
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Primordial bloodline Chapter 27:Eternal battlefield

Red looked around seeing the crowd staring blankly at him without dispersing, he clicked his tongue then he teleported away leaving the stunt crowd dazed once more. The Emperor and Princess both squinted their eyes with the emperor finally sighing and saying "That boy is like a very deep abyss you can't see an end too,he's very mysterious", the emperor looked at the princess who also seemed in deep thought but he did not disturb her,it seemed like she was comprehending something. When Red reappeared, he was teleported near the exit gates of Leviathan City,when he looked around he shivered and tried to teleport away but Phaser had already caught his hand and she was glaring fiercely at him.

The two other girls ended up hogging him not letting him go,and they were causing a scene which Red wanted to avoid, which then promoted him to end up teleporting away with all the three girls by his side but they didn't end up back at the Dismason island, they appeared in a land that was died red as if blood was always flowing there. Even tho Red has the purest mana along with large mana reserve,he had sealed most of it ,and left some that would match his cultivation base, he would unseal a portion of it whenever he saw that he was ready to advance to the next realm. He was doing this because he wanted to build a sturdy foundation for himself.

"Where are we?" Asked the girls in confusion, Red looked at them then sat down then lay on his back looked at the sky and closed his eyes,he didn't bother answering their question. When he had teleported with the girls Red was so worried about the stares of the people that forgot one crucial thing,he had sealed his mana and reserved only a small sum ,which was suitable for the current level he was in. When Red teleport the four of them first he lacked the mana for teleporting them which resulted in a glitch in the teleportation leading them to this place,second Red even forgot the enter the coordinates for his destination which led him astray in the void.

After about an hour Red finally opened his eyes then he said "I don't know where we are but I think its an eternal battlefield and its a good place to raise one's power so its not bad that we ended up here". He then started running down the cliff with him constantly falling down and adjusting himself, every step he took he felt like he was dying, the laws of the battlefield were suppressing him. The girls had it harder than him the couldn't move an inch, once he was 100 meters away from the girls,he let a wisp of his pure mana let loose which attracted many strange life forms. Red looked at the girls then shouted " Well all leave once we are at the Saint Realm,the time here flows 5 times that of the Star Continent so we'll be fighting every chance we get. Right now I'll only attract weal monsters to you until you adjust yourself and are capable of movement will I attract the strong ones to you".

Red then ignored them and pulled out the heavy sword behind,the laws of the play even suppressed the heavy sword making it look like a normal sword and making it lose its space properties. Red used the sword to block the attacks of those strange lifeforms, there are those that looked like rats walking on to feet while some looked like deformed rabbits with pigs head. The creatures were all bizarre to say the least about the but their strength was not weak,the ones Red drew to himself were all around level 15,and those he drew to the girls were only level 10.

Red hacked with his sword slicing a creature in two,when the creatures were cut no blood would flow out because the sword was absorbing all of it,thus Red chose to name the sword Blood Drinker. Red slashed and hacked Blood Drinker and wherever it passed corpses would be laying on the ground and at the same time Red killed his hundredth creature ,the three girls had begun to adjust to the conditions of the foreign land thus they quickly slaughtered the creatures. Seeing this Red increased the mana he let leak out and drew level 14 creatures to them.


Black in the Crimson Empire at the Dismason Island, the same time Red disappeared a crystal with tracker crystal with Red's name on it disappeared without a trace,the guard who was guarding the Tracking Room quickly reported the matter to the higher ups. Soon news leaked from the Dismason's that Red disappeared after his fight with Krill but strangely enough the Dismasons didn't seem to care and didn't even send out people to look for Red.

This puzzled some of the high ranking nobles that were in the Sacred Islands,currently Zero was seating with the emperor happily chatting like nothing happened, the emperor looked at Zero and asked, "ain't you worried?". Zero shook his head then said ," if Red wants not to be found then I promise you even if you turn the Crimson Empire upside down you won't find him,for all you know he could be right here but you wouldn't recognise him,even I can't or he could be at the other races territory posing as one of them",Zero ended with a chuckle.

The nobles who knew nothing about Red investigated and soon found the reason why The Dismasons were not looking for Red,it was simple because even of they looked for him ,they could not find him and this was not his first time disappearing. It seemed to be a hobby of his to cause a stir and disappear without a trace.


Back in the eternal battlefield, Red and the girls were fighting fiercely then without a warning,


A loud roar that shook the ground sounded and it was heading in their direction.

To be continued