
primal strength

The insane lone wolf has been hurt by many but still has the primal strength and desire to stand and defend those he loves

insanelonewolf21 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


They keep running until they see the sun rise, they finally stop near a lake to rest a bit blaze gives Alex control then switches back to human form then soaks in the lake few minutes later he gets out and switches to wolf form to go hunt for an animal to eat he manages to catch a rabbit and eat it he then ask blaze where are we going blaze replies I don't know but I feel a pull that we should go south he then says okay I am trusting you then and with that they head off to the south. Every few hours they would stop and hunt a rabbit then go back heading south this continued for a half a day while Alex was telling blaze they wouldn't get a second chance mate they suddenly hear a loud howl and blaze takes control and they take off running hoping to out run whoever is coming after them but instead of out running them they end up running into a big blue wolf as they try to run the other way a big black wolf is blocking the path they lock eyes with the black wolf and blaze starts screaming mate in Alex head he is confused and doesn't know what going on he asked blaze what's going on and he replies we got second chance mates Alex then yells WHAT? MATES MORE THAN ONE? Blaze replies yeah twins Alexx then says this makes no sense then all of a sudden they black and blue wolf shift back to human form the blue wolf is a female and the black is a male, the black wolf then says shift using his alpha tone but that didn't work on them and he looks at them confused the black wolf then says please shift back so we can talk Alex then shifts back when he does they gasp the black wolf then ask what happened to you Alex just replies long story the blue wolf then says never mind that let's get you to the pack doctor first the black wolf agrees and they all walk to the pack doctor. Alex Pov, he sees a man greet the black and blue wolf as alpha Adien and Luna erica and the doctor's name was Ethan Adien the asked what his name was he replied to Alex Adien then say Alex this is Ethan the pack doctor, the follow him into a room Adien then says they will be back and leaves him in the room with Ethan. Alex then asks Ethan what is this place he responds this is the primal strength pack Alex then says wait the alpha of all alphas? Ethan says yeah don't worry the alpha has a heart and i have a feeling you will be staying around Alex then blushes at that Ethan then leaves for a few minutes Alex then starts asking blaze what he means by mates because they just got rejected a week ago there's no way we can have a second chance mate 87let alone two blaze then replies well it not impossible if it just happened Alex then rolls his eyes then says no one is going to want a rejected mate blaze then replies you don't know that Alex then yells who wants someone leftovers that basically what I am blaze then says how are you someone leftovers when he never had you Alex then says you have a point but still who wants something someone one else did not want blaze then says how about this we give them a chance and if they don't want us we leave and never get another mate Alex then says fine just then Ethan comes back in along with Adien Alex sees their faces and ask what going on Ethan then says you are very weak dehydrated and a lot of wounds that have not healed properly Adien then cuts in and ask Ethan to leave for a minute he does and Adien then ask Alex just what the hell happened to him Alex then tells him everything how he was supposedly saved by alpha Roy and that he doesn't remember anything before that what he went through those 9 years and how he was mated to the alpha son and rejected Aiden just stands there in shock then his face changes to a look ready to kill. Aiden Pov just what the hell has that asshole done to my mate his wolf prime is ready to kill him for laying his hands on his mate he then hears Alex asking if he is ok but they are to shocked and angry to respond all of a sudden Erica comes in and ask what's going on Alex replies I just told him about my past and then his face went from shocked to ready to kill someone and he hasn't said a word since Erica then tries to talk to asking him what's wrong took her a few minutes but she finally got through to him Aiden then says I can't believe you went through all that shit i am going to kill that asshole Erica then ask him who are you going to kill and why he then says the asshole that did that to him Erica then says let's get him settled in first then we can talk about this Aiden agrees and they take Alex to the pack house they take him up to their floor and put him in a room across from them they leave him to get settled in and head to the office to talk once they get their Erica ask what that was about Aiden then tells her everything that happened she is shocked and pissed that he did such a thing to their mate but tries to reassure him that they won't let anyone hurt him again they calm down and agree to let it go and focus on their mates health. Alex Pov, they don't seem like they would hurt us, but you never know blaze responds only time will tell for now we should just rest Alex agrees and goes to take a shower then gets in the bed and sleeps. Alex dream Pov he back on the makeshift bed but something is pinning him down he tries to push it off without opening his eyes but fails and ends up opening his eyes to see jack on top of him pinning his arms above his head as his claws go to rip off his shirt Alex then starts screaming no stop it don't do this he then starts feeling more hands on him he starts screaming louder he then hears Alex calm down it Aiden and Erica wake up you are having a nightmare he slowly starts waking up crying apologizing saying he is sorry they are stuck with him as their mate. Aiden Pov we wouldn't want anyone else as our mate you have nothing to apologize for Erica agrees with him and they all lay in the bed cuddle together until they fall asleep.