
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Primordial Bloodline Chapter 28:Terrifying shadow beast

The roar sounded primordial and it was filled with the laws belonging to the eternal battlefield. Red had the girls stand besides him but also slightly behind him,this meant Red knew that this time it was no joke and a huge thread was coming towards their way. But still Red did not retreat even tho he knew the risk, if things went awry he would teleport the girls back to the Star Continent and he would continue fighting until his bones gave in,this was just how Red's character was,he had an undefeatable will.

"You three if anything goes awry I'll send you back to the Star Continent" with that being said to them the girls also knew that this was going to be a huge battle. Soon they saw a pitch black beast ,the beast was half the size of a human to put it bluntly it was short as a dwarf but the aura it was it was surrounded by showed that it was no joke and it wielded formidable power. The creature had red runes on its chest and its eyes making these two parts of its body glow red but due to its power it was melded with the surrounding making it hard to spot the runes on its body.

Red used his gift of truth then he looked at the beast once more and now he got a clear understanding of its power,Red also looked at its unique traits but he could not recognise it but as he was still analyzing it he suddenly head Miora say. "Its an ancient shadow beast named the Shadow Titan, its said even tho it has small size it is unparalleled in strength among beast of the same realm and with its shadow abilities it could also suck away the shadow of any target while that is not an issue it also zaps one's vitality and once it enters shadowless state it is hard to find" Fiora explained the beast that was charging at them.

Red was quite surprised, how lucky was he and how terrible was his luck to meet an ancient beast here,this caused him to want to vomit blood but there was nothing he could do . through his blessing of truth he found that the Shadow Titan was a half step saint meaning that it was level 18 pinnacle and with just a push it would reach the dividing line and become a said,a said was respected everywhere in the Star Continent. The Shadow Titan is too realms above him in cultivation but Red didn't pay heed to this as he clenched his teeth holding on to Blood Drinker her charged at the Shadow Titan.

The Shadow Titan was infuriated upon seeing Red charge at it ,it knew the other party was weak so it expected to see them flee in fear but one of them charged at it instead. It also increased it's speed and upon reach Red it send a punch at him,the wind howled with the power of the punch,Red used blood drinker to hack at the punch and reduce its power but he was send flying and almost spewed out blood. Red saw the Shadow Titan look at him with mockery in its eyes as if saying "I'll beat you to death and what you going to do?Bite me"

Red felt his blood boil and he got in a strange stance then he channelled the power of destruction around him,soon his whole being was shrouded in destruction then he charged at the Shadow Titan once more ,the Shadow Titan charged at Red also and upon contact it used the power of darkness to shroud its claws and slashed at Red relentlessly, Red was unable to keep up with the Shadow Titan and with another slash it was faster than Red and as it was floating it slashed at his chest,blood spewed out of the wound but Red quickly suppressed his blood from flowing out, he kicked on the ground and propelled himself back and when he came to stop he saw how bad the wound was.

Red felt the darkness enter his body through the wound and was gnawing away at his life force but he quickly used the power of destruction to counter it,on the other side the Shadow Titan was looking at Red in shock ,it thought that it would quickly do in the other party but it seems like it was fooling itself even tho the other party was weak,the other party was also like a stubborn cockroach refusing to die no matter what. Far behind Red they could see that Red was pushed to the limit and that he was in pain but there was nothing they could do.

Red and the Shadow Titan charged at each other again and once again they clashed with each other,this time Red was in more danger with wounds constantly appearing all over his body ,at one point the floating Shadow Titan slashed st Red but as Red was about to hack and dodge the attack the Shadow Titan melded with the darkness, this time it was also pushed to its limit. Entering the darkness it slashed at Red's neck with its gruesome claws. With Red's perception he quickly felt a tingling sensation hearing for his neck and he quickly slashed blood drinker at the empty air by the side before dashing back,by slashing he parried some of the attack power of the Shadow Titan which stopped it a bit which gave him time to escape.

The Shadow Titan charged at Red but Red kept on dodging this time Red was slow but the Shadow Titan was also tired,it had been fighting and using darkness to would the other party while also using it to avoid the power of destruction to touch it and now it had used its final power to enter the darkness but still it couldn't kill the cockroach named Red. Soon after two hours of battle the Shadow Titan was pushed out of the darkness because it had no more energy, seeing this chance Red used his last remaining energy and dashed towards the Shadow Titan and slashed his sword which he infused with the power of destruction,he slashed at its chest, the Shadow tried to diffuse onto shadows and escape but it was too late it was already cut.

As soon as it was cut it fell to the ground writhing in agony, same time if fell down and panted hard. The girls rushed towards him ignoring the painful cries of the Shadow Titan, upon reaching Red ,Red looked at Phaser and said "quickly drop your essence blood on the forehead of the Shadow Titan, it won't resist because its in too much pain from the destruction wreaking havoc on its wound".

Phaser followed Red's orders and upon dropping her essence blood on the forehead of the Shadow Titan,it did not resist and a contract was formed between the two,the Shadow Titan was now Phaser's pet. Phaser looked at Red who was in a bad state,Red coughed before saying "I'm too tired to move so I can't dispel the destruction wreaking havoc on its wound but it won't kill it,it will also help it strengthen its physical body, tho it has…..*cough cough*….has strong physical strength, it's phys… physical body is weak let it wait until the destruction can't harm it no more" Red coughed once more then with a chuckle he borrowed some energy from Der and erected a spacial barrier around him,the girls and the Shadow Titan then he fainted

To be continued

Nb:tho Red has large mana reserves ,he sealed most of it to match his current level and even tho the fight was dangerous he hates breaking his own rules thus that's why he never used any of his sealed mana and even till the end he borrowed every from Der and not taking anything from the sealed mana

Nb:I'll post bout the Shadow Titan soon