
Prime Vampire

Check out my new novel Players Era: The system! ±±± In a world created by seven gods named Ethernasia, a mortal named Kyle and a goddess fell in love with each other. They lived happily until one day Kyle was assassinated due to the plot of two Gods jealous of him. Saddened by her lover's death the Goddess performed a forbidden spell on him, bringing his lover back from the deaths. However, Kyle who was brought back had changed, he was not human anymore, he became something entirely different from any existing races. He was the first of his race, a vampire. The Prime Vampire, sadly his lover became his first victim. Two thousand years later he was now coming back to Ethernasia (the world created by the seven Gods). The world that he once knew changed completely, people changed as well, still, Kyle's goal has not changed, his goal to live peacefully and leisurely with his loved ones had not changed even in this New World. Can Kyle easily achieve his goal? Read to know. This is Kyle's Life story, the story of his women and his fights until he achieved his goals. =============================================== Hello. I'm a new author, this is my first Original book. I hope you will be interested and read it. Also, English is not my first language, sorry in advance for any misspelled words or bad grammar, don't worry the story is interesting and I promise I will quickly improve. So, give this book a chance. Chapters Words are between 700~3000 words. The picture on the cover is not mine, it looks like one of my characters. Kyle the MC. I can take it down if it bothers. To know what happened before the MC came, you need to read Prime Vampire Avant, it's below. Check my second book: Death Guns in Another world as well.

Nickaido · Fantasy
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130 Chs

Chapter 80: Believe me, It's True

The peaceful, joyous night ended as the first rays of dawn spilled through the big tent windows.

On a big bed, two beautiful girls dressed in nightgowns could be seen. From their calm and rhythmic breathing, it could be inferred that they were still sleeping.

Slightly farther from the bed was a table and chairs, and sitting on these chairs were another two beautiful girls.

''How was last night?" Emia asked while drinking a hot coffee she made herself.

Nui who was sitting across Emia, took a sip of the coffee Emia had served her before answering.

''Do not ask when you already know the answer.''

''Well, I know but it's fun to tease you,'' Emia replies while smiling.

''I bet it's fun, for you that is.''

Nui says while rubbing her forehead feeling a headache coming. Truth be told, she had a hard time dealing with this personality of Emea. 'This Emea other half is difficult to deal with' she mumbled to herself.

Emia shrugged her shoulders and say with a pout ''Kyle, that bastard did not inform us about the incoming Kratos. Judging by the way he was acting, I think he was scared of him, which is strange. I do not recall Kratos acting like that, not even when he had faced Arthur back then.''

Nui narrowed her eyes as she tried to remember how Kratos was acting. Indeed, Emia was right, even though Kratos had tried to hide it when he was talking about Kyle, one could feel fear from his eyes, he was scared of him.

''I wonder why he is so scared of him. Well, only Kyle could answer this question. So, you can ask him later when you saw him. For all I care, the reason doesn't matter to me.'' Nui said nonchalantly.

It was clear that Nui was not interested in why Kratos seemed scared of her man, on contrary a small part of her feel proud of her man.

''Oh? Look are proud you are. To think the tomboyish Elven Princess could fall this deep for a man. If I didn't see it myself, I'd never believe it. I wonder how your little sister would react if once she knows.'' Emia says teasingly. She was grinning, clearly enjoying teasing her best friend.

Nui ears turned slightly red, she humphed and say ''Obviously, she would be happy knowing, I've finally found a man. Who knows, maybe she may already found someone she loves.''

When Nui was talking about her little sister, her eyes were filled a deep affection and tenderness.

''Oho! Perhaps you are planning to add her to Kyle's harem in case she has nobody in her life?" Emia asked playfully.

Instantly, the temperature dropped, the air around them chilled. Nui expression turned frosty and she asked icily ''Dare to repeat it?"

Emia gulped audibly, yet she did not lose her smile as she says ''Calm down, I'm just asking a question. There is no need to be this aggressive you know''

Nui snorted before answering ''There is no way, I'll let that that Big Bad wolf put his claw on my lovely sister.''

Emia's eyes became wide open before she burst in laughter. She looks at Nui in amusement before saying ''Says the woman who has fallen for the Big Bad wolf.''

''Shut up,'' Nui shouted to hide her embarrassment. Her face was flushed red.

''Hahaha, your face is red like a tomato, you look so cute that I want to eat you.'' teased Emia.

Nui rolled her eyes when she heard what Emia had said.

Suddenly, Emia stopped laughing, her expression turned serious and she asked

''Tell me Nui, do you think those two will give after our warning?"

Nui pondered for a moment before responding ''It's unlikely. Lumis aside, for Grimm to easily give up. I think it would be hard. To him, now he is far from home and nobody knows where we are, he has a chance to conquer Emea if he kills Kyle.''

''Easily said but hard to accomplish it. And besides, these traitors have already sold us out. I do not know when our Father and Arthur's men will show up. Sigh! I have a headache just by thinking about it. For the greater cause, he likes to say, he is ready to forgo my happiness. Discarding my happiness for that kind of crap. There's no way I'll accept, It pisses me off, truly.'' Emia says, her voice was filled with anger.

''Calm down, Mia. There's no way he will let you get married to that Arthur.'' Nui says trying to calm down the furious Emia.

Who can blame Emia for becoming angry once knowing that she was forced to marry someone she doesn't love for the sake of world salvation.

''Now that I think about it, we have not informed Kratos and the others two about Aatox and Elliam deed. They did not know that reinforcement is coming to get us.'' Nui says, trying to change the subject.

''You are right, but why do we have to inform them? It not like they can't help us in any way. So, I do not see the need to inform them.'' Emia explained, she was against the idea of informing Kratos and the other two about the incoming danger.

''Sigh! We need to strengthen ourselves, ready for the incoming threat. For you, it not bad because you are clearly more powerful than you were in the past. Twice that is.''

''If you fought with Emea beside you, I bet your strength would skyrocket to another level. How envious.'' Nui added.

''Well, all of this was due to the seven reincarnations,'' Emia explained.

Nui leaned against the table and muttered ''It's a sad thing but there nothing in this mortal world which can help me advance in my cultivation beside..''

When she talked until there she stopped talking and her ears reddened.

Seeing her friend's abnormal behavior, Emia decided to probe her. Hence, she asked.

''Beside what?''

Nui refused to reply, her ears reddened further down to her neck.

After a few minutes, she collected her courage and spoke albeit with a stutter.

''Y. you know. Umu, I.. I noticed that my cultivation advanced a little and my physical strength increased as well while taking that .. that thing''

''What thing?" Emia asked innocently.

Nui's eyes darted left and right, she seemed uncomfortable with what she was about to say.

''You know that thing, I'm talking about that thing,'' Nui says, refusing to state what that thing was.

''Like I said which thing are you talking about?" Emia asked acting confused while inwardly thinking 'I'll force you to say it.'

Nui's face turned completely red in shame as she shouted ''Kyle's seed.''

''Pft! Puhahaha.''

Emia started laughing, she laughed hard while holding her belly. After some time, she stopped and looked at the ashamed Nui and say.

''I say Nui. That's one hell of excuse you come up with to hide your lust. If you want his things so much, there is no need to search for that kind of excuse your know. What hell with that, how can his seed increase your Cultivation and physical strength? Even I, do not feel any increase in my cultivation, nor any increase in my physical strength even after I numerous wild nights.''

Nui who was already regained her composure spoke. ''It's because you're powerful than us. I bet the other girls felt it too, especially Kaguya. Believe me, it's true.''


At the same time in another location in the Lost forest were two girls. One was sitting on a tree branch watching the other kill a Bloody Ogre using only her bare hands.

Suddenly, the girl who had just killed the Bloody Ogre stopped and sneeze.

''What's up Kaguya?" the girl sitting on the branch asked.

''Nothing, I just felt that someone is talking about me,'' Kaguya explained.

''It's that so? Well, it seems that your physical strength has increased like mine. I wonder why?" The girl on the branch mumbled.

Kaguya shrugged her shoulders and said ''Same here. However, now is not the time to search for an answer. Let's get moving, Nemesis.''

''Okay, let's go. With this kill, we are equal but I'll win for sure this time.'' Nemesis said, eyes filled with confidence.

''Keep dreaming.'' Kaguya spat out before disappearing, Nemesis followed her.


Back to Emia and other locations.

Hearing what Nui said, Emia had no reply.

After pondering over the issue for a while, Emia finally spoke ''Well, maybe what you are saying it's true, however, I need to see if the other girls have noticed that their Cultivation or physical strength has increased like yours before truly believing your claim.''

Nui only smiled. With a look of yearning, she says ''I wonder how Kyle is doing with that Daniela girl"

''Surely, playing pretend,'' Emia replies.

The two looks in the direction of where the Ice world was located.