
Priest in the Multiverse

A simple teen is given the chance to a second life as The One Above All's personal priest(Entertainment).

Dawei · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

A young teen could be seen falling out of the air as he gritted his teeth before reaching for something. A large pole arm appeared in his hands, it was pure white and gave off a holy feeling. Instead of a blade attached it was a cross attached to the top. On top of the cross was a small blade made for spear combat.

"I know it's anime but seriously?"

The world blurred in his eyes as he approached a tree. His pole arm hang onto the tree as it continued decimating branches only to fall slowly as the weapon faded into motes of white light. "Dang that was close. Now where am I?"

He kept looking until he noticed that there was a giant castle. It was one he knew all too well and It didn't help that almost every single world had his name and features stuck on a book.

"Kirei might go crazy. Now Einzbern castle huh?"

His sense immediately told him that people were coming. He noticed that it was snowing "Hm I think I might have a clue." Two people, he looked around as he checked his robes to see if they were okay. "Hmm no damages."

"Hmm daddy who is that?" The father looked at the young teen who was dressed in a priests robe with a shoulder cape and chains with crosses hanging on them. His pants were held by held by a red silk wrapped belt. An antique revolver with cross designs hanged on a chain and were tucked into the belt.

What caught his eyes was that the boy had a flawless look. He smiled at them as he waved. "Daddy look he has white hair like me except he has blue eyes." The man smiled "Yes he does Illya." Kiritsugu looked at the boy and prepared to fight.

The boy walked up to them before reaching his hand out for a handshake. "I'm Yuki Fuyu, I was walking around until I saw this giant castle." Kiritsugu's eyes widened after hearing his name. The description was a perfect match, this person could kill him instantly and he wouldn't even know it.

He was the priest who served (Entertained) a supreme being. He smiled as he kneeled down to look at Illya. Kiritsugu was wary but Illya seemed to trust him. Yuki smiled as he did not like how she ended up in the future "Illya right? Just remember and etch these words into your heart. If you ever need help just visit the church right? It will show itself in your greatest time of need." Yuki handed her a small jewel as he smiled and gave her a pat "Think of it as a gift."

Kiritsugu watched as a flurry of snow blocked his vision as the teen disappeared like the midday snow. Illya then looked at Kiritsugu "Daddy I don't want to marry you anymore. I want to marry him in the future!" Kiritsugu felt his heart break into pieces as he kneeled onto the floor.

Illya shouted "Daddy what's wrong?" Kiritsugu weakly replied "My heart is broken." Illya didn't understand as she was prepared to call the medics "No it's fine." Kiritsugu spent his days self wallowing.

Yuki was thinking about The One Above All and his counterparts. Simply every other god was a fake and The One Above All was the true one he was basically the biblical god except when he's Jesus he has two counterparts.

Black Jesus


Asian Jesus.

Yuki snorted as he made his way to his designated church that was built before hand. The dude probably snapped his fingers and boom church. Yuki smiled at the god's antics.

Yuki finished the reading as everyone left while thanking him. He smiled as he simply thought about visiting Kiritsugu again. Sure it was probably a bad idea but he wanted to know whether the war had started.


Saber was practising in the snowy ground as snow whirled around as she swung her sword. Irisviel was watching as she clapped "As expected of the bearer of Excalibur." Saber immediately apologised until another set of clapping was heard.

Saber turned her head immediately as she saw a priest. "Who are you?" Yuki smiled until Irisviel told her to wait. The teen jumped down from the tree branch as he checked her out. "Quite a lot of strength in those lean arms but then again who am I to judge?" Saber had her sword point at his throat. Yuki simply nudged it away as if he knew how long and how wide the sword was.

That was exactly it he could see the sword, there was no point in hiding it. "Well a proper introduction is due. I'm Yuki Fuyu, you might know me as THAT priest." Irisviel quickly bowed "Sorry about Saber." Yuki's blue eyes glowed as he confirmed that it was still the same.

He nodded his head as he apologised as well "Sorry for startling you. I just thought that I should visit Kiritsugu after our last meeting." Irisviel brightened up "Oh you're the one he was talking about. Never thought that you would be so young."

Saber looked at the teen. He was strong so strong that she couldn't see any limits. She wanted to test her strength against the priest. "I am the servant Saber and may I ask for the favour of a spar?" Yuki nodded "Sure I don't mind." They stood against each other as Saber looked at Yuki who held a bible. "Are you insulting me?"

Yuki shook his head "Wouldn't want you dying on me before the war starts. I'm not even a part of it." Saber charged at him at high speed not normal for humans. Irisviel watched as the sword swung down onto Yuki. In an instant Saber was sent flying into the trees.

Irisviel might no have seen it but Saber did. In that instant while she was swinging her sword, Yuki smiled and waved before jabbing the book straight into her stomach. The boy wasn't normal at all. Yuki smiled and waved thinking about the three penguins.


Somewhere in a Zoo:

"Smile and wave boys, smile and wave."


Saber charged back as all her strikes were blocked by a bible. A blimming bible! Irisviel watched as Saber was being defeated by a bible wielding priest. Yuki smiled as smacked the bible onto his hand "Would you like to attempt again?" A smile bloomed onto his face. Saber readied her sword as she was about to step only for her instincts to warn her of the near future.

She saw it, for a moment she saw her death for an instant. Yuki sighed as he thanked her "I do must thank you for not stepping as my attack was going to be a bit too strong." Saber gave up as she bowed, Yuki did the same as well.


Yuki sighed knowing the fate that they would suffer. He had already given Illya some assurance but Illyasviel and Kiritsugu had suffered. The holy grail war was over. "How many years has it been since then. It seems Illya still hasn't visited the church."