

On Christmas day 2000, ten-year-old Cheolsu was removed from his family home by his father, and made to live in an orphanage. All because he had made the mistake of confessing his feelings to his friend Eun Yi-Jun, another boy. With his parents unable to take the shame that their eldest son may grow up to be gay, they strip him of his name and out of their lives.    With no one else to turn to, he was abandon and alone for five years, before he was adopted by an interracial couple and brought to the UK at the age of fifteen. He was initially reluctant to accept this new family, for taking him away from his home country of Korea and into a home where a woman who was much darker than him wanted to be his mother.  His years of abandonment, affected Cheolsu for many years, but the love and care of his adopted parents he was able to, overcome his many suffering. But he had never told them of his past life in Korea and the reason to why he was abandoned in the orphanage.   For fear of discovering his true sexual orientation, Cheolsu refuses to date or open his heart to anyone. At the age of 31 he’s never been in a relationship and focuses all his time on being a good son to his adopted parents. Due to his experience with his biological parents, Cheolsu has secretly been suffering with the anxiety and post-traumatic stress, at the thought of his adopted parents abandoning him as well.   With this fear consuming his heart, Cheolsu did all he could to please his adopted parents, not even objecting when his mother asked him to return to Korea. But he was even more surprised when his mother returned home early to confess that she, his father, and brother had all set him up with an unknown suitor. However, when asked, his mothers’ refuses to state who the person is and her awkwardness towards him, is causing him to worry. If they simply wanted him to meet and possible date this person, why the secrecy? Why do they not tell him who the person is? And why did this person go through such great lengths to coerce his family into keeping it a secret.   Cheolsu accepted his mother's request with one condition, if the person is unable to get his attention in six months, and he makes him open his heart. They are to give up and his family to never bring up the matter again. But what Cheolsu doesn't realize that returning to Korea will open old wounds he had long since closed, and bring a new love he did not know existed.

Reading_Junkie · Realistic
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16 Chs

Chapter 13: The one I never thought I’d see again. P2

Immediately upon entering our conference room, my heart began to beat faster, and my body became hot. I made every effort possible to ensure my movements were natural and confident as I made my way to my seat. It was imperative to refrain from making eye contact with those who were already seated, particularly under the lingering gaze of Eun Yi-Yun.

"Has Director Yong-Smith's condition improved?" He asked, with a deep voice, as I settled down.

Clenching my fits, I swallowed hard before responding. "Yes, thank you, President Eun" I replied, raising my gaze. But I was instantly taken aback, when I recognised the person who sat before me. With his mask, no longer covering his face, his full profile was revealed. A profile I had seen once before, when I had first arrived in Korea, "you" I muttered in surprise.

President Eun was the strange man from the airport, who had the child! 'What kind of misfortune is this?' I thought to myself.

"I sincerely apologize for my earlier intrusion, as I should not have entered your office in such a manner. It was not my intention to cause you such distress, Director Yong-Smith. I humbly request your forgiveness". Eun Yi-Yun arose from his seat and bowed respectfully. His politeness clearly an unusual behaviour, as I witnessed his assistants eyes widen in astonishment, as though they had just seen a new life-changing event.

Flustered and embarrassed, I quickly accepted his apology, "I accept your apology, please sit down, no need for such a commotion" I responded as confidently as I could through my nervousness.

Giving me an unnerving smile, he gazed into my eyes as though mocking and replied, "yes sir". His submissive response was certainly an unnatural behaviour for him. He didn't give the impression he was someone who apologised for his behaviour or cared what others thought of him. Yet here he stood doing just that so effortlessly. Or was I judging him unfairly because of my prejudices against people like him?

Nonetheless, it is possible that this individual, like a multitude of others, is simply mocking me, a possibility that is more probable than my previous thought.

The meeting room was filled with a sense of tranquillity and awe. His conduct was undoubtedly unusual, and judging by their expressions alone, it appears that they feared him. As I gazed upon the man before me, I found no trace of the ten-year-old boy that I once secretly admired beyond friendship. In the Twenty years that have passed since our parting, it appears he has grown to become one of them.

"Ahem" my father drew back the attention of the room to himself, "President Eun, may I ask why you have requested this meeting? I believe we have already concluded on certain matters". My father passively spoke, it was clear the two had a history, which still comes as a shock to me. Why hadn't I heard his name from my father before? It almost felt like my father and brother didn't want me to know about their relationship. One thing is certain, they were trying to hide something from me.

Getting straight to the point, Eun Yi-Yun directly addressed me and proceeded to speak. "I would like to invite Director Cheolsu as my lead Architecture, for our new project. The project is expected to be completed for four hundred and half million dollars, as the owner is an American. I need someone with fresh ideas for this project. Hence, why I am here today, I believe that, that person is Director Cheolsu. I have seen some of your work and was quite impressed, would you consider taking up a temporary position at Eun Architectures?". He spoke to me directly as though I were the only person in the room.

I was taken aback by the Eun Yi-Yun's unbelievable offer, glancing over to my brother and father, to gage their reaction. However, they, unlike myself, didn't appear surprised at the news. But I would be dishonest to say that such an offer wasn't tempting, as it would undoubtedly present a significant prospect for the company and myself. Being associated with Eun Architecture would boost our connections and open many doors. But on reflection why would such a large company be interested in the likes of me, when my portfolio lacks experience, for a deal this size, an experience lead architecture is required.

Without talking long to gather my thoughts, I gave Yi-Yun my answer. "President Eun, this opportunity is quite tempting. However, I don't believe am most qualified to oversee such a deal. For a deal this size, it requires a more experienced person. Besides, I am confident the client would much prefer someone of experience. Furthermore, I would be expected to lead the person of the Eun team, which I am not comfortable with. It is likely they will be resistant to my ideas, and I have little patience for stubbornness and office politics. Therefore, on those grounds, I have to say rej.."...

"Before Director Cheolsu rejects me, how about you review the project". He abruptly interrupted me and gestured to his assistant to hand me the deal plans, which I ignored.

With my earlier nervousness and uneasiness now gone, I firmly addressed Eun Yi-Yun, again rejecting his offer. "President Eun, I apologise, but I will have to decline, as I have explained I am not best qualified for this role. I am sure Eun Architectures can locate a better candidate".

Though my decision was primarily personal, if I were to fail, my family would also suffer. People from Yi-Yun's world cared little for those they trampled on, or how far they would go to destroy a person. Yi-Yun may not be as cruel, but the same can't be said for his parents.

The reassuring expressions of my father and brother, was enough courage I needed to stand firm on my decision.

Pursing his lips, Yi-Yun appeared disappointed at my decision, "If that's your decision, I guess I must accept" he stated calmly, abruptly arising from his seat and thanking my father and brother for their time. Then turning his attention to me again, is expression emotionless, "It was a pleasure meeting you again, Director". He held out his hand out to shake my own and with some reservation, I accepted. The warmth of his hand radiated through me the moment we touched, causing that uncomfortable feeling from before to return. As I went to withdraw my hand, did he grip tighter, "I hope our next meeting is more affable". He spoke, is grip firmly in place and his gaze fixed on my own. Without thought, my body responded on its own, "Er'm…. Yes…. Next time… I mean… no…no!" I tried to refute, but my reaction seemed to have been of some amusement to Yi-Yun, who smiled gently before releasing his tight hold on my hand and leaving our meeting room.

"Hey, what's up with you, why're so dazed?" Chan-Yeol nudged me gently and asked concern. Clenching my fist, I shook my head, "nothing hung" I replied lowly, before I too abruptly left the meeting room searching for Yi-Yun. I needed to know what he meant by next time, had he not understood that I had rejected his proposal. I didn't mean to imply yes just now, that was involuntary!

It didn't take long for me to catch up to him, "President Eun!.... President Eun!" I shouted the moment I saw him about to enter his car, at the same time a familiar scene flashed through my mind of our first encounter.

Acknowledged my presence, he paused, it were though he was happy I had chased him down. "Director, have you reconsidered so quickly" he asked, his tone soft. Gulping hard, I began to speak, "No… I just wanted it to be clear just now, I meant no… I won't be seeing you again, and I do not accept this project. Therefore, I hope nothing more will come from this meeting, I need your word that you are satisfied with my rejection". I firmly addressed him.

And for a moment we stood face to face with no words spoken, Yi-Yun looked deep into my eyes as he stepped closer towards me, his closeness again causing me to become uncomfortable. Undoubtedly, the closer this man was the harder it became to maintain my composure, my heart would beat as though it belonged to a race horse wanting to jump from my chest.

But why was he standing so close to me? And why wasn't I reacting?. "Cheolsu, I'll be honest, I am not satisfied with your rejection" he whispered closely in my ear. The proximity of our bodies, a mere centimetre away, causing his hot breath to hit my ear like a volcano. Instinctively, my body began to move on its own, seeing this, Yi-Yun grabbed my arm, preventing me from pulling away and, in an intimidating tone, he repeated his words."I said am not satisfied Director….." the more he spoke the sinister his words became, "Therefore I will do whatever it takes to get you" he declared boldly. With a slight turn of his face, our eyes met, our position at that moment could be depicted in two ways. 1) two males in an intimate and unnatural relationship, or 2) I was being threatened.

Regardless of which, I was frozen, unable to speak, I should be pushing him away or at least cursing him. Instead, I was immersed in the scent of his aftershave and concerned that he might hear my racing heart because his lips had lightly brushed mine as he parted our bodies.

I knew at that moment, that whatever Yi-Yun planned to do, I didn't stand a chance against him.