
Primordial Flame Emperor

Without warning, the planet Earth is torn from its universe and transported to a new dimension composed of nine distinct layers, with the ninth layer being the weakest, inhabited by lower worlds. In this unknown and hostile environment, each inhabitant of Earth receives the chance to awaken a powerful element, not limited to traditional elements, but encompassing anything that has life and the potential for mutation. Among billions of humans, Ash Allen stands out, a man known for his laziness and lack of ambition. Before the displacement, his greatest desire was to be supported by a wealthy woman. However, his destiny changes drastically when he awakens one of the most powerful and rare elements: the Element of Primordial Flames. Now, with immense and dangerous power in his hands, Ash must learn to master his Primordial Flames and decide whether to continue his old lazy life or embrace his new role as a potential emperor in the quest for supremacy in the upper layers of this new reality.

Author_Slacky · Fantasy
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6 Chs

chapter 1 -the lazy young man

In a messy room, with clothes and books scattered everywhere, a young man slept soundly in his bed. Sunbeams penetrated through the half-open curtains, illuminating the disorder and the anime posters on the walls.

"Ash, wake up! You're going to be late!" shouted a female voice from downstairs. It was Lyra Allen, Ash's mother, trying to wake him up for school.

"Let me sleep five more minutes," mumbled Ash, turning in bed and covering his head with the pillow.

"ASH ALLEN!" His mother's voice was now much closer, laden with irritation.

Lyra entered the room, navigating around a pile of books and clothes. She saw Ash still lying amidst the mess and furrowed her brow.

"If you don't tidy up your room in ten minutes and get dressed, I'll cut your allowance!" she threatened.

"What?" Ash quickly sat up, his short black hair completely disheveled. "If you cut my allowance, how will I buy my manga and novels?"

"Work!" his mother replied, crossing her arms.

"Work is boring," Ash complained, rubbing his dark eyes.

"Boring is seeing you like this, not caring about anything, just messing around on your phone and watching cartoons all day."

"They're not cartoons, they're anime," Ash corrected, still half asleep.

"Whatever. Now I want you to tidy up this room. Look at the state it's in." Lyra gave one last glance at the chaos around before leaving the room.

Sighing, Ash began to organize the scattered books and put away his clothes. After a quick tidy-up, he grabbed his school uniform, got dressed, and attempted, without much success, to fix his hair.

After getting ready, he left the room with a tired expression and walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth. In the kitchen, he found his mother, Lyra, a woman with long black hair and brown eyes, always impeccable, and his father, Daniel Allen, a middle-aged man with brown hair, black eyes, and a neatly trimmed goatee.

"I'm done," announced Ash.

"Good," replied his mother, absentmindedly.

"Is that all?" Ash asked, hoping for more recognition.

"What do you want me to say?" Lyra raised an eyebrow.

"Praise me, say I'm amazing and hardworking," Ash requested with a playful smile.

"If my son is so hardworking, how about helping mommy with the housework, laundry, and dishes?" suggested Lyra, smiling back.

"I'm going to school," Ash said quickly, changing the subject.

"Good morning, Dad."

"Good morning, son," replied Daniel, without taking his eyes off the newspaper.

Ash wasn't much of a talker with his father. After having breakfast, he prepared to leave.

"Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad," said Ash before opening the door.

"Don't sleep in class, Ash," warned Lyra.

"Relax, today I won't sleep," said Ash confidently.

"You said the same thing yesterday, and guess what," retorted Lyra.

"Yesterday's class was boring. The teacher was putting me to sleep. It won't happen today because the teacher is beautiful," justified Ash.

"Naughty boy. You'd better go to school before the bell rings," said Lyra, laughing.

"I can't miss the teacher's class," replied Ash, running out of the house.

Ash ran through the streets, passing buildings and houses. After ten minutes, he arrived at school, breathless.

"Good morning, Ash," said a young man with wavy black hair.

"Good morning, Leo," replied Ash, smiling. The young man's name was Leonardo Whity, his best friend. To Ash, Leo was a good friend, but the main point was that he had an attractive sister. Ash shook his head, pushing away those thoughts.

"Let's go to class, Ash," said Leo.

"Let's go," replied Ash, trying to sound enthusiastic.

Arriving at school, they saw the math teacher, Elena, the most beautiful in the school, with long blond hair, red eyes, and a noticeable pair of breasts. Overall, she received 8.9 out of 10 points.

The math class began, and teacher Elena explained the subject with patience and clarity. Time passed quickly, and soon the class was over. The next class was physical education. The teacher, Tommy, a middle-aged and burly man, was waiting on the court.

As they headed to the court, something incredible happened. A strange sensation took hold of everyone, as if they were on a moving bus, unable to hold onto anything. Everyone fell to the ground, some passing out.

"Ash, what's happening?" asked Leo, scared.

"I don't know. I want answers too," replied Ash, afraid.

Suddenly, Earth left the solar system, traversed the universe, and entered a new dimension. A mysterious voice echoed in everyone's mind.

"Welcome to the new dimension. This dimension is divided into nine layers, with the ninth being the weakest. The current dimension is the ninth layer - the level of the Lower Worlds."

"What?" Everyone on Earth was shocked.

Before they could say anything else, the voice continued:

[From now on, you will awaken elements. These elements are not limited to what you know. The element in this dimension includes anything that has life and can undergo mutations, generating new elements.]

A mysterious energy descended upon everyone on Earth at the same time. When the energy touched Ash, he felt an unbearable pain, as if his cells, blood, and bones were being transformed. This sensation lasted for three eternal minutes.

[Congratulations, you have awakened a transmutation of the primordial and flame elements, creating a new element: Primordial Flames.]

"What?" Ash was surprised. Since the beginning of the event, everything seemed like a dream, or rather, an anime.

"Hey, voice," called Ash.

[Yes?] replied the voice.

"What are you?" Ash asked.

[I am an artificial intelligence designed to help every being in this dimension] replied the voice.

"What is this dimension?" asked Ash, still confused.

[Searching for an answer. If you want to know the truth, climb to the top, reach the 1st layer] replied the voice before disappearing.