
Primal Chaotic Void Devourer

Wen Tian an Otaku after his death got a chance to obtain the four Supreme Forces and decides to live his life as he pleases

TheB3st · Others
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5 Chs

Making Plans

I have a basic plan of what I am going to do before the beginning of plot

I will steal the Jade Pendant from Chen Xi immediately after his grandfather dies . The Longevity Lock in which the pendant is encased within is absorbing his Spirit Qi thus stopping him from advancing his cultivation , So after he becomes able to cultivate after giving me the pendant he won't find it odd.

I will save his brother after his grandfather father dies and request the Jade pandent as compensation for saving his brother then he will trust me more be useful to my later plans.

For now I must get my cultivation realm to the peak of Congenital realm and cultivate my soul to Immortal sense so that I can erase the mark Zouqui Xue placed from the Longevity Lock .

The rest of my time can trying to master Talismans while rank to Talisman Formation Grand Master and learning Dao insights . I also ask my father to teach me artifacts refinement , He would instantly agree after seeing my Soul Talent.

I also have to cultivate Peerless Heavenly Scripture to Minor Completion so that it can Hide my Dao insights from every one even the Way of Heavens with it I can Practice the Terminus Dao insight from the Netherworld Register left behind by previous Netherworld Emperor.

Terminus Dao insights is one of the most OP Daos in the whole world but due it's user being targeted by everyone including God's and Devil's Chen Xi started using it too late in the Canon but with the help of Peerless Heavenly Scripture and Decivers Vile I don't have to worry about that problem.

I must master certain attack techniques like Myriad Convergence Sword Scripture which will be available if I just ask my father and Dimensional Shift from Dragon Marked War God it was available at 1000 Void Points in the shop it will be useful even after reaching Immortal King realm it is like Obito's Kamui when cultivated to the highest level .

So here I am standing before the door behind which is the throne room waiting for father to exit the room. The Door opens and father walks out , without wasting any time I immediately run towards him saying " Father, please teach me how to refine artifacts ".

He frowns while replying " No son , your soul must at least be at the level of Spiritual Perception to get started but you are still far from it you can develop when you become a Golden Hall realm cultivator".

I show off my Soul strength while saying " Look father but I already have Spiritual Perception according to the books I read in the library".

Huangfu Zhongling shows an astonished expression while saying " It seems you are a prodigy of Souls we can start your trianing when you are 10 year old till then you have to get used drawing Talismans and practice Dao insights ".

" Father I heard that Myriad Convergence Sword Scripture is the strongest technique throughout all Dynasties in the Continent can you tech it to me " I say while making a puppy eye look.

" Alright son but if you have no progress in the technique by the time you are 10 year old then you must give up on it and follow my direction like you big sister " say Father while clearly have an expression of indulging in my desires.

" Thank you Father ! " I exclaim as I jump into his arms to express my excitement while thinking that he has no idea about the kind of cheat I am.