
Primordial Flame Emperor

Without warning, the planet Earth is torn from its universe and transported to a new dimension composed of nine distinct layers, with the ninth layer being the weakest, inhabited by lower worlds. In this unknown and hostile environment, each inhabitant of Earth receives the chance to awaken a powerful element, not limited to traditional elements, but encompassing anything that has life and the potential for mutation. Among billions of humans, Ash Allen stands out, a man known for his laziness and lack of ambition. Before the displacement, his greatest desire was to be supported by a wealthy woman. However, his destiny changes drastically when he awakens one of the most powerful and rare elements: the Element of Primordial Flames. Now, with immense and dangerous power in his hands, Ash must learn to master his Primordial Flames and decide whether to continue his old lazy life or embrace his new role as a potential emperor in the quest for supremacy in the upper layers of this new reality.

Author_Slacky · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2 - Cultivation

"Ash!" called Leo, approaching quickly with fear-filled eyes. "Did you hear the voice?"

"Yes," replied Ash, trying to stay calm. "I heard."

"Do you know what that voice is?" Leo asked, tension evident on his face.

"I have no idea," admitted Ash. "But the voice said that if we want to know the truth about the dimension, we must climb to the top."

The two friends exchanged alarmed looks. Before they could react, a loud noise reverberated through the hallway. Students began to run in panic, pushing each other out of the way.

"Leo, what element did you awaken?" Ash asked, trying to divert attention from the chaos around them.

"Metal," Leo replied quickly, still focused on the commotion. "And you, Ash?"

"Transmutation of the Primordial Element and Flames. Unique Element Primordial Flames," said Ash with a confident smile.

Leo stopped abruptly, incredulous. "You awakened what again?"

"Primordial Flames," repeated Ash calmly.

"Dude, that's OP! Can you carry me to the top?" asked Leo, hopeful.

"I don't carry men," joked Ash with a smile. "But if you help me talk to your sister, who knows."

"Dude, do you want to die?" Leo said, starting to get irritated.

"Hahaha, I'm kidding. But if she gives me a chance, get ready to call me your brother-in-law," replied Ash, laughing.

Before Leo could retort, Professor Tommy appeared running down the hallway, his expression grave. "Gather everyone in the gym!" he shouted, calling out to the students.

In the gym, a crowd of students gathered, whispers and murmurs filling the air. In the center, an elderly man with white hair, the school principal, stepped onto the makeshift stage.

"As many of you can see, something abnormal has happened to Earth. Earth has been displaced and entered a dimension of which we know nothing, except that we are in the ninth layer and classified as an inferior world," explained the principal with a firm and authoritative voice.

"Therefore, I currently recommend that you go home and do not go out until world leaders, scientists, and authorities assess the situation," he continued.

At that moment, a shout rose from the crowd: "Principal, what about elemental awakening?"

"We will investigate that, but currently we recommend that you talk about the element you awakened," replied the principal, trying to calm the crowd.

Ash leaned in to Leo and whispered, "Hey, Leo."

"What?" replied Leo, still annoyed.

"I need you not to tell anyone about my element," Ash discreetly requested.

"Why do you want to hide your element?" Leo asked, confused.

"Caution. If you know nothing about the world, it's not good to reveal your abilities. I feel like this event has more to it than meets the eye," explained Ash.

Leo was surprised. He had always thought Ash was lazy and uninterested, but now he saw a serious determination in his friend's eyes.

"Okay," Leo agreed.

"If they ask, say that I awakened the element of flames," said Ash.

After filling out their information, the two began to make their way home. The atmosphere was tense, each immersed in their own thoughts.

"Bye, Leo," said Ash as they parted ways.

"Bye," replied Leo, waving.

Upon arriving home, Ash found his parents with worried looks.

"Ash, dear, are you okay?" his mother, Lyra, asked, her voice full of anxiety.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" Ash tried to reassure her.

"The events that happened today, the voice, the feeling of not knowing what's going on and what will become of Earth from now on," Lyra replied, concern evident in every word.

"Relax, Mom and Dad. I will protect my family, no matter what happens," Ash asserted, trying to instill confidence.

"What? You, who never leave the house, never fought, will protect us?" Lyra asked, incredulous.

Ash felt like he was being hit by arrows, but he stood firm. "I may be all that you said, I won't lie. But if there's one thing I know and can be confident about, it's that there aren't many elements stronger than mine," he said proudly.

"What's your element?" his father, Daniel, asked.

"Transmutation of the Primordial Element and Flames, Unique Element Primordial Flames." There was no reason for Ash to lie to his parents.

"Indeed, it is quite strong," his father agreed with a slight smile.

"And you, what element did you awaken?" Ash asked, curious.

"Element of Nirvana Flames," Lyra replied.

"Chaos Element," Daniel replied.

Ash was surprised. "Did I hear that right?"

"Yes," they both replied.

"Are you some kind of immortal beings who decided to experience life in the mortal world?" Ash asked, incredulous.

"Who knows," Daniel replied, with a mysterious smile.

"Dude, are my parents, whom I thought were ordinary, really strong?" Ash thought, shocked.

"I'm going to my room," he announced, quickly leaving.

In his room, Ash closed the door and threw himself on the bed. "Hey, voice, are you there?" he asked.

"Yes," replied the voice.

"You mentioned something about the first layer. How do I get there?" asked Ash.

"Get strong," the voice replied simply.

"Understood," said Ash, thoughtfully.

"According to the novels I've read, systems have an information panel. Do you have one?" Ash inquired.

[Checking data about the world]

[Data verified]

[Yes. According to your world, I can show your information panel]

Name: Ash Allen

Age: 16 years old

Height: 1.75 meters

Title: None

Personality: Lazy, Slacker, Messy, Otaku, Sedentary

Location: Planet Earth - Inferior World - 9th dimensional layer

Element: Primordial Flames

Power: Weakling - even an ant can beat you, get out of this life, kid

Cultivation: Not Initiated

"Damn, what kind of information is this? Even an ant can beat me?" exclaimed Ash, surprised.

"Hey, voice, I'm going to call you Ayane," said Ash.

[Okay], replied Ayane.

"Ayane, you mentioned cultivation, is it like in the novels I read?"

[Yes. But here, instead of the energy of heaven and earth described in the novels of your world, we cultivate mana.]

"Incredible! So if I reach a certain rank, can I fly, become immortal?" asked Ash, excitedly.


"How are the ranks divided?"

[In the inferior world, the ranks are divided into: mortal - practitioner - mage - ascension

Mortal - Ordinary people

Practitioner - People who awaken their mana and manipulate it in the body to form a small circle in the center of the body (according to the novels of your world, dantian).

After that, come the mages, ranging from the 1st circle to the 9th.

The mages are divided into:

1st to 3rd circle are called junior mages

4th to 6th circle are called intermediate mages

7th to 9th circle are called advanced mages

When you reach that rank, to ascend, you need to form the 10th circle.

The rest awaits you to reach the superior world.]