

"Life was never meant to be a fairytale, but still we chose to believe that ours would have a happy ending." Honest, straightforward, pretty and a hell of a temper, that was Gauhar Siddique. Passionate about serving the right cause and ensuring that nobody could defile the pure tenets of justice. She was a warrior of the law, and you were in deep trouble if you ever found yourself on the wrong side of her fist. Little does she know that trouble was brewing within the paradise her father has worked hard to build. "A little bit of deceit in the grand scheme of things never hurt anyone, especially if it were to uphold the shaky pillars of Justice." Charming, kind, friendly and handsome a deadly combination that would lure even the best in. Altamash Ahmed Quadri was a spider who's expert manipulation wove you right into his web. And once you were in, you could never escape. That was how Youngest Director of the Fairfax and Co Solicitors worked. How would these two opposites clash when Altamash forces Gauhar to marry him? There would be sparks and fireworks for sure. But why did Altamash force her to marry him? And most importantly, could these opposites ever fall in love? ••••••••••• "It's not him, it cannot be him!" I could feel the tears stinging my eyes, but his face stayed resolute. As he slowly walked towards me, I stepped away. I couldn't let him smash everything I'd known to the ground, to wreck havoc to every notion I had held as true. As the back of my head hit the wall behind me, I sucked in a breath. The sight of the animalistic smirk on his face scared me, he looked like he had won. Like I was exactly where he wanted me to be. Pushing his hands in his pockets he approached me, and stopped only when there was a hairsbreadth between us. I could feel the warmth of his breath fan my forehead. And I couldn't breathe. Leaning in his lips ghosted against the sensitive skin of my earlobe, "Deception my love." His voice was a smooth whisper against me, as warm as the blazing fire in his eyes and as smooth as the honey that reminded me of the colour of them. My pulse hammered erratically on my throat and he noticed, because he chuckled softly, "it's not easy to act in a way that is against what you actually feel Gauhar. He had you fooled, just like i have your body fooled into thinking that I am going to ravish you." "That's false." I bit out through grit teeth, my voice a vehement hiss. He placed an arm beside my head, caging me in and looking straight into my eyes, his own were dark the amber of orbs almost eclipsed. "It's not false and you know it, let's not deceive ourselves darling." Leaning in he inhaled a deep breath, "our bodies currently believe that we like eachother, when that's as far away from reality as could be." He abruptly stepped away, "it was all an illusion the same way Gauhar, he had spun a lie around you. Just like I had spun one around us." ••••••••• PS: The beginning of this book is super slow, because you guys gotta get acquainted with the characters, but I promise it'll get Interesting as the story moves on. And be warned this is a slow burn novel so if your expecting instant fireworks and sparks...this is not the book for you. But if you like to feel pain and emotions (masochistic?) and bit of solving cases of law, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. P.PS: The book is written in the POV of the four protagonists Anyways, you should go read the book cuz that's obviously what your here for. Happy Reading!

FQareena · Urban
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114 Chs

Teaching Trolls S.E.N.S.E

"The best beginnings are often unexpected sometimes."

-DB. Sharma


Gauhar's POV

I felt the blood rush in my ears as I clenched my fists in anger. I couldn't act rashly, especially now when I had an opponent almost twice my size. I took in a deep breath and pushed him roughly, causing him to turn around towards me, his eyes narrowed as he registered my presence. "How dare you disturb me you wench!" he growled.

I nearly exploded at his words, how could he dare to say that! As if he were on a date with this woman which I had rudely interrupted. I smiled at him sweetly, though I'd have liked nothing more than to push something painful and sharp into him, right then and there.

I shrugged my shoulders and demonstrated "I guess it hadn't registered when I did it first, but no worries I'm happy to demonstrate." My smile widened, his little beady eyes widened in alarm. Maybe he had seen the thirst for his blood in my eye "Like this" I said, pushing him harder this time, just to drive it into his thick skull.

Some people were so obtuse, they needed things to be demonstrated twice for them to understand, quite sad actually. This one actually seemed like a particularly dense troll.

My push seemed to have angered the troll, because he growled like the mad beast that he was. Maybe he didn't appreciate a harder lesson the second time. I was a good teacher, pity he couldn't appreciate it.

"I was just doing what yo-" I started, when he slapped me right across my face. Causing me to fall down on the ground, the sleeve of my shrug caught onto a nail on the wall, the sound of cloth being ripped filled my ear. My skin grazed on the rough ground, tearing my skin and causing my eyes to water in pain. I heard a barely muffled gasp which I knew came from Daniya.

My cheek was throbbing where he had hit me, I knew that it was going to leave a mark. Ugh dammit, it was going to be hard hiding this.

I narrowed my eyes as I looked in the direction she was hiding, damned idiot, she'd get in trouble if she let him know of her presence. I bit my lip hard to mute the gasp that threatened to escape me. I didn't want to show any sign of weakness in front of him. I noticed that my arm was bleeding, but now wasn't the time to focus on things like that.

I pushed myself off the ground, trying to hide the wince of pain as the cut on my knee stinged. I dusted myself off airily, and plastered a smile on my face.

"Oh come on! You must know it does not befit a true man to harass a lady like this." I looked at the woman held against the wall. I noticed that his grip had loosened quite a bit, I just had to wait a little longer.

"You don't need to force a lady like this to get her with you. You'd get any girl you wanted." I lied through my teeth, I tried my best to sound friendly but I knew I failed miserably, as the disdain I felt showed on my face. This lie was so big, even the man couldn't believe it.

"It's none of your bloody business wench. Who are you to tell me what to do and what not to do?" he demanded, narrowing his small watery eyes at me. I knew it was too big of a lie for anyone to believe. But hey it didn't hurt to try, especially when it was helping loosen his hold on that woman.

I merely smiled at him venom tinging the sickly sweetness "Oh well, I could be wrong as well. Because I've been told that women don't take well to cowards." My words worked well in aggravating him further. I noticed the lapse in his concentration and quickly motioned the woman.

She took advantage, by biting on his hand, causing him to let go of her momentarily. She backed away, and fell on the ground. The brute lunged at her, but Daniya quickly came to her aid, pulling her away from harm.

I could see the cogs and wheels turning in his slow brain as he tried to understand this sudden appearance of another female.

I realized that I felt bad for her, now she would have to wash her mouth with soap. Though I wasn't sure it'd wash off the unpleasant experience entirely. Daniya quickly dragged her away. I sighed in relief, I could do what I wanted now that she was out of harm's way.

Listening to the sound, he snapped out of his shock. He clenched his fists as he growled like a mad dog (no offense to dogs) his yellow teeth grinding against each other. He walked menacingly towards me "What happened between her and me, was of no concern to you, but you meddled in anyway. Busybodies like you need to be taught a lesson."

His dirty face crinkled into a sinister grin showcasing a gap in his uneven teeth "Now that she has left, you will do what I intended from her." I felt an involuntary shudder of repulsion at his words. He was soon going to regret his words, I'd make sure of that. I let out a breath as I let this thought calm me down a bit.

He rubbed his hands as he approached me "This is new, I have never unwrapped a hijabi before."

He suddenly lunged at me, but I had already set my body on high alert and I dodged out of his way before I even consciously thought about it. I smiled bitterly as I remembered how I had learnt it, but I didn't let the memories cloud my brain.

Now was not the time to dwell on the past.

The troll jumped at me again, but this time I was more prepared and aimed a punch at his stomach. The punch was well aimed and precise, and it succeeded in its job. He doubled over coughing, I grimaced to myself. Pity the punch wasn't hard enough to make him cough out blood.

I really needed to increase the strength of impact of my punches.

I knew I didn't have much time to prolong the fight, as much I would've liked to do that. So to end it quickly I kicked him where I knew it would pain him the most, I hoped the kick was hard enough to ensure he had no progeny in the future. He groaned and fell to his knees with a satisfying thud. I placed a well-aimed hit between his shoulder-blades with my elbow, causing him to let out a pathetic breath of air.

He fell down with a heavy thud, with satisfaction, I observed that his eyes were watering. I kicked him hard in the ribs for good measure, making sure that I broke a few of them. When it came to douchebags like this, controlling my sadistic tendencies was indeed hard.

He whimpered pitifully, but the sting in my arm and my ripped clothes reminded me what he was capable of. I would not-- scratch that, could not let what happened before, happen again. I would never let people like him triumph again.

Not as long as I had breath left in me.

I felt another surge of anger rush through my veins as the bitter recollections swarmed my mind. I clenched my fists as I saw the man breathe heavily, scum like him should never be allowed to live. I remembered the blood trickling down the girls white clothes…tinging the pureness with pain.

I heard him groan again, and I snapped. All I could see was red, the colour of blood, the colour of pain blind my eyesight. I wanted to destroy his face.

Before I knew it, I was upon him, aiming punches that had only one motive—death. I wanted him dead, I felt my knuckles get coated in his blood, but I didn't want to stop. It felt good….it felt liberating.

I felt someone roughly pull me away from the man.

Now who is this person....is it more trouble? Let's hope not.

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