
Pretending to be Anime Character in Genshin to See Their Reaction!

Ei's Plane of Euthymia? I'll easily counter that by using Gojo's [Domain Expansion: Infinite Void]! Zhongli's Planet Befall? I'll simply become Madara and use [Tengai Shinsei]! The Fatui is plotting something against me? Very well! [Espada], come forth! Abyss Order is aware of me? With [Kyoka Suigetsu], there's nobody who will know my true appearance and personality! Somehow, I woke up in the world of Genshin Impact. I also have the ability to transform into ANY Anime character. -The tale follows a man who has the ability to transform into anime characters. Upon discovering his power, he decides to put his new skill to the test to see how the characters from Genshin Impact would react. This leads to a number of comedic encounters and funny moments. I have decided to put my newfound power to see the reaction of the people of Teyvat! ------------------------------------------------------------- (Author's Note: There's also a similar novel to this, but it seems like it was dropped. I gained inspiration from it and decided to make a Fanfiction of it. If you are the author of it, feel free to contact me by commenting! I will remove this story, if necessary.)

MochiGreenTea · Video Games
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21 Chs

Me, Myself and I - Chapter 14

1 Week Later..

Things took a serious turn. Lumine, in a daring move to save Thoma from the clutches of execution by the Raiden Shogun, found herself in deep waters—quite literally.

Just as she was about to pull off her heroics, the Raiden Shogun teleported her away to the Plane of Euthymia. Not exactly the destination she had in mind.

And to top it off, the Shogun didn't exactly welcome her with open arms. Instead, Lumine ended up on the wrong end of her power, leaving her wounded and vulnerable.

But Thoma didn't just stand by. Somehow, he managed to slip out of his rope handcuffs—guess those executioners should've double-knotted.

He swooped in just in time, pulling Lumine out of the fire, so to speak. Now, they're both laying low, doing their best to stay off the radar from the soldiers that were ordered to find them.

Amidst all of this chaos, Gojo's presence is notably absent. It's like he's vanished into thin air.

No word, no sight, nothing. Just when you'd think they could use a hand—or let's be honest, a few of Gojo's moves—he's nowhere to be found. Strange times indeed.

Before all of this happened, there was "something" out there, calling to him. He mentioned wanting to check it out, but here's the thing.

Paimon was all like, "Hey! Remember when you said you'd stick with us no matter what?!" Paimon's got a point, but it's Gojo, and when he's onto something, it's usually big.

Seeing how much it mattered to him, Paimon and Lumine decided to let him go explore.

Letting Gojo head off on his own felt okay at the time. Hindsight is 20/20, right? They didn't have a crystal ball to see what was coming.

So, who can you really blame? But, talk about bad timing – just when they needed him the most, Gojo was off the grid.

No way to reach him, no way to get that help they desperately needed. It was like the universe played a cruel joke on them.

They paid a steep price for that decision, and it's one of those harsh reminders that sometimes, even with the best intentions, things just don't pan out the way you hope.

(Thoma) : "Hey, why don't you all head over to Watatsumi Island? It's a solid spot to lay low and, you know, join the army there. It gives us a chance to push back against the Shogun." Thoma suggested this idea, a bit out there but worth a shot.

It sounded like a plan, a place to regroup and maybe turn the tide a bit, hoping this move would give them the edge they needed.

Lumine just gave a simple nod, her way of saying "sounds good." Paimon, floating beside her as always, was a bit more enthusiastic.

(Paimon) : "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea! We're heading there now. Oh, and keep an eye out for Gojo, will you? Let us know if you spot him," she said, always looking out for the crew.

(Thoma) : He cracked a smile. "Oh, the white-haired guy with a blindfold, right? Sure thing. You guys seem to really trust him, so he must be pretty important," he remarked, understanding there was more to Gojo than meets the eye.

With that, it seemed they all had their plans sorted, parting ways with a new destination and leaving Thoma to look out for Gojo.


Zhongli was enjoying a leisurely stroll through a forest near Liyue, taking in the beauty of nature around him.

However, today's walk took an unexpected turn when he caught sight of a figure standing amidst the trees.

The figure was armored in crimson, distinct and imposing, a sight that commanded attention in the calm of the forest.

Without needing much time to piece it together, Zhongli recognized who it was: Uchiha Madara.

It wasn't every day one stumbled upon a legendary figure from Natlan, especially not in the quiet woods near Liyue.

Zhongli's usual calm demeanor held steady, but his curiosity was piqued. Madara, a name that carried weight, stood before him.

The encounter wasn't alarming to Zhongli, but it certainly promised an interesting deviation from his typical day.

Yet, in the silence of the forest, with nature as their audience, the two figures faced each other.

Zhongli, an Archon who has walked through millennia, and Madara, a warrior whose name with an unknown echo. It was a meeting of legends, in the most unexpected of places.

Zhongli had been made aware of Madara long before their paths crossed. It was Gojo who had filled him in, sparing no detail about the man's formidable prowess.

The warning was clear: Madara wasn't just any person; he was a force to be reckoned with, a personified strom.

An intriguing mixture of anticipation and caution stirred within Zhongli.

Madara, on the other hand, seemed unfazed upon laying eyes on Zhongli. With the calm of a seasoned warrior, he simply pulled out his Gunbai.

(Madara) : "Ah, the Geo Archon," he remarked, a hint of recognition—or perhaps, respect—fleeting across his features.

Zhongli, with a stance as commanding as the mountains themselves, summoned his spear, his voice carrying the weight of centuries.

He had heard tales of the Ghost of Uchiha, a figure shrouded in mystery and power, rumored to be on a quest to blanket the world in peace.

(Zhongli) : "Why do you seek such absolute peace?" Zhongli asked, his voice steady but curious, wanting to understand the complexities behind such a goal.

Madara, a shadow above all shadows, responded with a voice that seemed to echo the pain of the world.

(Madara) : "This world, it's drenched in the blood of the innocent, casualties of meaningless wars. I've chosen to dirty my hands, if that's what it takes to cleanse it, to create a sanctuary of peace." It was a declaration, a vow, from a soul who had seen too much.

He had decided that the cycle of pain and retaliation had to be broken, even if it meant walking a solitary path smeared with darkness.

Zhongli, a witness to eons, understood the weight of Madara's words, the price of their mission.

Sometimes, to carve a future of peace, one must traverse the thorns of war.

(Zhongli) : "Isn't there a way to get to our goal without hurting anyone?" Zhongli asked, wondering if there was a way to achieve his aim without causing any pain.

Madara shifted his stance and took out this huge scythe from his back - a wild combo of a Gunbai and a Kama.

(Madara) : "You know, I'd rather deal with someone who's upfront about being my enemy than a friend who lies to me."

(Zhongli) : "Is that your final answer?" Zhongli asked, his voice dropping as he got all serious.

(Madara) : "Naturally, of course," came the reply. Zhongli caught a glimpse of something red in Madara's eyes, but he decided to shrug it off and concentrate on what was ahead.

"You've already lost, Geo Archon," Madara declared, he said confidently.


Stelle was having a bit of a time trying to pick some apples from a tree. She was stretching and jumping, barely nicking the fruit.

Welt, seeing her struggle, simply walked over and gave the tree a good knock with his can't. Just like that, a few apples dropped to the ground.

Stelle looked at him, a mix of gratitude and amusement in her eyes.

(March 7th): "Mr. Yang, are we there yet?" March asked, her voice laced with the kind of impatience that comes from a long journey.

Welt, slightly frazzled but doing his best to keep his cool, glanced over the top of the map he was holding.

(Welt) : "You don't have to remind me every minute. We're almost there," he assured her, his eyes darting back to the map. "I'm trying to make sense of this world's map." Despite his frustration, there was a determination in his voice, a commitment to navigating them through this unfamiliar terrain.

Suddenly, they spotted a white-haired boy casually sitting on a rock and munching on an apple.

Spotting them, he got up and strolled over.

(???) : "You guys lost or something?" he asked, his curiosity piqued by their presence.

(March 7th) : "Yeah, we're just trying to travel around, see the scenery. Any way we could get to Liyue?" March asked the boy sweetly, hoping he could point them in the right direction.

(???) : "Oh, Liyue? I just came from there. I'll guide you, no problem," he replied, his voice easy and casual.

He finished his apple with one last bite and started walking, signaling for them to follow.

They exchanged looks, a mix of surprise and relief, before hurrying to catch up with their unexpected guide.

(Killua) : "My name is Killua. I'm from Snezhnaya. How about you guys?" Killua asked them, his gaze flicking across the group, interested in the stories these travelers might carry.

(Welt) : "We're from Mondstadt. My name is Welt Yang," he said, introducing himself with a polite nod, his voice tinged with the warmth of home.

(March 7th) : "I'm March 7th!" March chimed in, her voice bubbling with her inherently bright personality, as if her name itself was a reflection of her vibrant spirit.

(Stelle) : "The name's Stelle," Stelle cut in, her introduction sharp and brief.

(Dan Heng) : "Mine is Dan Heng," he added last, his tone calm and collected, the steadiness in his voice suggesting a depth like still waters.

(Killua) : With a curious glint in his eyes, he turned to Astral Crews and asked, "By the way, have you seen my brother? He looks just like me, but taller and blindfolded. His name is Gojo."

(March) : She couldn't help but chuckle before replying, "No, we haven't. But if he has white hair, Mr. Yang here has white hair!" She pointed towards Mr. Yang, making a playful comparison that made Stelle laughed.

(Welt) : Shaking his head with a tired smile, quickly brought the joke to a halt. "Don't joke around, March. And no," he sighed, the very thought of his encounter weighing him down, "we haven't seen such a person. At most, I met with a drunk bard."

Killua shrugged, his voice carrying a mix of resignation and amusement.

(Killua) : "It's okay. He's easy to find, but if you need him the most, he's nowhere to be seen," he said. It was like he was talking about one of those friends who's always up for a hangout—unless you're moving or need a ride from the airport.

There wasn't a hint of frustration in his voice, just a simple acceptance of how things were.

(Killua) : "By the way, if you're heading to Liyue, keep an eye out. Some prisoner from Natlan managed to slip away. The guy's pretty distinctive—crimson armor, long hair. And his name is Uchiha Madara." Killua casually threw in a word of caution as if it was an afterthought.

His warning felt almost casual, tucked into the conversation like a casual reminder to bring an umbrella in case it rains.

(March) : "Uchiha Madara? Who's that?" March, puzzled, tossed a question at Killua.

(Killua) : Killua's usual laid-back tone took a dive into seriousness as he explained, "The Ghost of Uchiha. My brother and I really can't stand him. He's got this grand idea to turn the world into what he calls a 'better place'—and his method? Waging war against every single nation by himself." The weight of Killua's words hung in the air.

(March) : March, caught off-guard, quickly followed up, "Wait, what do you mean 'by himself'?"

(Killua) : Killua nodded, the gravity of the situation clearly etched on his face. "Yeah, that's right. He himself vowed to take on every nation alone. Just shows how powerful he really is," he explained. This piece of information seemed almost hard to grasp.

As Killua's words sunk in, March couldn't help but question the validity of such a claim.

The immense strength and daring ambition that Madara possessed—it all just seemed too far-fetched, bordering on the impossible.

To March, the idea of one person taking on every nation single-handedly wasn't just ambitious, it was outright unbelievable.

Could anyone really be that powerful? It sounded more like a myth than reality.

Killua, sensing the tension in the air, tried to lighten the mood with a reassurance of sorts.

(Killua) : "Well, don't worry about it, though. He's a sensible one, but he'll do anything and everything just to reach his goal. Just don't get in his way," he said. His words were meant to be comforting, but they still left everyone feeling on edge.

It was clear that while Madara might have his reasons, his determination and willingness to forge ahead, no matter what, were both impressive and incredibly daunting.

The idea of someone so resolute, so driven that they'd take on any obstacle, didn't exactly broadcast peace of mind to the group.

Follow me on Twitter! ʕ>ᴥ<ʔ @Tsuki_Moon101

By the way, lately, I have been sick. And I've been into Yu-Gi-Oh. I like Exosisters.

And I've been getting lazy to write.

MochiGreenTeacreators' thoughts