

On Christmas day 2000, ten-year-old Cheolsu was removed from his family home by his father, and made to live in an orphanage. All because he had made the mistake of confessing his feelings to his friend Eun Yi-Jun, another boy. With his parents unable to take the shame that their eldest son may grow up to be gay, they strip him of his name and out of their lives.    With no one else to turn to, he was abandon and alone for five years, before he was adopted by an interracial couple and brought to the UK at the age of fifteen. He was initially reluctant to accept this new family, for taking him away from his home country of Korea and into a home where a woman who was much darker than him wanted to be his mother.  His years of abandonment, affected Cheolsu for many years, but the love and care of his adopted parents he was able to, overcome his many suffering. But he had never told them of his past life in Korea and the reason to why he was abandoned in the orphanage.   For fear of discovering his true sexual orientation, Cheolsu refuses to date or open his heart to anyone. At the age of 31 he’s never been in a relationship and focuses all his time on being a good son to his adopted parents. Due to his experience with his biological parents, Cheolsu has secretly been suffering with the anxiety and post-traumatic stress, at the thought of his adopted parents abandoning him as well.   With this fear consuming his heart, Cheolsu did all he could to please his adopted parents, not even objecting when his mother asked him to return to Korea. But he was even more surprised when his mother returned home early to confess that she, his father, and brother had all set him up with an unknown suitor. However, when asked, his mothers’ refuses to state who the person is and her awkwardness towards him, is causing him to worry. If they simply wanted him to meet and possible date this person, why the secrecy? Why do they not tell him who the person is? And why did this person go through such great lengths to coerce his family into keeping it a secret.   Cheolsu accepted his mother's request with one condition, if the person is unable to get his attention in six months, and he makes him open his heart. They are to give up and his family to never bring up the matter again. But what Cheolsu doesn't realize that returning to Korea will open old wounds he had long since closed, and bring a new love he did not know existed.

Reading_Junkie · Realistic
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16 Chs

Chapter 14 – forced to do the unwilling.


As the weeks passed, I grew heavy with uneasiness, I feared Yi-Yun's possible retaliation,

a concern that grew deeper, as I heard the low whispers among the workers of my family's company. My concerns were further intensified when I had attempted on several occasions to contact Yi-Yun's office, to be turned away by various excuses from his secretarial team. I tried to convince myself that the matter was of my own over imagination and prejudice towards the Eun family and of my history with them. For I truly had no evidence that Yi-Yun would act on my rejection or was of such a mindset. Nonetheless, I couldn't shake my uneasiness at our last interaction, and his words that kept replying in my head.



Unnoticed of the hours that that passed since I arrived at the office, and as I worked diligently through one of our most recent projects, I was interrupted by my secretary. "Good morning director….". She spoke softly; however, her dejected demeanour immediately drew my attention. "Is there an issue?" I asked, removing my glasses from my tired eyes, awaiting her response.

"My apology sir, but Mr. Kwon called, he stated that he will no longer be needing the services of the company". She shockingly declared.

"What!" I spat confused, "we're due a meeting in two hours, what are you saying?", unable to comprehend what I was hearing.

"Sir, if I could speak freely" my secretary looked to me for permission, I had expected her to provide me with a reason as to why he would suddenly drop us unexpectedly, but her next words were far from my expectations.

"Go ahead, tell me what his explanation was" I hurried her, eager to understand this sudden turn of events. A mix of emotions grew heavy within her expression as she began to speak. "Director, I am surprised by your reaction, considering the number of clients who have withdrawn from our services over the past weeks. Haven't yourself, director Yong-Smith and the Chairman been having discussions about this? Considering all that the clients who have withdrawn their services, have taken new contracts given to them by Eun Architectures. Director were you not aware?". She asked in disbelief.


Stunned, I momentarily froze, "Thank you, you're dismissed" I said abruptly, catching a glimpse of her apologetic expression as she may her way out.

Clenching my fist, I was angered that my father and brother had not informed me of what's been happening. Had they thought of a child who needed protecting?

Fuelled by anger, I dashed from office, my intention to confront the two men. Regardless of their reasons, I have every right to know, especially when it directly affects the business.


Storming into my father's office, enraged, I immediately confronted my father. "Appa! Why have you and Chan-Yeol not inform me of what been happening with the company?".

Startled by my sudden intrusion, my father hurriedly dropped the call he was on. "Is that how you addressed your father, you spoiled brat!".

Raising my voice frustrated in wanting to get an answer, I continued without rational, "Appa! What is going on? Why did my secretary just inform me that our clients have been pulling out and taking new contracts with Eun Architectures? And moreover you and Chan-Yeol are well aware of the fact. What am I suddenly not a part of this family or this company? Or are you planning to abandon me?!" I shouted, angrily.


"Yah! Cheolsu Yong-Smith! How dear to speak to your father like that! Do you want me to call your mother and tell her what you just said! You have any idea what you just said!" my father glared at me with widened eyes, I could tell my words had hurt him.


Taking a deep breath, I collected myself. "I am sorry, I shouldn't have said that" I said remorseful, "Appa, can you please tell me what is going on?".

Sighing deeply, my father waved his hand dismissing my outburst, "it's clear your mother spoiled you children too much".

"It's not mother who spoiled us, it is you" I muttered, quickly apologising when my father glared at me "sorry".


With an unconcerned expression, my father continued, "firstly I told Chan-Yeol not to tell you, so don't go shouting at your brother as well. .... We're aware of what's happening to the company and yes Eun Architectures are behind it all, directly speaking President Yi-Yun Eun, I tell you that man doesn't know how to give up. But don't worry, if we're to close-up shop here so be it, I refuse to let him intermediate us. So don't worry, your family is on your side." he said reassuringly. But nonetheless, I felt both responsible and angered at the current turn of events.

"Father, this is not something to take lightly, this isn't only about us. What of our employees? They need their jobs." And with that thought, I knew what I needed to do.





The second I left my father's office, I had one thought in mind, 'find Eun Yi-Jun'. I had returned to Korean for my family, I had no intention of losing a second time to the Eun family. I will get back our clients from Yi-Yun. Gathering my things, I called my driver; I intended to meet with Yi-Yun Eun face-to-face.


With no clear thought and fuelled by emotions, I made the three-hour journey into the bustling city of Gangnam. As my driver slowed, my car in front a large glass skyscraper that stood out due to its unusual shape and was by far one of the tallest buildings that stood among the rest. I felt a sense of familiarity and disgust.

"Director we're here" My driver said as he opened my door, not that he needed to inform me, considering the large words EUN that displayed proudly on its outer grounds.


Stepping out the car, I was Immediately made my way through the crowd of workers that were no. making their way home, to the front desk.

"I need to meet with President Yi-Yun Eun" I said to the male that stood at the reception area. "Do you have an appointment? He quickly followed in asking.

"No" I said shortly, my firm tone somewhat of a surprise. "You will not be able to meet with the president without an appointment, would you like to make one today?"

"No" I again answered firmly, "Sir without ….".

"You have 10 minutes to get him here, tell him that Director Cheolsu Yong-Smith is here to meet with him" I abruptly interrupted, my anger visible.


Without waiting to hear the receptionist next words, I made my way to one of the available seats that faced directly at the receptions' desk. I could tell from their mocking expression that they had no intention of seeing to my request, but were curious, nonetheless.


As I had suspected, my wait would not last long, and within minutes four large males approached the receptionist from earlier. After a brief exchange, the leader of the four began to make his way in my direction. Immediately adrenaline began to fill my body, anticipating an uncomfortable confrontation.

The moment all four men were within ear shot, I instantly arose from the seat and firmly stated in my intention. "I have no intention of leaving this place until I am meet with President Yi-Yun".

"Are you director Yong-Smith?" the leader asked calmly. "Yes, I am," I confirmed. "Please come this way" he ordered, stepping aside politely, and directing me ahead. "Are you taking me to see the President?" I asked, vigilant of their calm and respectful demeanour. "Yes, we have instructed by President Yi-Yun to have you brought to him" he stated.

With that said, I swiftly made my way as instructed, quickly catching a glance at the bewildered expressions of the receptionist.


The closer I become to standing before Yi-Yun, the more infuriated I became, as I walked through the exceptional interior design of the Eun Building. It angered me, at their greed when they have many dreaming to work for such an establishment and an unlimited demand of clients. So why stoop so low as to attack my family's company, 'Yi-Yun, today I teach you a lesson' I muttered to myself.


We finally came to a stop before two large doors, "the president in currently in a meeting, he has invited you to attend". The lead guard spoke, as two others opened the doors to the meeting room.


Instantly I was met with glaring of eyes and an eery silence, I had never felt more naked in my life.


"Director Yong-Smith, you've arrived, please come in a join us" a familiar voice spoke, pulling me from my frozen state.

Triggered by his voice, my body began to move on its own and within seconds, Yi-Yun laid slumped across his desk, his cheek reddened by my sudden punched to his face. "You, despicable asshole" I huffed, grabbing him by his collar, "You think because you have money and status you have the right to ruin other people's lives!" I roared.