

Last Year's Military Assets

0 Submarines

10 Frigates(10 years old and more)

11 Corvettes(10 years old and more)

0 Destroyers

0 Cruisers

0 Air Craft Carrier

0 Missiles

0 Conventional Ballistic Missiles

0 Nuclear ICBM

0 Conventional Cruise Missiles

30 UAV(5-year-old)

10 Combat Recon Vehicle(80s)

0 Armored Fighting Vehicle

20 Armored Vehicles

5 Amphibious Combat Vehicle(90s)

0 Main Battle Tanks

0 Tank Destroyers

45 Towed Artillery

5 Mobile Artillery

0 Multiple Rocket Launcher

0 Mobile Anti-Air Vehicle

0 Mobile SAM Launcher

0 Theater Defense System

4 Mobile Radar

3 Helicopter Gunship

5 Attack Helicopter

7 ASW Helicopter

55 Utility Helicopter

0 Air Superiority Fighter

0 Naval Air Superiority Fighter

0 Strike Fighter

0 Naval Strike Fighter

10 Naval Patrol Aircraft


0 Heavy Bombers

10 Cargo Aircrafts(C130)


"Henry, tell me how are we not invaded by other countries yet," I said.

Henry looked at me with disbelief and answered. "Because of the support of US, sir"

"Fair Enough, by the way, why can't our military assets can't be delivered this year. The year is gonna end the next 3 months," I asked.

"According to Allan's report, he said that the way we buy things in mass groups things will definitely be finished next year. As he also followed he paid the companies extra millions for our order to be the first and prioritize"

"Good, moving on so how's our infrastructure projects?"

"So far we are close to finishing the 20,00 schools. 20% of rail tracks. 200 Air Fields. 2 Domestic AIrports. We have 10 International Airports and all are 10% to finishing. 15% for Subways. 500,000 Homes....."

Moment Later...

"Give each one of them 300,000 billion for the third time to spend," I said to Hendry.

"Right Away sir"