
Primordial Flame Emperor

Without warning, the planet Earth is torn from its universe and transported to a new dimension composed of nine distinct layers, with the ninth layer being the weakest, inhabited by lower worlds. In this unknown and hostile environment, each inhabitant of Earth receives the chance to awaken a powerful element, not limited to traditional elements, but encompassing anything that has life and the potential for mutation. Among billions of humans, Ash Allen stands out, a man known for his laziness and lack of ambition. Before the displacement, his greatest desire was to be supported by a wealthy woman. However, his destiny changes drastically when he awakens one of the most powerful and rare elements: the Element of Primordial Flames. Now, with immense and dangerous power in his hands, Ash must learn to master his Primordial Flames and decide whether to continue his old lazy life or embrace his new role as a potential emperor in the quest for supremacy in the upper layers of this new reality.

Author_Slacky · Fantasy
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6 Chs

power system of the novel currently

[Here's a brief description of the main layers:]

- 9th layer: Lower World - current world

- 8th layer: Upper World

- 7th layer: Realms

- 6th layer: Milky Way

- 5th layer: Universe

- 4th layer: Multiverse

- 3rd layer: Octaverse

- 2nd layer: Dimension

- 1st layer: Boundless]"

[In the inferior world, the ranks are divided into: mortal - practitioner - mage - ascension

Mortal - Ordinary people

Practitioner - People who awaken their mana and manipulate it in the body to form a small circle in the center of the body (according to the novels of your world, dantian).

After that, come the mages, ranging from the 1st circle to the 9th.

The mages are divided into:

1st to 3rd circle are called junior mages - current cultivation

4th to 6th circle are called intermediate mages

7th to 9th circle are called advanced mages

When you reach that rank, to ascend, you need to form the 10th circle.