
Primate Murder Through a Multiverse

Kisuke a normal human died and was given a second chance with a system to cause chaos in the multiverse read along as he becomes the ultimate faker... Wait, What do you mean he's pushing chaos off onto his companions?

Geokit · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
48 Chs


Hey all!

Right now, I'm going through the starting chapters of PMTM and revamping the spelling and other things to be compliant with FF.net.

If you have any questions, you're welcome to @ me in the "Fox Cafe" discord server "9274TfZtf9"

The updated version will replace the current Wattpad version and be uploaded to FF . net

If you want to find the Wattpad version, there is a link section on my discord, it holds all the links to the versions of the story I've released on different platforms.

The Web Novel Version will stay unchanged for future comparisons.

9274TfZtf9 ]-

-[ Discord.