
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 10:Sturdy growth

Seven years soon passed and Red was already fourteen years in age he had reached level 9 and he was now close to being an intermediate mage. Currently he was in his room with his eyes closed he was using the Astral Aria to absorb the mana that's around the space into his body,he now only needed about fifty specks of mana to reach level 10 and become an intermediate mage. Over the years Red had grown to understand more about art,planar geometry, planar mathematics,spell formations and even more about magic arrays ,he could now create an elementary magic arrays but he was still not able to get inspiration to create a rune. A rune was different from a magic arrays. A rune needed many materials to create and it also needed that person to find inspiration, even tho Red still hasn't got any inspiration ,he collected all the materials needed to create a rune. He had a magic beast hide,tho it was not the most expensive it could still be used ,he also brought a magic crystal and crushed it to powder then he mixed it with magical ink,this mix was called rune ink and finally he had a magic pen.

Red slowly opened his eyes then he looked up in the sky and said to himself "I'm very close to reaching the intermediate mage level",he then got up and through himself at his bed then closed his eyes preparing to sleep. He closed his eyes and fell asleep but at midnight he shot up from his sleep going to his working table then pulling out the beast hide,rune ink and magic pen. He then opened the beast hide and dipped his magic pen on the rune ink then he started to draw patterns on the beast hide,while he was drawing he was also his his gift of wisdom and truth to look at the aspects behind the rune he creating,he did not know what kind of rune it was because he got inspiration from his dreams. Red spent the whole night drawing the rune on the beast hide and when morning came he was totally exhausted with almost all of his mana depleted, he just pulled out a mana portion from his drawer then drank it replenish all of his lost mana. He did not dally but he picked up the beast hide where he drew his rune then he rushed towards Electra's tower.

On the way he passed Mayenne but he did not bother talking to her more than it was needed he just gave her a simple greetings then he rushed towards Electra's hall but surprisingly he was not going to Electra but towards the other grand mage besides Jim. The other mage was called Rody,he was very skilled in magic arrays and he was the one on charge of Red's magic array class,Red caught Rody before he could go teaching and said "mister Rody take a look at this", Red quickly presented the beast hide and once Rody looked at it he was trembling with excitement and he said to Red " even tho it is still not a elementary rune it is still considered very close to that level so let's go and test it out"

Rody went towards the testing hall were he told a few warriors to bring a snow wolf to the testing hall ,the warriors followed their orders quickly bring back a snow wolf. Rody took the beast hide then showed Red how to cut out a rune when he was done creating it, Red quickly got it because he was following every one of Rody's instructions to the last detail. Rody was not that shocked because he knew that Red had terrifying comprehension abilities,he took the rune and placed it on the snow wolf,once the rune was placed on the snow wolf they brought a snow bear to the testing hall then unleashed it on the snow wolf but inside of the snow wolf being scared it showed aggression upon seeing the snow bear looking at it like it was food.

The snow bear launched itself at the snow wolf but shockingly the snow wolf didn't dodge and it allowed the snow bear to bite it but what happened next was not wgst everyone thought would happen as the vitality of the snow wolf and its blood essence got triggered and it all flowed to the rune and after a brief moment the snow wolf exploded blasting the head off from the snow bear. Because it was about to die the snow wolf used all its vitality and blood essence to retaliate but according to normal circumstances it would not be able to do that so it could all be counted as the work of the rune.

"You created a self destruction rune well not bad not bad in a year you could be able to create elementary rune if you keep working hard" Rody told Red. Red nodded then he left the tower,his excitement did not stop him from continuing his daily routine. Back in the tower Rody was standing in front of Electra as he was explaining everything Red did and about the rune .

"Well raise his Electra's delight so he could use all the resources he can I want him to he a future saint rune master" she said while she was drinking some Red whine,she then added "I will go hunting dragons soon so take care of the AllBlue"

At night Red was cloacked in black as he left the AllBlue going to its outskirts, he was going to meet a former number assassin of the underground world. Red knew that runes were created for killing so he needed to know how to kill before he could create something that could be used by others to kill so he was going to pay the assain to teach him how to kill.

Red also knew that he needed to defend himself because he knew that there were a lot of people who were trying to kill him,some because they wanted to get Zero via him and some because he was taking their spot light but Red didn't care about any of those all he cared about was raise his strength.

To be continued