
Precious Woman

Arui is a young girl who is trying to escape from the pursuit of men from a wild tribe who want her. Go deep into the haunted forest where no one dares to set foot there. After some time, it was finally discovered that Arui and Sara, her mother, were a few of the women who were very rare in existence. Therefore the struggle to get Arui became even more insane. Luckily, her first partner, Arui, was not an ordinary human. He's not easy to beat.

putri_J_aprilia · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Poisonous crater mountain

This world is a world where women only make up less than five percent of the number of men. About a thousand years ago there was an epidemic of infectious diseases that left many women dead. The epidemic resulted in a significant reduction in the world's population. Leaving only forty percent of the previous population. Worse yet, from the amount that is only forty percent, it only leaves two percent of women.

Decades passed before they realized that the plague left a residual threat. The decline in the fertility rate of the remaining nearly ninety percent of the population. Since that time, riots broke out, and they tried to increase the population at all costs, even though they had to kidnap women from other villages and even wars between regions were inevitable just to fight over women. Women are the only key to maintaining offspring for the next generation. Over the centuries, this has continued to happen, which has only made the number of women dwindle because they were unable to cope with the situation.

It was only in the last three hundred or so years that it began to calm down in most areas, though not in all of them. Because most of them are starting to realize that what they are doing is wrong, and that will only make things worse. Because the physical condition of women who are much weaker than men makes things worse. Because the psychological condition of women who are stressed because of fear will affect their physical health, which will indirectly also affect their fertility. Finally, since then, although the struggle for space is still going on until now, the condition of women will remain a top priority. Except for a few tribes who are barbarians, for their selfishness, they forget about self-respect and honor.

In the depths of a dark forest within a mountain range full of tall trees that can be seen through the clouds. Deep in the mountains was a small village, Aras Village, which was located in the highest place in the mountains. The village is located not far from the toxic crater lake. A village led by a middle-aged man who is believed to be the village head.

This village has a fairly large area because it is located deep in the forest. It had a population of less than a hundred people and there were only four women with two daughters in it. This village is experiencing problems, namely the availability of clean water and food, which has been getting harder for the last thirty years. All of that is because the smoke coming out of Crater Lake affects the entire ecosystem around it. Over the last three decades, the activity of the toxic fumes has become increasingly worrying, and even some people have died because of the crater's actions. They accidentally inhaled air contaminated with smoke from the poisonous crater while they were fast asleep.

"Village Chief should we leave this place?"

"I think it's the only way for us now if we're going to survive."

"Then what about our women?"

''It is for them that we do all this. We are forced to sacrifice our pride and ask for help from other villages so that we are given a residence permit in their territory.''

"If we ask to join another village, they will definitely ask our women to be partners with some men from their village."

''Yes. I know that too. But, we have no other choice."

"But, our four-woman Village Chief already has more than ten husbands. And I also believe that those men will also definitely get rid of the men from our Village just because we need their help."

''We all know it's bound to happen. But, we have no other choice."

''Village head. Why don't we try to find other areas that are still empty?"

"Do you think we are capable of passing through other territories? You all know that previously there were more than fifty villages in these mountains. But, now it's not even twenty."

"The village head is right. When we go down looking for an empty area, then we will be the target of the hunt."

''Yes. What's more, with the women among us. It's not just one or two tribes that will hunt us down. But, we will lure more wild tribes."

"That would be very dangerous. Compared to the wild tribes, who are used to lurking and ambushing, we will not move.''

''So. We have no other choice, but to join a nearby village and let them have our women."

"There's only that way. To prolong our lifespan while at the same time preserving the descendants of the Aras tribe village

They all looked down languidly at the thought of wasted pride and had to share with the men from other villages who would psychologically suppress the men from Aras Village because of their asking for help.

"Since you're silent, I assume you've accepted this decision. Now, have we decided which village we will move to?"

Twenty villages are not far from the Aras Village. They all have a population not very different from the Aras Village. What makes Aras Village unable to move to find other areas is that these mountains are isolated by the existence of a very strong tribe of barbarians in the valley at the foot of the mountain. There are four tribes of extremely dangerous bars, while in the western region of this mountain range there is a Forest of wetlands, a vast Swamp where no one dares to enter it. There were a lot of poisonous animals and plants in there too, which made all of them not want to enter it.

Geographically, the Poison Crater Mountains are in the northern region of this Continent. In the northern region, there is a large, very powerful kingdom. One of the four great kingdoms on this continent was greatly feared. The largest kingdom in the northern region of the Continent is the Gindara Kingdom. Many small villages want to join the Kingdom, but it is very difficult because they have to make a dangerous journey, not to mention the robbers and looters who are always lurking.

"Manta Village, that village is located on the eastern slope."

"Why should it be there?"

''There is a spring there. Welfare will be guaranteed if there is enough clean water.''

''He's right. What if Manta Village only?! In these mountains, it is very difficult to clean water because there is a poisonous crater at the top."

''Then we all agree. We will soon move to Manta Village on the eastern slope."

''Yes. I guess so.''

''Okay then. Aruk and Ruka. You two brothers go to Manta Village. Ask their permission for us to join their territory."

''Alright, the village head. We're leaving immediately."

''I'll leave it to you.''



"Arui, why are you so grumpy since your two brothers left?" [asked Sara, Arui's mother, Aruk and Ruka]

''Mom, I'm bored always being at home.'' [Arui answered her mom. The Sweet girl with short stature]

''You are. Why is it so difficult to be separated from your two brothers?'' [asked her mother, exclaiming in annoyance at her daughter's behavior]

''Of course. Since childhood, they have always played with me. It's very lonely without them. I can't go anywhere.'' [Arui said casually. Her little hands are good at stringing bamboo slats to make baskets]

''Where do you want to play? Father will accompany you.'' [Asked Tandav, one of Sara's partners]

''If it's not fun with Tandav's father. Daddy won't come to play with me. Not like bro Aruk and bro Ruka.''

''You don't want to be with Tandav, how about playing with me?'' [Said Parda. He is also one of Sara's partners.]

''Parda's father is the same. All parents can not be invited to play. Anyway, I just want to play with Aruk and Ruka."

"You are very spoiled by your two brothers. Okay. Be patient first. You will play to your heart's content with Aruk and Ruka when they come back." [Sara said with an annoyed tone but still a smile on her lips]

''Yay! I'll definitely be playing all day with them. You guys can't disturb!'' [Arui shouted with joy]

''Yes. Yes. Do as you please, spoiled child.'' [Arkam said while gently smacking Arui's head, who was sitting cross-legged weaving bamboo]

Arui grumbled to get a gentle touch from his biological father, Arkam. But, only for a moment. Arui then resumed her work of weaving bamboo slats to make baskets. Arui is one of two girls in Aras Village. Just like her mother, Arui, who is old enough to be paired with a man, begins to become a bone of contention among single men in Aras Village. Because of this, her ten father and two older brothers kept a close watch on Arui's every move. Because they don't want anything bad to happen to Arui.

A very rare woman would be very dangerous if unattended. Even at night, two out of ten Arui's fathers have to take turns taking turns if they don't want to be missed, even by their fellow villagers.