
primal strength

The insane lone wolf has been hurt by many but still has the primal strength and desire to stand and defend those he loves

insanelonewolf21 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


The next morning Alex wakes up to find only Erica beside him he wonders where Aiden went Alex gets out the bed careful not to wake Erica and heads to the bathroom to take a shower he sees there is clothes left on the counter he figured Aiden has left them for him after he finishes taking a shower he steps out the bathroom to find Erica awake they greet each other and Erica asked where Aiden is Alex says he didn't see him when he woke up she says he must be working again let me get dressed then we can head down for breakfast Alex says okay and waits for her when she comes back they head down to the kitchen and greets the cook Sofa, she makes them a plate they sit and eat in silence when they finish eating Erica said we should head to his office so we can talk about last night Alex just nods and follows her. Aiden Pov he smells his mate outside the door and says come in before they even knock Alex looks confused on how he knew they was there he said he could smell them Alex then makes a oh face he tells them to sit down and asked why they was here Erica says to talk about what happened last night he then says oh then looks at Alex and says if you don't want to talk about it that fine Alex says it fine and starts to tell them about last night nightmare of jack when he finished they all just sat there silent Aiden then says you don't have to worry about him your here with us he can't touch you Erica says he a dumbass for not seeing how special you are and we won't reject you they then get up and go to hug him Aiden then says here and hands him his card and says go out with Erica and go shopping Alex tries to decline but Aiden won't take no for an answer so he takes the card and says thanks as he walks out and heads back to his room to get ready when he finishes he goes to look for Erica and finds her in the kitchen talking to the cook sofa he greets them and tells her he ready she says ok and they head out after a hour of shopping and girls drooling over Alex they head back to the pack house when they get there Erica says she going to go find Aiden he says ok and heads to his room to put the bags down when he finishes he head to the kitchen for lunch when he gets in the kitchen he finds Aiden standing there they greet each other and Aiden said he wanted to ask him something he asked what it is Aiden says I wanted to see if you wanted to become a fiscal pack member tonight Alex agrees then Aiden says we won't mark you until your ready Alex says ok Aiden eyes then haze over for a minute like he is mind linking someone a few minutes later one of his warriors comes through the door Aiden then says this is Oliver he will be like your bodyguard until you are healthy and stronger Alex says ok Aiden then says there a few hours before everything will be ready so Oliver can show you around the pack grounds Alex say ok and they go on the tour around the pack Oliver asked him if he wanted to go for a run in the woods Alex agrees since he hasn't let his wolf out since he been here so they go for a run while Oliver shows him around while he is showing around the pack house they pass by a lake then Alex spotted a cave and made a Mintel note to check it out later hour later they start heading back to the pack house then Oliver shows him around the pack house Oliver shows him a library and for some reason Alex seemed drawn to it so he planned to come back after the tour another hour goes by and he now knows where the game room gym and library is Oliver says that everything and asked if there something he wants to go to Alex replies he wants to look around the library for a while Oliver says ok and they head back to the library Oliver sits in the chair while Alex looks around then settles on a book and sit down to read it doesn't take him long to finish it when he does he gets up to grab another book he continue like he for a few hours he looks over to see Oliver sleep on the chair he laughs and goes back to reading Alex ends up falling asleep holding a book an hour after he fell asleep he smells fire wood then feels warmth and starts getting lifted off the chair he figures he is just dreaming and doesn't bother trying to wake up he then feels he is going up stairs then he starts feeling the warmth leaving so he reaches out to grab it and pull it to him he then grips it tightly and doesn't let go. An hour or so later he wakes up and feels he is laying on something hard and warm he opens his eyes to see he is laying on Aiden and they are in his bed confused he doesn't know how he got there last, he remembers he was in the library reading did he carry him to his bed then fall asleep? He then realizes Aiden is not wearing a shirt and he was laying on his chest all of a sudden, he feels arms around his waist then he ends up back laying on his chest and this time he can't move because he is holding him, they end up staying like that for a half hour.