
Primordial Magic Academy

Sirius was transmigrated into a Magical Fantasy World with his previous life's memories intact. The Fantasy World, Zenix, had Humans, Elves, Demons, Dragons, Faes and even Angels living there. After transmigrating, Sirius awakened the Primordial Academy System, and created the Primordial Magic Academy. From accepting the first student, Sirius turned the Primordial Magic Academy from an unknown school to the strongest organization in the Universe. Gods, Demon Gods, Immortals and even the Undead wanted to enter Primordial Magic Academy. However, only the most talented juniors in the universe could enter the Academy. During all of this, Sirius grew stronger and stronger with the help of the System, becoming the strongest in the Universe. Watch Sirius's adventures as in the Mythological World of Zenix as he turns the Primordial Magic Academy into the strongest organization, slaying all his enemies on the way to becoming the strongest of them all while gaining valuable allies. ( There will be SMUT )

StrikerAuthor · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Commencing Academy Operations!

Three ( 3 ) Days Later!

Three Days had passed since Sirius had accepted Ezreal Sharp as his first student, and a lot of changes had occurred since then. After teleporting Ezreal to the Primordial Magic City, Sirius continued exploring Zenix, searching all over the world for young persons whom he believed to be worthy of becoming students of Primordial Magic Academy. The System had essentially allowed Sirius to create his own criteria for students, and so he did.

For prospective students, they had to:

1 - Have a good Moral Compass

2 - Experienced or understand the cruelty of the world

3 - Be willing to kill their enemies without a 2nd thought.

4 - Have a willingness and desire to learn and obtain power.

Sirius had other criteria, but he believed that these were the 4 Major Ones. Sirius didn't want any of his future students going out wantonly slaughtering and murdering even innocents, thus he made sure all the students whom he accepted had a proper moral compass. He also didn't want any of his future students to be easily manipulated, or too naive, so they must have some understanding of experience of how cruel and unforgiving the world of Zenix can be, and be willing to kill their enemies without hesitation if need be.

Using this criteria for accepting students, Sirius swept through the entirety of Zenix looking for prospective students. At this point, it could be said that Sirius had passed by almost every major inhabited landmark in the entirety of Zenix in the search for suitable students and he had found a couple of people whom passed all of his criteria indeed.

Firstly, Sirius had came across a pair of female twins called Alexia and Alexis, both of whom were 16 years old. Sirius had found them in the Western Part of Zenix Continent during his exploration. Strangely enough, neither of them had any recollection of their memories from before they turned 12 years old. Every time they tried to recall that memory, it was a massive blur. Sirius presumed they needed to become stronger to tap into their memories.

He had simply found running away from danger. The twins had already begun their journey in Mana Cultivation, but were relatively week and had caught the eyes of others who wanted to force the twins to join their organizations. Sirius had simply killed all the enemies and accepted Alexis and Alexia as students, teleporting them back to Primordial Magic City just like he teleported Ezreal back.

Not too long after, Sirius had stumbled upon his 3rd student, an Angel! It was well known that almost all Angels resided in the Heavenly City located in the North of Zenix, and very rarely left that City aside from to conduct diplomatic relations or to send their kids to the well known Academies throughout Zenix. However, this Angel was unique.

According to what Sirius understood, her mother was one of the most talented Juniors in her Generation, but had made a fatal mistake and fell in love with a Royal Demon, leading her mother to be captured and sealed away and for her to be kicked out of the Heavenly City.

Sirius had stumbled upon her after finding her kidnapped by an Organization. It was well known that Angels were the embodiment of the Light and Holy Element, and thus, body parts and organs of an Angel, such as their Wings, bones and especially, their Heart, were massively beneficial to anyone venturing into Light and Holy Magic.

There was an entire underworld smuggling ring dedicated to smuggling the body parts of rare and exotic beings and selling them off, and this young angel was going to be a victim of it if Sirius had not saved her. After saving her, Sirius sent her, who was called Gabriella, to the Primordial Magic City.

The Next Student who Sirius had accepted was a Demon, in fact, it was a Demon Prince. However, this Demon Prince had lived a terrible life. When he was born, he was immediately brought into a massive political conflict due to his talent. It would've been fine if he was an untalented, useless Prince. However, this Prince, called Azazel, had happened to be one of the most talented Prince's seen in recent history. This had made him a massive target for his brothers, particularly the Crown Prince at the time, especially since Azazel had relatively no backing. His mother was just a weak concubine who had been assassinated when he was 3 years old.

The family of his brothers and sisters made life excruciatingly difficult for him, robbing him of resources, starving him of servants and food, destroying his personal training facilities. Eventually, it came to a head when his only Maid was killed, and Azazel escaped the Demon Empire, vowing to get his revenge. During his escape, Sirius had found him being chased by dozens of enemies whom were determined to kill him and "Cut off this loose end." As they put it, but Sirius had saved him and brought him back to the Primordial Magic City.

This was Sirius' 5th student, and he decided that 5 students was more than enough for him to officially begin his school. With that in mind, Sirius stopped exploring and swiftly returned to the Primordial Magic City. As Sirius arrived in Primordial Magic City, he immediately released his Mana Sense to check on his various students.

He could tell that each of them were still currently situated within their personal dormitories where Sirius had previously teleported them. He could tell that some of them had spent their time cultivated, while others took the time to explore Primordial Magic City and all of its various features.

"Gather Round Students!" Sirius' voice echoed from the Primordial Magic Academy's Hall. At that instant, every single one of the 5 students heard Sirius' voice. It didn't matter if they were in a noise cancelling training room, or they were sleeping, Sirius' booming and authoritative voice rang out immediately in their minds.

All of them instantly stopped what they were doing and headed to the library. To them, Sirius was their Principal, the person who had potentially given them what they dreamed of, and they knew it would be idiotic to miss this opportunity.

Not too long after, all 5 students could be seen sitting in the Academy's Hall, looking around curiously as they inspected their classmates, and were amicable with each-other, but didn't go out of their ways to be massively friendly.

Sirius could be seen on the stage waiting for them to settle down, the lights in the Hall all off, leaving the Hall in a blanket of darkness with the exception of a spotlight placed on the stage which illuminated Sirius, who was standing there confidently assessing his students and their interactions with each-other.

"I know all of you are curious about your new classmates. In truth, each and every one of you were hand-picked by me out of billions of other potential students. These last few days, I had explored almost the entirety of Zenix, and you 5 are whom I have chosen to be the First 5 Students I will accept into my Academy. You all will be trained with the most extensive resources imaginable, whether that be teachings. Herbs, pills, potions, weapons and more. As long as you perform well, resources will be given to you. And you all have 1 GOAL. Be the Best! Get stronger, strive to be the Strongest, the Smartest, the Most Efficient. Primordial Magic Academy doesn't train scrubs, we train Future Gods!"

Sirius words echoed throughout the entire Academy Hall and into each and every one of the student's ears.

All five ( 5 ) of the students could feel their blood boiling, their Heart pumping and their determination skyrocketing. They wanted to be just like Sirius, who was exceptionally powerful, immensely intelligent, and they all affirmed right here that they would al put in the immense work needed to become the Future Gods Sirius desired they become.

Meanwhile, Sirius was currently paying attention to a System notification that popped up in his mind.

[ Congratulations to the Host for admitting their First 5 Students and officially commencing Academy Operations. The Host will be given the following rewards: ]

[ Reward - 1 Divine Gift Package for Each Student ]

[ Reward - 5 Demi-God Level Teachers ]

[ Reward - Goddess Of War Tower ]

[ Reward - 50 Chaos Apple Seeds ]

[ Reward - Primordial Battle Knowledge! ]

Sirius read the rewards, bringing out the Divine Gift Package tailored for each individual student and tossing the remaining rewards into the back of his mind, deciding to open and inspect them after he had finishing this assembly.

"Once you return to each of your rooms, there will be a booklet with every detail about how the Academy works, from your Class Schedule, to the Points System, a detailed explanation of all the Academy's features, and much much more. Please take your time to read it, as classes begin first thing tomorrow. Now, please come onto the stage 1 by 1 so I can give you a gift to help on your journey.

Sirius said, and a sudden silence descended upon the Hall. In truth, all 5 of them immediately wanted to dash onto the stage and accept the gift promised by Sirius, but they were all just nervous about what would happen. Eventually after an awkward silence, Ezreal stood up bravely and walked onto the stage in front of Sirius, bowing respectfully before awaiting his gift.

Sirius opened the First of the Divine Gift Packages for Students, a cluster of rainbow colored light immediately gathering in his hand, blinding anyone and everyone who dared look at it. The cluster of light seemed unfathomably powerful, and even Sirius could feel the intense power gathered within it could definitely kill him if they System had not shielded him. Immediately, Sirius tapped Ezreal's forehead, and the rainbow light flashed into his body. Immediately, Ezreal's body began flashing in all sorts of different colors, and a painful expression grew onto his face.

"Don't fight against the Gift. Accept it and then you can begin your journey to Godhood!" Sirius said, and Ezreal gritted his teeth and nodded. He could feel every single bone in his body snapping, breaking and reforging constantly. Ezreal felt all the impurities in his body washing away, all his life endangering injuries healing.

He could feel his body being filled with an unfathomable power that cleansed him and strengthened his foundation to the max. Additionally, Sirius felt he was ready to finally restart his Mana Cultivation Journey.

Meanwhile, Sirius was looking at all of this, and inspecting the effects of the Rainbow Colored light on his Student.

[ Student Ezreal has obtained the Primordial Beast Master Physique! ]

[ Student Ezreal has obtained the Bloodline of the Primordial Beast Origin! ]

[ Student Ezreal has obtained the Eternal Spirit Beast Mana Cultivation Technique! ]

[ Student Ezreal has obtained the Egg of a Chaos Narwhal ]

[ Student Ezreal has obtained the Egg of a Celestial War Lion! ]

Sirius inspected the rewards and nodded, all of the rewards would massively increase Ezreal's abilities as a Spirit Beast Master. Sirius dared say that there is not a single person in the entirety of Zenix more talented in the path of a Spirit Beast Master than Ezreal once he merges with all of these rewards. Sirius waved his hand and teleported Ezreal away into his Dorm Room, allowing him peace and quiet to merge with his rewards.

Next, Sirius conducted this ceremony with each of the 4 remaining students, giving them elite rewards which would surely benefit them on their goals and the First Official Assembly of the Primordial Magic Academy came to a close.

( The Rewards for the Other 4 will be explained in a Short Exposition Chapter Next!)