

A world where humans are skeptics about Supernatural to the point where it's hard for them to even comprehend the truth which is about Supernatural, And Denzel is one of these humans who are skeptics about it but since Denzel has seen supernatural Being in the start, It wouldn't be hard for him to Disbelief or stay in Skepticism about Supernatural, So Now Denzel would start a Journey After the discovery of Supernatural Truth. Through-out this Journey, Denzel would have to fight with other Beings and possibly even Himself to reach his goals.

Auth_GT · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 14: Realm of Nominee

The moment Nethrasul activated his teleportation powers, he vanished from sight, only to reappear in the mystical realm of the nominee, his arrival a success.

Nethrasul tilts his head upwards and admires the vast expanse of majestic mountains surrounding him. Thanks to the clear day, he is able to observe and appreciate every intricate detail, ranging from the majestic snow-capped peaks of certain mountains to the pristine and unspoiled beauty of others. 

Nethrasul stands on the edge of the mountain, feeling the wind blowing through his hair, as he gazes upon the vast landscape stretching out before him.

Sporting a subtle smirk, Nethrasul commented, "Ah, so this must be the Realm that Lord Morgrathun specifically mentioned to me, the Realm of the nominee."

Nethrasul, with determination in his eyes, turns around and begins to walk at a slow and steady pace, embarking on his quest to find the elusive cave that houses the legendary Diamond of Curse.

Walking seems to be an endless activity for Nethrasul as he never stops.

While Nethrasul is walking, he begins to observe his surroundings and carefully scans the entire landscape in search of a cave.

Unfortunately, Nethrasul's search for the cave proves to be unsuccessful.

With each step, Nethrasul continues his journey, desperately searching for a cave that he hopes to find at any moment.

As Nethrasul gazes up at the sky, he starts to feel a chill run through his body, for he notices the slow approach of stormy clouds.

While Nethrasul is walking, he decides to close his eyes and take a few deep breaths in order to calm his nerves due to the cold weather.

With a slow and disappointed gesture, Nethrasul gradually opens his eyes and lets out a sigh, expressing his frustration by saying, "I am truly disappointed that I am unable to locate a cave in close proximity to my current location. To make matters worse, I can now see clouds approaching, indicating an imminent rain accompanied by thunderstorms."

Nethrasul continues by stating: "And now I must devise a method to ignite a flame and construct a shelter in which I can rest this evening due to the impending rain and thunderstorm that is forecasted for tonight."

Recognizing that locating both a safe spot and a cave would be time-consuming, Nethrasul endeavors to find a secure location where he can rest during the night.

Nethrasul sets out on a journey to discover a secure location that can provide him with shelter during the impending rain and thunderstorm.

While Nethrasul is walking, he notices a fire being lit on a pile of woods and sees some peculiar creatures with bald heads, green skin tone, and ears as big as elves gathered around it.

As soon as Nethrasul noticed the presence of these strange creatures, he quickly found cover and began observing them closely. 

Nethrasul carefully observes these fascinating creatures, taking note of their behavior as they leisurely enjoy their meal.

Nethrasul can sense the presence of rain and thunderstorm clouds gathering and slowly moving closer.

With a serious expression, Nethrasul tilts his head downward before emerging from cover and confidently advancing towards the creatures.

Every single creature that had gathered around the fire immediately became aware of the presence of Nethrasul as it drew near to them.

One of the creatures jumps in front and begins to gaze upon Nethrasul.

Creature 1: "Who are you and what is your Business here."

Nethrasul stops and says: "All i am asking is for cover, Can i stay with you for tonight and for your question 1, I am Nethrasul, A demon."

Creature 2 says: "A demon, You say? A demon that wants Shelter tonight."

Nethrasul says: "Yea, Only for today"

Creature 2 says in respond: "Sorry to inform you, But there are no place for demons right here, So go find yourself another place."

Nethrasul narrows his eye as he smirks and says: "Who is going to stop me from staying here, huh"

All creatures looks at Nethrasul with a serious and cold expression after hearing Nethrasul.

Creature 3 speaks in a frigid tone: "You imbecile, rather than concocting reasons to engage in violence and transform everything into a bloodbath, why don't you remove your wicked presence from this place?"

Nethrasul's temper flares easily when he hears things.

Nethrasul, in a serious tone, asserts, "Under no circumstances would I allow a mere, unknown entity to dictate my departure from this place."

Each and every creature unveils their weapon, their faces filled with seriousness.

Creature 4 exclaims, with an irritated tone, "Good Grief, it appears that everyone was indeed correct in their assertions that these demons possess only the capacity to wreak havoc whenever their desires are thwarted. And lo and behold, we have stumbled upon the quintessential representation of precisely what everyone has been saying."

Nethrasul's eyes widen in response to Creature 4's word.

Nethrasul exclaimed, his voice filled with shock, "The insolence! I will not tolerate such disrespect towards my kind... How dare those inferior beings mock us."

With that, Nethrasul initiates a thunderous roar as he builds up his power.

Nonetheless, creature 5 obstructs Nethrasul's Yell and delivers a blow to his Stomach using its Twinblade.

Nethrasul gets stunned by Twinblade's Attack used by Creature 5.

Nethrasul's eyes widened, his breath caught in his throat, as he directed his gaze downward at Creature 5.

With a ferocious grip, Nethrasul seizes the face of Creature 5, their bones crunching against the hard earth.

While Nethrasul mercilessly slammed Creature 5's head onto the ground, the other four creatures joined in, launching a relentless assault on Nethrasul's vulnerable form.

While four creatures were ganging up on Nethrasul, Creature 5 managed to slip away unnoticed.

Whenever any of those four creatures land a hit, Nethrasul becomes stunned, leaving him incapacitated for a few minutes.

As the last few hits landed, Creature 5 intervened in the fierce assault on Nethrasul by the other four creatures.

Nethrasul was violently kicked in the face by Creature 5, sending him sprawling several meters backwards.

Nethrasul attempted to stand up, but suddenly Creature 5 leaped into the air, its Twinblade spinning. It landed a forceful strike on Nethrasul's head, creating a heavy and resounding thud that echoed through the air.

After a few minutes of immobility, Nethrasul attempted to stand up. As soon as Creature 5 catches sight of this, it lunges forward and seizes Nethrasul by the collar, striking him squarely in the face with Twinblade.

With a thud, Nethrasul crashes onto the ground, blood pouring from his mouth.

Creature 5 takes slow, deliberate steps towards Nethrasul, its movements eerily silent.

Nethrasul's heart raced as he caught sight of Creature 5 approaching, causing him to swiftly retreat with incredible agility.

As Nethrasul remains static, Eventually he crumbles onto his knees while blood spills even more abundantly.

Nethrasul's eyes widen with shock, then swiftly morph into a fiery rage: "You contemptible wretch! How is it possible for you inferior beings to wield such power?"

All five creatures huddled together, ready to defend themselves.

Nethrasul Then slowly stands up, wiping the blood from his mouth, and saying: "Oh well, it doesn't matter. You're all fools. Letting my guard down was the biggest mistake I ever made."

With incredible speed, Nethrasul lunges forward and delivers a powerful knee strike to Creature 1's stomach, sending them flying back into the mountains.

As Creature 1 crashes on the near-by mountain, it catches a glimpse of Nethrasul's fist coming towards it.

Nethrasul's voice echoed with a hint of sorrow as he murmured, "Such pity."

Nethrasul lunges forward at creature 1, determined to grab it, but creature 1 swiftly parries the attack with its axe, severing Nethrasul's arm effortlessly.

Nethrasul's eyes widened in horror as Creature 1 forcefully ripped his arm from his body.

The arm of Nethrasul crashed onto the ground with a sickening thud.

Nethrasul looked down at his arm, his eyes widening in surprise.

Nethrasul's gaze locked onto Creature 1, anticipating the imminent swing of its axe.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Nethrasul Barley seizes the arm of Creature 1, putting an immediate stop to the attack.

The scent of sweat and aggression filled the air as Creature 1's foot connected solidly with Nethrasul's face.

Nethrasul's body jerked backwards, his feet sliding on the ground, as Creature 1's kick connected with his face.

With intense speed, Creature 1 sprints towards Nethrasul.

When Creature 1 gets near Nethrasul, the air fills with the menacing sound of an axe swinging towards him.

As the swing comes towards him, Nethrasul instinctively raises his hand to defend himself, feeling the cold metal of the axe's edge graze his arm.

With a flash of light, Nethrausl vanished into thin air.

With a sudden reappearance, Nethrasul winces in agony, feeling the searing pain and warm blood trickling down his hand from the failed attempt to block the axe's attack.

Despite his one arm being completely detached from his body and the other injured, Nethrasul looks at Creature 1 with a serious and cold expression.

With a serious expression, Nethrasul declares, "The time for playing is over; I never imagined I would have to resort to it again."

Nethrasul then begins to close his eyes, allowing his other senses to awaken.

With superhuman speed, Creature 1 sprints at Nethrasul, the sound of its thundering footsteps echoing through the air. But as it approaches, Nethrasul slowly opens his eyes, revealing a piercing gaze.

As Creature 1 approaches Nethrasul, its heavy footsteps echo ominously.

Nethrasul Chants: "Abyssal Curse: Being Scatter."

Nethrasul's powerful chanting reverberates through the surroundings, causing Creature 1 and its weapon to gradually vanish into thin air.

Nethrasul's arm miraculously regrew, and he could feel his wounds healing rapidly.

Nethrasul's gaze lingers on the empty space where Creature 1 stood just moments ago, his expression growing more somber.