the Arena, much to his dismay.

"Hahah, Did you really think you could enter the Spirit Beast Academy? No longer are you the Cherished Son of the Sharp Family, now you're just a clown who was crippled by Zion Pendragon." A young voice, similar in age to the Young Man echoed from behind him, and the blood soaked Young Man simply ran away.

"Think you can run? Guards, KILL HIM!" The Voice said, and a Multitude of Guards all at the Mana GrandMaster Realm ( B Rank ) began relentlessly chasing after the crippled Young Man.

After inspecting the situation, Sirius found out what was actually happening. It turned out the crippled young man was called Ezreal Sharp, from a relatively Mid Tier Family called the Sharp Family. He had possessed a Top Tier Talent for Spirit Beasts, as he was able to contract 2 beasts every big breakthrough, compared to the 1 Beast of most others.

Thus, he was cultivated by the Sharp Family religiously. Unfortunately, during one of his excursions, he met Zion Richards, the Heir to the Pendragon Family, one of the 3 Strongest Human Families in Zenix.

Even though Ezreal made an effort to not offend Zion, the Pendragon's arrogance lead him to kill all of the clanmates and guards alongside Ezreal, before slaughtering all his beasts one by one in front of him and crippling him.

After Ezreal managed to barely return to his family, instead of helping him rebuild his foundation, his family banished Ezreal, not wanting to be associated with someone who offended the Pendragon Heir, and now many former rivals were looking to kill Ezreal now that he was weak.

"ARGG!" A knife slashed through Ezreal's leg, leaving him falling to the ground as the various Guards caught up with him, ready to chop him dead.

"Phoenix Embrace." Sirius' deep voice echoed throughout the abandoned street of the City, the flames of a phoenix gushing out and rampaging throughout the street, immediately enveloping the various Guards and burning them to ash instantly.

"!?" Shocked by the sudden emergence of the flames that burnt his enemies, Ezreal had his eyes widened, getting slightly hopeful.

A purple spacial portal appeared in front of Ezreal and out stepped Sirius, the hood of the cloak off allowing Ezreal to see his handsome face.

"If you come with me kid. I'll allow you to become a Student in my Academy, where you can easily grow strong enough and defeat whoever crippled you in the future." Sirius said in a confident tone, but it was the truth. He knew any student who attended his Academy would grow into powerhouses.

"A-Are you really willing to accept me? You said it yourself, I'm crippled now." Ezreal sounded hopeful but also doubtful. He himself knew how grievous the injuries he sustained was, and knew there was a slim to none chance he could ever become a Spirit Beast Master or Mana Cultivator ever again.

"Of course. You think someone like me doesn't have the tools to solve that problem?" Sirius said, waving his hand and opening another Spacial Gate.

"That gate leads to the School, you can enter it and wait there till I return with more students." Sirius said, looking into Ezreal's eyes to see his decision.

There, Sirius could see a burning fire ignite in the eyes of the young man, a fire of will and determination, a fire showing his desire for power, desire to get revenge on those who wronged him.

"I accept!" Ezreal said, and bravely dragged himself through the portal, and now,

Sirius had found his 1st Student!