
Praise the Sun!

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be reborn in another world as a baby? It is a fantasy world of sword and magic. You have been given a new chance at life, be careful what you do with it. You have been given a system with which you will reach the world's top. You will have everything at your fingertips: money, women, power, all you could imagine. Come and become the God of the New World! Praise the Sun!

Shamash72 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The World

Six years

Six years have passed since I have been in this world.

I have yet to do much in the last three years.

It's hard to know that you have a mountain of gold next to you, and all you can do is look at it helplessly.

One good thing in these three years is that my attributes have increased.


Robert (Camus)

Grade: 0

Power: 2 (5 has an average human)

Speed: 2 (5 has an average human)

Vitality: 2 (5 has an average human)

Sun points: 0

I got three more attributes. So what to say is good, considering that it is uniform and that by the age of 15, I will have the strength of an average person.


On a winter evening, we were all at the table.

"Dad, I would like to start training my body, and maybe you can teach me some fighting techniques," said Robert, looking straight into his father's eyes with deep determination.

"It's not the time yet; wait until you're 12 when you have the ceremony, then you'll learn the basic breathing technique, and your training will begin," George answers in a severe tone, leaving behind his smile.

"Son, from now on, I will take my time and teach you how to write and read!" However, Molly changes the subject when she sees that Robert is upset that he was refused.

"Write and read?" Robert answers in an invigorated tone.

"Yes, we couldn't let you remain a barbarian, right?" chirps Mollly when she sees that she managed to change his mood.


Next morning

Molly enters Robert's room. A simple room with a bed, a table, a chair, and, let's remember, a window.

Molly slowly approaches the head like gold that appeared out of the blanket, gently touches his shoulder, and whispers in his ear, "Wake up, my sunshine, breakfast is ready; today we will start the reading and writing lessons, and at noon, we will go to the market to get some food."

My nickname changed because 'worshipper of the sun' has a heavy connotation, and 'sunshine' seems more playful in my parents' eyes.

"Mhmm now," answered Robert with a still sleepy voice.

After breakfast, only Robert and Molly remained in the house.

Molly then began to teach the alphabet. It started with the letter A and ended with the letter Z.

After a few hours.

"That's enough for today; there's another day tomorrow. Go and dress thickly because it's cold outside." Molly said, getting up from the sofa.

"Immediately," answered Robert, jumping from the hut and stretching his bones.

Robert gets thick clothes, leaves the house, and sees Molly waiting at the gate. He runs towards her, opens the gate, goes out, closes it, and then holds his mother's hand.

They start to stroll to the market.

We arrive at the market.

"Mom, what are we buying?" asked Robert with a curious look.

"We'll take some vegetables and fruits to make a stew, and your father will bring wood and meat later," says Molly while checking the vegetables on the stall.

"I want golden apples!" says Robert. The Golden Apple is said to bring eternal life.

"Sure, we will take it at the end when we are heading home," says Molly

After two hours, we arrive in front of a stand selling apples. A woman in her thirties was in charge of it. She had some meat on her bones, brown hair, and brown eyes with a familiar face.

"Hello, Maria! As usual, please." Molly said, handing Maria two bronze coins.

"Right away!" says Maria, packing two kilos of apples.

"Eat them with gusto, little one!" says Maria as she hands the bag to Molly and starts to pinch Robert's cheeks.

Our trip to the market ended without any important events.

Money in this world is differentiated quite simply, i.e., copper, bronze, silver, and gold.

100 copper coins = 1 bronze coin

100 bronze coins = 1 silver coin

100 silver coins = 1 gold coin

A normal family spends somewhere around 6 bronze coins per month.

Apples were 2 bronze coins because of the winter.


Nine years

Nine years have passed since I have been in this world.

I learned to write and read during this time.

I found some books around the house that helped me develop my knowledge of this world.

The name of the world is Pandora.

There is only one empire in it. Namely, that of mankind called Macedonia.

Humanity is in constant war with monsters.



Robert (Camus)

Grade: 0

Power: 3 (5 has an average human)

Speed: 3 (5 has an average human)

Vitality: 3 (5 has an average human)

Sun points: 0

Three more years, three more attributes.

The attributes increase evenly, most likely because of the monster meat that Dad brings home occasionally.

I like this because everything is in balance.


On a sunny summer day, Robert was sitting on the grass in the yard reading a book.

Molly was in her room sewing a coat.

After a few moments, she goes to the window, looks at Robert, and shouts, "I want to let you know that Matias and Elena and their children are coming to dinner tonight."

"All right!" answered Robert without looking up from the book.

"Try to be friendly; their daughter is the same age as you; maybe you can become friends," says Molly in a persuasive tone because Robert doesn't have a friend his age right now.

"We'll see," says Robert looking straight into Molly's eyes for a few moments and then returning to the book.

Matias is a hunter and a good friend of George.

Elena is a shoemaker and Molly's good friend.

Robert tried to make friends but failed because he didn't want to play in the sand with some children all day. The difference in mentality was too significant. Despite his parents' efforts, he failed to make any friends lamentably.


In the evening

Molly has prepared a feast considering that we have guests.

A few minutes before it gets dark, the guests appear.

In this world, people usually only work during the day because of the lack of electricity.

Four of them were Matias, Elena, and their son and daughter.

George goes to Matias, shakes hands, and says with a smile, "Welcome."

"Glad to see you!" answers Matias with a smile.

George looked at Elena. "As beautiful as always, Elena."

"Thank you, George, you are as charming as always," Elena replies calmly.

They arrive at the house, and Molly hugs Elena and welcomes Matias.

Before we sit down at the table, Molly tells me to introduce myself.

"Hello, I'm Robert, I'm 9 years old, and I like to look at the sun; my dream is to be a great hunter like my father," says Robert with a concise and calm tone.

"I'm Byron, I'm 12 years old, and I want to be an adventurer," says Byron, son of Matias, with a tone full of confidence.

In this world, only aristocrats have surnames. When they have the same name in the village, ordinary people are differentiated by their father's name.

"And I'm Amy, and my dream is to become a great painter known throughout the empire," says Amy with a twinkle in her eye.

We all sit down at the table.

Molly and Elena start discussing the latest village gossip. George and Matias begin to discuss what venison has been caught lately, and Robert tries to have a discussion with the two children.

Elena is around thirty years old but looks like she is in her twenties. She is short with flesh on her bones, black hair, crystal black eyes, milky skin, and a face of Greek beauty.

Matias is around forty but looks thirty years old because, in this supernatural world, the aging process decreases the stronger you are. He has brown hair and black eyes and is tall and muscular. His face makes you understand he is not someone you could take lightly.

Byron took more from his father: brown hair, black eyes, height, and muscles; only his face took from his mother's features. Namely, he is not as scary as his father.

Amy is almost a true copy of her mother, but her hair is purple.

Despite his frightening face, Matias had a reasonably calm and neutral personality. Otherwise, he would have needed to become better friends with George. His spirit animal would be a bear.

Elena had a gentle personality. You could feel the kindness and the fragile soul. If I had to choose an animal spirit to represent her, it would be a rabbit. This trait of hers awakens your sense of protectiveness. Her skin smells of lavender. And her face seems to be asking you to take a piece of it.

Byron had an arrogant personality that made you punch him in the face. His spirit animal would be a frog.

Amy was shy, but after you talked to her, she didn't stop, especially regarding her toys, namely the mini wooden horses. Her spirit animal would be a plover.

The dinner ended on a pleasant note.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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