
Previous Life was Sword Emperor. This Life is Trash Prince.

Author: Ekatra
Ongoing · 32.4K Views
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What is Previous Life was Sword Emperor. This Life is Trash Prince.

Read ‘Previous Life was Sword Emperor. This Life is Trash Prince.’ Online for Free, written by the author Ekatra, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, REINCARNATION Light Novel, MAGIC Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Once upon a time, there was a swordsman who wielded the sword, lived by the sword, and died by the sword.After days and ...


Once upon a time, there was a swordsman who wielded the sword, lived by the sword, and died by the sword. After days and months of battle, the swordsman chose death by his own free will, but was reborn as Fay Hanse Diestburg, the third prince of the kingdom of Diestburg. Wanting to distance himself from his past life where he lived as if possessed by the sword, Fay decided to just lead a life of a wastrel, earning the nickname: “Trash Prince”. However, one day, because of a pact with the neighboring kingdom’s Afillis royal house, Fay is sent to war, leading reinforcement troops. On the battlefield, Fay witnesses a scene of despair, as the “Hero”, an existence possessing power rivaling tens of thousands, ravaged the battlefield. Fay considered returning to the kingdom, but a certain knight’s death manages to shake his heart, thus he decided to wield the sword once again — the legend of the strongest lazy prince begins!

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DevilMoiCry · Fantasy
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一袭红衣一头白虎一双赤足,那是创世一族新一任的王者,高冷不善言辞,实则是个话唠加舔颜。塑造高冷形象也只是为了更好的装逼。 “小可爱,你叫什么名字?” 唐欣一见好看的人和物就走不动了。 这少年一身白衣,脸颊白嫩,黑黝黝的大眼,身边还跟着一头通体雪白的小老虎,可不得被唐欣给盯上。 墨染忧有些警惕的看着唐欣,没回话。 “这个这个……这头老虎能不能给我呀?”,唐欣诱哄道。 “不能。” “这位少年,你不知我命有多苦,自打我出生以来就一直是一个人,我的命好苦啊,我就想给自己找个伴。今日一见你身边这头白虎,心生感叹,这才冒昧询问。唉!终究是我奢望了吗?……” 见状墨染忧有些犹豫。 “娘亲说,我们月尘宫一人一生只能有一头坐骑,只能跟自己的伴侣分享。” 拐一送一?这买卖不亏啊! “其实我刚刚就对小公子起了不该有的心思,择日不如撞日,不然我们就把婚事给定了吧。” 吧唧一口亲在了人家的脸上,唐欣拐了小老虎就走了……徒留墨染忧等着她来娶等了数百年。 直到唐欣灵魂迷失在万千小世界,徒留肉体在十重山沉睡,墨染忧才明白过来自己被她给骗了。 不顾亲人的劝阻,他将灵魂碎裂,也要去找那个撩完就跑的小骗子!

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