
Precious Woman

Arui is a young girl who is trying to escape from the pursuit of men from a wild tribe who want her. Go deep into the haunted forest where no one dares to set foot there. After some time, it was finally discovered that Arui and Sara, her mother, were a few of the women who were very rare in existence. Therefore the struggle to get Arui became even more insane. Luckily, her first partner, Arui, was not an ordinary human. He's not easy to beat.

putri_J_aprilia · Fantasy
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2 Chs


A few days later, two Aras Village delegates, Aruk and Ruka, returned from Manta Village and informed them that Manta Village was willing to accept Aras Village residents with a note that each of the four Aras Village women had to pair up with five men from Manta Village. And must prioritize the offspring for the male residents of Manta Village first.

The Aras Village Head gathered the Aras Village residents back together, especially the men and the four women of Aras Village. The village head asked if they were willing to accept the terms of Manta Village. There was debate and opposition, but after some time arguing with each other, finally, with a heavy heart, the men who had been struggling with each other to get the attention of their women with a heavy heart had to return to try to be more patient and give their women to men from the village. Others if they want to survive.

A few days later, they were ready and packed all their necessities. They were forced to leave the village where they were born and raised. They traveled for three days to get to Manta Village.

''Aruk. Ruka. What's wrong?'' [asked Arkam Aruk and Ruka's father]

"Why are you two acting strangely?" [asked the village head, so surprised]

''Father. There's something strange." [Aruk said while his eyes continued to look around]

"What?" [Arkam asked curiously]

''Don't know. We can't explain it but we feel something is not right.'' [said Ruka, showing her worried face even more]

''Ruka's right. For some reason this village feels different from the village we visited a few days ago.'' [Aruk confirmed]

''Don't make a scene. We've all arrived at the village gate, why are you even talking nonsense.'' [said the village head, rebuking Aruk and Ruka]

"Forgive us, the village chief. But, we should be careful.'' [Said Aruk and Ruka reminded again]

''Check the surroundings. Bring some people with you!'' [The village chief gives orders]

"Let's check first."

''Of course!''

"We have to be careful when we're not in our territory."

Said several people who voluntarily went to check the situation around the village. Aruk and Ruka couldn't help but be wary. Aruk and Ruka, who are the children of Sara, the prima donna of Aras Village, have very trained instincts. Considering there are two women in his family. Aruk and Ruka are still very young, but the harsh life they experience trains these two young men to be very tough.

Aruk and Ruka are two very rare twins out of 100000 births. The possibility of having twins is very small or even almost impossible. What's even more surprising, is that it's only been three years since they were born. Sara again gave birth to a daughter who is now eighteen years old. Not only because Aruk and Ruka are twins, but very close birth intervals are also very rare. Mostly there is only one birth every ten years.

Because of the advantages that Sara has, her whereabouts are hidden as much as possible. Because Sara's ability to have very high offspring would be dangerous because every village would start fighting over her. Even within Aras Village itself, the competition for Sara is fierce considering that Sara is still very young. He is only 36 years old but already has three children and one of them is a girl. Many men in the village wanted her. That's why Sara is also very closely guarded by her partners.

Arkam and Tandav, two of Sara's couple, knew that Aruk and Ruka were not joking. They know Aruk and Ruka well who, although still very young, with their hunting abilities and self-defense, would not have been able to beat them if they only competed with the residents of Aras Village. The presence of their mother, who is the prima donna, and their younger sister Arui is the reason why they try to be strong and tough. What's more, Sara's ten couples are also very strong men who helped educate and raise Aruk and Ruka.


Sometime later, Aruk, Ruka, and several others returned from combing the area around the Manta Village gate.

''What did you get?'' [asked the village head]

''Not. There's nothing.'' [said one of the residents who participated in combing the area with Aruk and Ruka]

"Then everything is safe." [said the village head again with a relieved face]

"For now." [Aruk said skeptically]

''We still have to be very vigilant. This situation is too quiet.'' [said Ruka, agreeing with Aruk]

''You guys. I know Sara and Arui are very important to you, but because of that you are always suspicious of something.'' [said the village head, rebuking Aruk and Ruka]

''But, whatever it is, we still have to be careful. We had better not go together. It's better if you send some people first to monitor the situation in Manta Village." [Arkam said, proposing his opinion]

"That would be very rude. We asked for their help but we hesitated and were even suspicious of them.'' [Kailas said. One of Aras Village's entourage]

"We're just being vigilant, there's nothing wrong with that." [Said Parda defending Arkam]

''Arkam, Parda. If you are too scared, you and your family should not come. Don't be arrogant just because there are two women in your household." [Kailas said, replying to Arkam and Parda]

''Right. Because of you, we are wasting time.''

"Isn't it obvious there's nothing around here?"

''That's enough. I'm also very tired. I want to rest soon."

Said some people who started to complain, they were annoyed with the Arkam Family who continued to object and feel suspicious.

''The village head never mind, if they don't want to let it go. After all, we also don't force them to come."

''Right. Soon night. We can't go on like this."

Again the voices showing their annoyance were heard loudly. Arkam and his family were also getting tired of receiving cynical stares from all of them. Kailas is the most vocal because he is always rejected by Sara. Many other village men also felt jealous of Arkam and the others for not being able to get Sara.

''Okay. Okay. We are all tired because we have been traveling for days. Arkam, if you have any doubts we will not force you to come." [said the village head. He was tired of arguing with all of them]

''Village head. We don't mean to get in the way. We just ask you to be more vigilant. Just that.''

''I understand what you mean. But, we are all tired. Look! Women are also already very weak. We'd better get into Manta Village right away!''

Arkam, as a family head, could only sigh. He also did not want to continue to be watched with cynical gazes by his other neighbors. The village head is also old, Arkam and the others can't bear to see him stressed because of the commotion of the residents.


"Brother, are you sure you're okay?" [Arui asked while tugging at the arms of his two older brothers]

"Shh… Calm down. Don't complicate things." [Aruk and Ruka said while whispering to comfort their little sister]

''Arui. You shut up. Don't worry, there's your father and brother. They are all here to take care of us.'' [Said Sara while pulling the petite Arui in her arms]

Sara and Arui are surrounded by ten of Sara's partners as well as Arui's two older brothers. It is the instinct of men in this world, especially the family, to keep women on the inside as much as possible to hide women from being seen at all costs.


It was heard that the Manta Village gate was opened not long after the village head asked for permission to enter. Shortly after the gates of Manta Village opened, all Manta Village residents orderly entered the village one by one. Because Arkam and the others still felt uncomfortable with the situation, they were in the back row.

Just as Aruk and Ruka's feet stepped through the gate, they immediately choked. Immediately, Aruk and Ruka signaled to their ten fathers. The strangeness of Aruk and Ruka was immediately noticed by Arkam and the others. Immediately, Arkam pulled Arui, and Tandav grabbed Sara.