

1 Year Later...

This Year's Military Assets

4 Attack Submarine Submarines(40 Still in Factories)

6 Ballistic Missile Submarine(35 Still in Factories)

25 Frigates(50 Still in Factories)

15 Corvettes(70 Still in Factories)

10 Destroyers(50 Still in Factories)

20 Cruisers(50 Still in Factories)

0 Air Craft Carrier(5 Still in Factories)

5,000 Missiles(10,000 Still in Factories)

10 Conventional Ballistic Missiles(30 Still in Factories)

2 Nuclear ICBM(20 Still in Factories)

5 Conventional Cruise Missiles(20 Still in Factories)

150 UAV(1000 Still in Factories)

150 Combat Recon Vehicle( 900 Still in Factories)

100 Armored Fighting Vehicle( 900 Still in Factories)

200 Armored Vehicles( 1,000 Still in Factories)

198 Amphibious Combat Vehicle(1,000 Still in Factories)

155 Main Battle Tanks(900 Still in Factories)

195 Tank Destroyers(1,500 Still in Factories)

350 Towed Artillery(1,000 Still in Factories)

190 Mobile Artillery(800 Still in Factories)

80 Multiple Rocket Launcher(500 Still in Factories)

100 Mobile Anti-Air Vehicle( 400 Still in Factories)

150 Mobile SAM Launcher( 600 Still in Factories)

50 Theater Defense System( 500 Still in Factories)

55 Mobile Radar( 1,000 Still in Factories)

100 Helicopter Gunship( 600 Still in Factories)

80 Attack Helicopter(300 Still in Factories)

70 ASW Helicopter(400 Still in Factories)

66 Utility Helicopter(500 Still in Factories)

70 Air Superiority Fighter( 300 Still in Factories)

65 Naval Air Superiority Fighter(300 Still in Factories)

60 Strike Fighter( 400 Still in Factories)

50 Naval Strike Fighter( 400 Still in Factories)

70 Naval Patrol Aircraft(250 Still in Factories)

50 AWACS(350 Still in Factories)

10 Heavy Bombers(150 Still in Factories)

90 Cargo Aircrafts(900 Still in Factories)


Military Parade Day

"That Fighter Jets that passed by are called F-16V Viper along with 10 F-22 Raptors," Allan my General said sitting next to me.

"Do tell me how we got F-22 in our hands, Allan?" I asked.

"Well sir America said accepted it as a kind of gift, but they expect us to join them in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban. To support the modernization of our Military and Invest in our Economics," Allan said while Anna sir next to him nodded.

"In fact sir, American companies started investing in our countries," Anna my secretary manages the country's money.

"Good. And what's that called Allan?" I asked pointing at the gigantic plane.

"It's called C-5 Galaxy sir and currently we have 50 of those in our inventory," Allan answered.

I nodded and hummed. "How about that fleet, what about it," I said.

"120 meters long Corvettes They are usually armed with medium- and small-caliber guns, surface-to-surface missiles, surface-to-air missiles (SAM), and anti-submarine weapons. It accommodates a medium anti-submarine warfare helicopter."

"Small guy," I said.

"Moving on. 145 meters long Frigates it equipped with a Guided Missile missile, Anti Submarines..................
