
primal system

in a universe where strength is everything and mysterious forces work in shadow alongside gods it may be of no surprise to learn that there's an entire race meant for great power, that race is called the primals, each possessing a power, an essence, derived from their mother, nature. each one is strong and gifted, able to control entire regions, but only one will stand out from the rest, Syn. this lone primal conquers anything in his path as he journeys through his very long life, starting as nothing but a simple and humble created creature before traversing the large depths of power that god hood brings. growing at an incredible rate, will his astounding growth attract too much attention or is his growth the only thing keeping him alive in this cutthroat world? the only answer to that question is found in his survival. follow him on his travels, through pain and suffering, through good moments, through all the mysteries of the world he encounters. what waits our unusually destructive primal in this world? and most importantly.............will he ever stop being so god damn violent?

classy_fied · Action
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161 Chs


"we'll make you a deal Syn."(Amira)

kina looked at her sister with disbelief.

"I run a school, the same one you escaped from, I work in its armory most of the time and at the moment we're short on teachers, work for me and I'll stop trying to kill you."(Amira)

"key word trying."(syn)

Raya nudged me in the ribs as she gave me a look of 'don't push your luck'.

"were going as well."(glacier dragon)


I wonder why they jumped on board so quickly?

"I'm not anywhere qualified to be a teacher."(syn)

"you can run the combat classes, you have enough.....experience."(Amira)

"ooh ooh can I do species and history?"(Raya) asked excitedly.

Amira nodded and kina gave her a look, it was hard to decipher but it was most likely a look of question.

"I'll just aid Syn."(glacier dragon)

it looks like I was the only one here who hadn't said yes, I mean it wasn't a bad offer, a job and peace.

sighing and thinking for a moment I finally agreed to it.


Amira walked up to me and shook my hand, telling me she'd have all the contracts made later, she started leading all of us to the copter she had kina bring, I had to carry the scaled and horned bear, which to me makes it seem like it would kill these girls to lift anything themselves, I mean they brought him they should've carried him.

my internal complaining would not last long as the copter was now in view, the hour walk that I'd hated since the start now finally over I beelined to the copter and sat down in the back, tossing my doppelganger limply to the floor.

the four girls gave me an eye roll at my antics before climbing inside the aerial vehicle and kina starting it up, taking off from the helipad and heading us, from what I can tell, south west.

the copter looked somewhat futuristic among the trees and dirt surrounding us but the second we got close to human civilization that futuristic look was dwarfed to near artifact status by the looks of the other vehicles, those flying saucers being more and more common as we traveled.

as the flight was coming to a close and we were starting to land Amira turned to me.

"don't mess this up Syn."(Amira)

"I'm a responsible adult."(syn)

"ha! you're in the body of a teenager and the only thing qualifying you as an adult is your age."(Amira)

that kinda hurt not gonna lie, she has a point.

I turned my attention back out of the window as we touched down, Raya being the most excited jumped out before anyone else, nearly being decapitated by the copter.

I rolled my eyes at her and followed, Amira soon taking lead and explaining the rules of the place.

they didn't seem all too complicated and a new batch of students would be arriving tomorrow.

"so what am I even supposed to do?"(syn)

"your job is to teach combat classes and to monitor any duels among students, you're the official combat master, ironic since the way you fight is pure animalistic and lacking of any strategy."(Amira)

"combat master?"(syn)

"the title every combat teacher is given, if I were you I'd try to refine what you already have before teaching anyone, you're a mess."(Amira)

"then why offer me this job?!"(syn)

"the cycle had gone on long enough."(Amira) said with a saddened voice.

she was right, we'd been at it for a while now.

she flicked me a badge that said teacher and had my name and photo on it, an access code on the back for the teachers lounge.

"since you look like you do always have this on you, and for once go put on actual clothes instead of the ones you make!"(Amira) yelled at me.

nodding at her she threw me a bag, there were clothes and a schedule inside, she led me to the teacher housing before leaving me alone, disappearing into the night and leaving me to my thoughts.

not once in my life did I ever thing I'd be any sort of teacher, the thought of it never crossing my mind in my last life, or this one.

it truly was an option I hadn't considered.


Raya pov...

"yes mother."(Raya)

she looked down on me as I kneeled before her, she'd gotten even more stringent than last time, something was doing this to her.

"that vile creature still lives free, we must do something about it!"(Marie)

"Syn isn't a bad person, mostly..."(Raya)

she slapped me across the face hard, not caring about her slaughters feelings anymore.

"ever since my system returned I'd been able to do much more about our families weakness, don't make me use it on you."(Marie)

she'd completely changed, there was no hint of the caring mother I once knew, all traces of that woman were gone.

these cold eyes were all that was left, staring directly into my soul as I held back tears at the loss of my mother, she'd been replaced by a monster worse than Syn, at least he still had moments of kindness and didn't pretend he was good.


glacier dragon pov...

I climbed through the window of my savior, the one who freed and dominated me simply with his aura alone, I was wet just thinking about it as I snuck through his housing and into his room, getting as close as possible.