
Predators - Book 1

In a world where vampires and humans now coexist despite their differences. Until things get complicated.

HoneyTrap · TV
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Part One: Good Bad

28 Years prior ~ Arizona (1992)


The air in the room was thick and the beat of 'Baby got back' shook the entire house and the girls danced wildly with their male counterparts in the compact living room. Edward was a little drunk an hour into his friend's house party. He couldn't help but notice a beautiful girl with long light brown almost blonde hair from across the room.

She looked as if she was in pain almost though as a girl next to her nudged her to speak she threw on her best smile, but her eyes showed fear. She kept searching around the room as if someone was looking for her before her eyes met Edward's.

He waved and she bit back a smile before turning away distracted by the buzzing of her phone that she flipped open and answered hesitantly. He could tell that she was having a disagreement with whomever she was speaking with as her features showed anger. Eventually, she snapped her phone closed before whispering something to her friend who was too drunk to really comprehend.

Once he saw her making her way towards the door alone he was concerned, so he followed her hoping to catch up through the crowd. When she made it to the door Edward was only halfway there resulting in him ditching his sweet 'excuse me's' and instead shoving his counterparts. She was walking at a fast pace towards the alleyway when he made it outside of the house, darting to reach her.

Once she disappeared around the corner he double-timed but once he made it around she was gone. He stopped looking around before sighing roughly.

"Why are you following me?" He was startled at the voice behind him making him turn around quickly. "How did you-", "I asked you a question." The once nervous girl now stood tall and irritant with her arms crossed at 5 foot 2.

"I'm sorry, I was just making sure you were okay. I-I saw how stressed you seemed at the party, I promise I wasn't trying to stalk you or anything." Edward explained to the brown-eyed beauty.

"So you were watching me. Sounds like a stalker to me." She then adds and Edward felt a bit uneasy under her stare. "You should be walking alone at night, not a pretty girl like you. Someone might hurt you." he complimented making her smirk.

"Oh, I wouldn't be too worried about me being the one hurt." She says taking in the man in front of her and realizing he was quite attractive.

"W-Who are you?" He smiles towards her and she raises her eyebrows at him, he was absolutely crazy to be following someone like her.

"My friends call me Ana." Only now he really noticed her accent. "Well Ana, I am Edward." He says never taking his eyes off hers first regardless of the tight dress that showed cleavage.

"I'm not someone you wanna get to know." She says and Edward ran his hand from his long hair. "I'm positive you are." He says making her genuinely smile.

"Edward, you're a sweet guy. Who deserves a sweet girl. But I'm not her."

"What if I don't like sweet?"

Part Two: The Encounter


Jazlyn was currently in the grocery store shopping for her and her sister who seems to have an issue with cup noodles. She and Jazz have been job searching since their funds won't last forever. She wasn't really sure where her degree in culinary would get her here in a small town in Wisconsin. As she made it down the fresh foods aisle she noticed only one other person in the same area. It was very late at night and she didn't particularly like going out in the day.

She also liked how peaceful it was here in the night so she had been taking walks to a nearby park since they've settled after a week.

The man was searching in a cooler and Jazz nosily watched yet since she didn't want him to notice she picked up a glass of something random and pretended to read it. She made short glances noticing how hot he looked from the back, he had black hair as dark as the Bonnie woman. He wore a plain navy blue shirt and blue jeans with black ankle boots, she noticed gawked at the size of his arms. She was a sucker for muscle and he had a nice butt.

She watched as he pulled out a case of organic V juice and the bottle slipped from her fingers smashing to the floor. This immediately caught his attention and Jazz quickly looked away mentally cursing herself. She was very embarrassed and went to pick up the glass and just as she did she noticed his dark boots in front of her.

She slowly looked up and her eyes bet with the most gorgeous man she'd ever come face to face with. His ocean eyes mixed with other colors she couldn't quite decipher stared into her plain brown eyes. His jawline sharp and eyebrows thick, he was completely flawless... just like Bonnie.

She snapped out of it remembering that he was a vampire which is now one more that she's seen.

"Well, this is a bit embarrassing." She laughed nervously before going to lay her hand against the ground without looking so she could stand but it resulted in her cutting her hand on a shard of glass.

"Ah!" Jazlyn yelped in pain looking down at the glass gouged into her palm and quickly back at the man who was still standing there. Jazlyn quickly realized her situation and looked towards him in horror, remembering they have an insatiable hunger.

"Are you okay?" he asked and she noticed he wasn't reacting how she thought he would, but quite the opposite. He stepped towards her and she stepped back bumping into her cart. He never looked at the wound only at her eyes, but he could sense her fear and hear how rapid her heart thumped.

"I'll be fine, I should actually go clean this up." She mumbled turning her cart but he grabbed her elbow softly and she panicked. "Please don't hurt me." She whispered but he heard her loud and clear.

"Have you given me a reason to?" he asked and his question surprised her. "I-I am bleeding." she breathed out and he smirked at her before laughing lightly. She noticed his teeth looked normal but she knew vampires had fangs. "It's okay I can control myself, I'm not feral right now. See no fangs or dark eyes." he says attempting to calm her down.

"Okay." she says and she watched as he went to pull the thick glass out of her now leaking hand, she winced as he did. It bled worse once removed and she was sure she would need stitches.

"I'll have to go to the-" she stopped talking as he then brought his face closer to her hand. "What are you doing?" she asked and his other hand ran up to hold her forearm softly.

"Do you trust me?" he asked and she breathed before responding.


"Good" He responded yet continuing on but this time she didn't stop him, only looked around to see if anyone was around. She flinched as his mouth came into contact with her palm, she knew she should probably get help but she oddly felt calm all of a sudden. He sucked up all the blood resting in her palm enough to see her open cut, and just before it began to bleed more he poked out his tongue and licked from the start to the end of the wound.

When he rose his head and met eyes with her, his tongue swiped the side of his mouth and her knees nearly buckled at the sight. But then she noticed the pain was completely gone, she looked down at her palm and it was gone. It had completely healed within seconds.

"T-thank you." she said very much surprised with the results.

"No, thank you. You tasted delicious, Jazlyn." His low deep voice purred and she wasn't going to lie and say it didn't harden her nipples.

"How do you know my name?" she asked as he began to walk away and he stopped and turned his head slightly to the side.

"I know all my neighbors."


"You stayed out late last night." Tarah says taking a bite of her cereal with her eyes on the television. Jazz was currently just entering the kitchen and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she was recalling last night's events that she'd decided not to tell her sister.

"Yeah, I got lost on the way back home." She lied easily and her sister brushed it off turning the tv up. It played a new show that aired earlier this year, it was about the individual stories of how vampires turned and how they lived in secrecy. Tarah has watched the show since the first episode.

Anyone who was close to Tarah knew she had a thing for vampires, she was infatuated with them. Even before their discovery, she was a big fan of vampire fanfiction written by anonymous authors.

One thing Jazlyn never understood about her sister but she never questioned her either. In fact, she often watched it with her simply because it was quite interesting to hear stories from all the years back. Many dating 100 years back which was the peak of humans being turned to, when they felt their species was too scarce.

They learned the women vampires were 80% more likely to be more deadly than the men. Their prey drive was off the wall from the heightened emotions and the want of revenge on their ex-lovers or anyone who crossed them. There was nothing more dangerous than a female vampire scorned.

Interrupting the show, someone rang the doorbell. Tarah didn't budge so Jazz sighed and went to answer the door, she was surprised to be met with a very tall man. He had short brown hair and the most perfect blue eyes, he looked like he was in his late 20's or very early 30's.

"Hello, my name is Jedediah and I live across the street. I talked to your sister two days ago, she asked if I could show her around." Jazlyn didn't expect anything different from her sister, she liked older men but by older, she didn't think she meant vampire old. Jazlyn stepped forward silently closing the door behind her making Jed take a few steps back.

"Let me be clear about something. My sister is one of the few people in my immediate family that I have left if you so much as hurt a hair on her big head, you won't like the results." Jazlyn didn't like the idea of death knocking on her door and asking for her very own blood. She didn't show any sign of fear but only protectiveness.

"I wouldn't dream of it. It's good to know that she has someone there to look after her." Jed said gently and he meant every word. He could understand where she was coming from, not all vampires are friendly.

Without another word, Jazlyn opened her door and called for her sister.

"Tarah someone's at the door for you." Immediately she heard hurried steps and her sister appeared, Jazz now noticed her sister had been dressed to go out. She even styled her short hair that was usually wild, her face reddened at the sight of Jed and her sister.

"Jed! You're... early." She was nervous, this baffled Jazz because her sister never got nervous.

"Yeah I'm sorry, I should've texted first-." , "No, no you're fine. Uh, this is Jed, Jazz." Tarah wasn't exactly sure how long they'd talked and she was a little afraid about what her sister said to him.

"Yeah, we've met." Jazlyn stated in a monotone voice.

"I'd like my sister home by 8." Jazz said towards Jed but still looking at her sister disapprovingly as she walked out the door.

"Jazlyn, I'm 21. I'll be fine I promise, I would never put myself in danger and you know that. My phone is charged and my location is on if you get worried just call me okay."

Tarah would never get mad at her sister for worrying about her because Tarah was often worried about her older sister too. Jazz nodded and Tarah hugged her sister excitedly before walking off with Jed to his very nice car, Jazz was nervous.

"Please put on your seatbelt! And no speeding!" She yelled out and Jed gave her a thumbs up while Tarah laughed at her sister's authority though she would listen.

Jazz wouldn't close the door until they were completely out of sight, but she paused seeing that man again with the blonde hair. He was talking to him, the vampire from the grocery store. She blushed at the thought of the events.

She grabbed her book from the coffee table and she decided to sit on the swing on her porch and read.

Arry and Isaiah immediately noticed the new scent in the air and their conversation shifted.

"You think she'll stay there until her sister gets back?" Arry asked his brother who looked towards Jazlyn and tilted his head in thought. "Perhaps, she definitely frightened me a little with her speech to Jed." Isaiah joked but it wasn't evident in his deep voice. They listened to the whole altercation.

"She's a pretty one." Arry then stated and Isaiah nodded in agreement. "Don't let Jack, Bonnie, and Markos see. They love the pretty ones." Isaiah stated truthfully though they hadn't caused any problems lately.

"She's not their type. They love the basic and naive, she's too smart and stands out. It's not like how it was before, people know of us now." Arry told his brother who stared at the girl on the porch as she read.

They watched a car pull into her driveway and Marceline got out with her beautiful smile on her full lips and her bouncy blonde curls cascading down her back. Similar to Jazlyn's but a little looser.

Isaiah stood up a little straighter at the sight of the new woman, he'd seen her only visit the house once before when the lady before them lived alone and that was years ago. Now she was a woman.

They watched as the two girls smiled at each other and hugged. Marceline sat next to her cousin and they chatted unaware of their stalkers.

"I haven't seen you look at a woman like that in decades." Arry teased and Isaiah scowled at him. Arry, on the other hand, had his eyes on the tasty girl from last night.

They watched as Marceline whispered to Jazlyn and forced her to stand making her eyes widen. Jazz consistently shook her head no and from this point, they were interested in what the fuss was about so they eavesdropped with their hearing.

"Marci No! They seem busy we shouldn't bother them." Jazz says and he Arry could hear her heart racing from across the street.

By the time they made it across the street, Jazlyn stopped her words and looked at the ground. Marceline, on the other hand, held her head high with a light smile on her flawless face towards the two men. They reached their porch and Jazz felt her stomach flip when she met eyes with Arry.

"Hello! So sorry to be a bother, but my cousin lives across the street and we thought that it would be nice to introduce ourselves." Marceline's sultry voice says.

"It is a pleasure to meet both of you beautiful ladies." Isaiah said holding out his hand to Jazz first. His hand swallowed hers and she felt small in their presence, they both stood at 6'4 and ALL muscle.

He kissed her hand which surprised her and then did the same to Marceline yet rubbing his thumb over her knuckles and the kiss lingered a little longer.

"I am Isaiah." he then stated and Marceline blushed a little at how he looked into her eyes the entire time, drinking her in. All whilst Jazz and Arry stared at each other the entire time, he held a smirk and she only looked at him in awe.

"And I am his brother, Arry." He turned to smile at Marci who couldn't help but notice how their build was nearly identical but their facial features were a little different along with their hair color.

He shook the hand of Marceline who was still feeling nervous under Isaiah's stare.

"Absolutely remarkable." Isaiah said lowly yet they all heard still staring at the beauty before him. "Indeed" Arry added shamelessly undressing Jazlyn with his eyes. They shared a moment of silence, no one blinking, and both women unintentionally holding their breath.

"What the hell is going on out here?" Everyone's head snapped to the short woman, she had long blonde-ish hair with light golden skin and pretty brown eyes to match.

"Ana, we were just talking to our new friends, no need to get all worked up." Arry says going to kiss her temple and it led the girls to believe maybe they were together. That is until another man joined the group.

Neither could grasp the fact of how eye-catching everyone who lived in this house was. It made Marceline remember on a vampire history channel of how there was one rule that they would follow on turning people. In the beginning, they only turned the most statuesque and poise women but they were a lot more intimidating and they stood out which wasn't something vampires in hiding like.

The issue turned them to give shorter women a try, average height women was always a safe zone. But the only thing that would tempt a turn more than height, love, or shape was the beauty. It was apart of their reputation and they keep it till this day.

Ana looked towards the girls who stood taller than her but Jazz was only 5"4 and Marci was 5"7. The man stood closer to Ana placing his hands on her curvy hips and rubbing there and finally noticing their company.

"This is Jazlyn and Marceline." Arry introduced the two women that were definitely nervous at this point, there were 4 people staring at the two. Four vampires.

"Nice to meet you two. I'm Edward." He smiled towards the two and Marci returned it but Jazz was uneasy. Arry noticed and wasn't making it any better by staring.

"They are together, but Anais has been with me and Arry for so long she and her sister are considered our family." Isaiah explained.

"Speaking of... Dominique and Bonnie are arguing again." Edward said with a sigh afterward and the boys laughed. "You guys should meet some of the others since you're already here." Edward suggests and Ana purposely stepped on his foot.

"I don't know if that's the best idea." Jazz really didn't feel comfortable in a house of vampires, she didn't even know if she would ever come out.

"Yeah, it's lunchtime and we were going out for a bite. But it was nice meeting you all." Marceline had met vampires before but she had never been around so many at once and sure wasn't comfortable entering their territory without more humans.

"Okay, maybe another time." Edward smiled at the two and Ana rolled her eyes, she wasn't very fond of the idea of them coming around. If she were honest humans irritated her and made her a bit anxious, but who was to blame her when Arry and Isaiah held her and Dominique in captivity for so long.

"Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything." Isaiah says more towards Marci who blushed at his offer.

"We'll keep that in mind." She says before they leave towards her car and the vampires watched them bicker about the tense altercation.

"I don't like them." Anais says once they're out of earshot and Edward scolds her. "Be nice, Ana. They mean no harm, my love." he says and she shrugs.

"Oh, little sister. Are you jealous?" Isaiah teased and she scoffed at the assumption. "Of a weak human?" she asks rhetorically with a light laugh at the end. "We know you want us to keep it in the family but, mmm aren't they just ravishing?" Arry licked his lips at the sight of Jazz's very nice and plump ass.

"Keep it in your pants, humans aren't your type." Isaiah said to his brother and it was true, Isaiah preferred humans as sexual partners because they were rawer in the bedroom. They had flaws, they were warm, and couldn't roam in your head when they drank from you or while you're sleeping. In a way it made him feel more human.

Arry, on the other hand, didn't have a good history of sexual relations with humans because they were too emotional. Don't get him wrong, vampires had feelings too but humans were a lot more vulnerable. He didn't like it when begged him to bite them if he told them, and he was only to wipe their memory later. He didn't like it when the long term ones would eventually fall in love and beg him to turn them.

Arry had only been in love with a human once but she left once he revealed what he really was, but that was a lifetime ago and he was done with experimenting. He'd been practicing abstinence ever since. Isaiah nevertheless had multiple relationships with humans and all felt the same to him, he could never find a girl who made him feel different so he always ended them before the I-LOVE-YOU'S.

Isaiah had only loved his wife but she was gone now.

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