
Predators - Book 1

In a world where vampires and humans now coexist despite their differences. Until things get complicated.

HoneyTrap · TV
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Caitlyn Mwenifumbo as Jazlyn Moore

Tabria Majors as Tarah Moore

Stephanie Rao as Bonnie Pickens

Val Mercado as Anais Franklin

Breah Hicks as Dominique Franklin

Talia Love as Ryan Olsten

Charmar Moore as Marceline Mitchum

Toni Mahfud as Arry Baratheon

Zayn Malik as Markos Avan

Harry Styles as Edward Pensacola

Charles Melton as Avery Kim

Chris Hemsworth as Isaiah Baratheon

Joseph Morgan as Jack Pharoah

Sam Claflin as Jedediah West

Michael B Jordan as Wes Mitchum

Sophie Turner as Blaire Palvin

Michael Ealy as Jon Woods

Zendaya Coleman as Brienne Blackburn

Henry Cavill as Cassian


In a world where Humans and Vampires coincide and learn to live together but neither species should really trust the other.

Part One: New Beginnings

48 years earlier

"Bye guys!"Bonnie called out to her friends as they went their separate ways from the birthday dinner she'd just had. She was exhausted and her feet hurt from the disco sandals she'd been wearing all day. She was in much need of rest and she had work in the morning.

Bonnie took hurried steps to her car as the harsh wind hit her skin feeling like shards of ice. It was January in Wisconsin and cold but it hadn't snowed much yet all winter.

She made her way to the parking lot and hissed when her ankle turned to the side in the heel causing her new polaroid camera to slip from her hands and shatter. "Fuck." Bonnie yelled out in pain and aggravation.

Her ankle was throbbing a little but it was a little bearable to walk on. She picked up her camera clicking the on the button but it would snap and it had cracked up. Just great 80 dollars down the drain. She thought to herself angrily shoving the camera into her jacket pocket and stalking off to the fancy navy blue 1970 dodge challenger.

It was a gift from her father who is still at war in Vietnam currently. She opened the door getting inside quickly and started the car, her small hand reaching to turn on the heat in the car before she pulled off.

While driving she listened to Elvis Presley's 'Burning Love' song feeling a good vibe from the amazing song. Little did she know she took the wrong turn and didn't know this side of town very well. It was very dark and the road was narrow with many swivels.

She went to turn her radio down to stay concentrated on the road. It was really dark and she was clearly lost making Bonnie frown.

"Jesus!" She attempted to search for a map but when her eyes met the road there was a person lying on the road causing her to swerve off the road hitting a nearby pole.

"Ahh." tears sprang into her eyes as her hand raised to her hairline to see there was blood where she hit her head. Her nose was also bleeding caused by her airbag, she reached to unbuckle her seatbelt. She then went to push the door open only for it to not budge, she paused hearing something heavy land on the top of her car causing it to dent the rooftop.

She looked back towards where the person was lying only to find out that they were gone causing her to panic. She heard shuffling over the car and a low deep and terrifying growl. She could feel her heart beating in her throat and attempted to budge the door only for it to be unmoved.

She then climbed to the other side of the car kicked her heels off and opened the door making a run for it. She ran faster than she'd ever run in her life but she wasn't fast enough, no ordinary person was.

Meanwhile, there were others. Bonnie cut her barefoot making her hiss in pain pausing by a tree and leaning on it trying to labor her breathing and stay quiet. The blood was leaking on the ground and they could sense it making their want for her to heighten.

She heard a nearby branch break and broke into another sprint for her life ignoring the nearly unbearable pain in her foot, ankle and her throbbing head. She was stopped, being pushed by something that was suddenly in front of her and the force causing her to fall hard.

She looked up seeing a man with dirty blonde hair and a beard the same color, he had a smirk on his face that could cause any girl to melt at his feet but not in Bonnie's case. She was scared and it was so cold, she crawled away from the man who followed her slowly.

"G-get away from me." Her voice was shaky and he only laughed at her, at how weak she looked. She heard a whistle behind her and stopped crawling backward turning to see another man. He had Olive skin, and black hair and a beard to match.

"Wh-Who are you people. Please just let me go." Bonnie pleaded and the dark-haired one gave her a sad look. "Where are our manners?" He said pausing to point at the other man that pushed her. "That's Jack, and I am Markos." He casually introduced them to her and looked at him as if he had two heads.

"And you are?" He asked and she came to the conclusion that they were psychos. She got up slowly before running trying her hardest to get away, she wasn't going out without a fight.

Jack used his inhuman speed to speed right in front of Bonnie caused her to stop. "That was rude." His British accent boomed causing her to flinch and run the opposite direction only angering Jack further.

She spotted a different man in the distance walking on a trail in the woods and waved her hands up to him. "Ayudame! Por favor, help me!" She says and she hadn't realized that her wound only cut open more from her running barefoot and she was bleeding tremendously.

"Are you okay?" He asked her as she neared running into his arms quickly pulling away. "Please you have to help me, They're chasing me, they made me crash my car a few miles back." She was explaining but stopped when the man swiped his thumb against her forehead removing some blood and his other hand was holding her arm. He placed the pad of his thumb against his tongue and his once brown eyes changed into a red color and his fangs peeked from his parted lips.

Bonnie attempted to pull away from the man but his grip grew tighter making her whimper. "What are you?" She asked and he growled before sinking his teeth into her neck. Bonnie screamed so loud that she was sure people heard it from the distance. The pain was unbearable and she could feel her life being drained from her body. It was all flashing before her eyes.

"Avery stop." The man was ripped off of her and she was caught by Markos unconscious. "Is she dead?" Jack questioned and they grew silent until her slow heart was heard among the three.

" I almost killed her." Avery panicked and began to have a mental breakdown. "Hey, Hey she's okay man. She will be okay very soon, patience is all it takes." Jack attempted to cheer up Avery who was against the killing among the usual group of 6.

They looked towards her jerking body on the ground seeing Avery accidentally injected her with venom.

"She won't remember that it hurt."


While you were sleeping

Jazlyn and her sister Tarah just moved into town all the from Georgia, which is a big difference in weather. It was currently October in Wisconsin and of course, it was the coldest they'd ever been.

"Why'd we agree to move way out here again?" Tarah complained whilst taking her last box into the house that was now theirs. "Well mom died and this is what she left us." Jazlyn stated monotonously and Tarah sighed dramatically.

Tarah and Jazlyn lived in Georgia for most of their lives with their father and often came to visit their mother in the summer here. They never knew their father and since their mother was sick for most of their lives they stayed with their Aunt in Georgia. Their mother was schizophrenic and not authorized to be a guardian of three because of how bad it was. It started when she was 23 and ever since she was never really the same.

"Has Marceline called yet?" Jazlyn asks her younger sister who honestly hadn't checked her phone because she didn't want to see all of the condolences sent about her mom the day after her funeral.

"No, she should be here soon though. Wes said she had to work a little later before he left to get his daughter from daycare." Tarah explained as she unpacked a few things they brought for the already fully stocked kitchen.

Marceline was their first cousin and Wes was her Stepbrother. "Great I guess we'll do this on our own." As always Tarah complained. "Let's just be grateful that Wes helped us get the new mattresses inside." Jaz scolded her sister for being ungrateful

Tarah stalked off to the outside to get more boxes as Jaz went upstairs to her childhood room to make sure everything was in the correct room. It was much bigger as a child, but it was better than sharing a dorm with someone. She walked over to the window that you could see the front yard out of and noticed the old victorian home across the street looked more alive than it used to.

Her mind wandered to how their brother used to scare the shit out of them as kids and say that it was haunted. She remembered how he threw her volleyball in the yard and she was too scared to go and get it but in reality, he was too. She never got her ball back and she never saw anyone enter or exit that house.. that is until now.

She noticed a man smoking a cigarette on the balcony, even from the distance she could see his lengthy blonde waves and how he was very tall. She immediately noticed his body that looked liked it was built by the Gods themselves as she got a look at his muscles. She couldn't quite pin why he was outside shirtless staring into the distance, she thought he'd have to be going through some deep shit.

She was caught dramatically off guard when he looked towards her but she didn't move, only stared back. Though the houses are at a distance she could feel that he was looking at her.

"Jazz!" she jumped at the sound of her sister from downstairs and broke eye contact, she regrouped herself before looking back towards where he was to find him gone. She sighed low and made her way outside to where her sister's voice sounded.

When she made it out on the porch she immediately noticed Tarah talking to a woman, the woman was breathtakingly aesthetic in every way possible. She had one of the most perfect smiles she'd ever witnessed and long jet black hair. She wore leather jeans and a long-sleeve nude top that hugged every curve on her body. Meanwhile, the two sisters are wearing coats and sweat pants.

Jazzlyn walks off the porch and the woman's brown eyes meet yours and she gives you a million-dollar smile. "You must be Jazzlyn." she greeted her enthusiastically holding out her hand which Jazz took immediately and returned the kind smile. "Yes, and you are?" Jazz noticed the woman's hand was unusually cold, but what caught her attention more than how flawless she looked.

"I'm Bonnie, I live across the street with my other roommates. I noticed you guys moving in and figured I'd say hello. It's not every day we get fresh blood out here." Bonnie stated completely unbothered by the gust of wind that made the sisters shiver.

"Tarah told me that your mom lived here. Mrs. Moore was such a kind soul, it's so sad that she couldn't stay with us a little longer." Jazz nodded in agreement not really willing to touch on the subject.

"Bonnie is a vampire." Tarah remarked excitedly but Jazz instantly froze at her words, they'd never actually met vampires but they knew that they made themselves known only 5 years ago. There were never reports on many in the South but now she was realizing that they were in the cold. They have to drink artificial blood as a substitute for a meal, it is illegal for Vampires to bite humans and all in the U.S have agreed as long as they had equal rights. We are the first country to do this but many followed afterward.

"You guys have to meet the rest of my friends. Jed loves to cook, he used to be a chef. I'm sure he'd love to have you guys over for dinner with us." Bonnie then encouraged and Tarah nodded in agreement. Jazz was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable with her straightforwardness and how eccentric she seemed. She'd assumed vampires kept more to themselves but she was really trying to make nice with the sisters.

"That is a great id-", "Maybe another night, we really need to finish unpacking tonight. And we don't want to intrude so soon." Jazz turns Bonnie down confusing her sister. Tarah knew Jazzlyn was an introvert, she'd never agreed to mingle on her own terms. But really Jazzlyn didn't trust vampires.

She'd never been given a reason not to but how could anyone really feel safe around a species with so much power, that's illegal to even attempt to kill and that is if you would even succeed.

"We could help you, it's really no problem." Bonnie then suggested and Jazzlyn shakes her head no, "Oh it's fine really, our cousins are coming to help us now actually." And as if on cue Marceline and Wes park and exit their car with his daughter, she noticed Bonnie look back towards their house where the man was earlier.

"Hey who's this?" Marci asked and Bonnie introduced herself to them both she that same charming smile, I noticed Wes' eyes linger on her face a little longer than needed. "Wow, do you guys have a lot of family out here?" the dark-haired girl was beginning to annoy Jazz but everyone else seemed to like her, especially Wes.

"Just us and our parents, everyone else kind of scattered." Marci explained holding her niece who never stopped staring at the lady. Her name was Nova and she was only one.

Bonnie turned her attention to the child and her smile faltered a bit but only Jazzlyn really noticed. "Who's this little one?" she then asked. "This is Nova, Wes' first and only child." Marci smiled down on Nova who just blankly stared at Bonnie.

"Isn't that wonderful. She favors you." She then says to Wes with her flirtatious smile. "Thank you, her mom hates it because it reminds her of me." Wes clearly tried to make it a bit obvious that he was single making Tarah roll her eyes.

"Such a pity, but I should go. I've bothered you all enough if you need anything at all don't hesitate to knock on our door." She says and everyone returns a farewell except for Jazz of course.

"Jazz you should really be more social, I mean they're vampires so they couldn't be as annoying as you think humans are. Plus I really don't wanna eat take out tonight." Tarah frowned at her sister before she continued unloading the car.

"I wouldn't wanna be social with anyone whose ideal meal is what runs through my veins." Jazz attempts to tell her sister off but Tarah had already been deeply rooted in meeting one, even before they came out of the dark she'd always known that they were real. What Tarah didn't know was that Jazz had seen one before.

When she was 17 now 24 she'd gotten into a terrible car accident that left her in a coma for a week. She never got behind the wheel of a car again though it wasn't her fault. Her close friend Miles was also in the car, he died in the accident almost immediately.

The cause that Jazz barely remembers was someone on the road, someone hovering over another person. She had nightmares about it often after her coma, but there was never any evidence of anyone else being there. So the investigators assumed that it had been an animal that she saw when she ran her car off the road. She was surprisingly found outside of the car when authorities arrived, and most days she wished it was her that died.

Jazz had never forgiven herself, she never got close to anyone again. She'd stop visiting her mother, she never got her license. Only weird dreams of the accident over and over again except with the person she believed being imaginary walking towards the car at the end of it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Hi, I was asked to come on this app and write, thank you to anyone who has read so far. I came from Wattpad and I have decided to spread my work to other sites and hopefully become successful. If you would like to read some of my old (terrible) work on Wattpad, my user is @tenerife-

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