
Power Trumps All (COMPLETE)

My life is complicated. My powers are complicated. The world I've found myself in isn't making my situation any easier too. The arrowverse is not as terrifying as some of the other screwed up worlds in the multiverse, but when you have people like Harrison wells running around and a more realistic spin to the Flash' rogue gallery...Power is the only way to save your ass. So that is what I'll strive for...Power Unending. *Cover pic ain't mine.

Saintbarbido · TV
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65 Chs

The Thinker's True Power part 2

Check out my Pat.reon for 10 advanced chapters. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido.


(Jin's P.O.V)

I remembered everything. 

The memories growing clearer and clearer each passing second. My intellect having grown past the point of a normal human, I couldn't have known what the implications would be. Taking into account that the Thinker excelled in making plans according to the information he had.

After noticing that I was exhibiting signs of PTSD and the increasing worry that someone was not only controlling me but also restricting me from achieving my full power, I'd come up with a way to ensure I broke free.

I hypnotized myself.

The hypnosis was to hide my memories away from even myself, to lessen the chance that my puppeteer would notice the intention to regain my freedom. 

It was a testament to the scary intelligence the Thinker's power granted me, that i could make conclusions based on so little information. Conclusions that I'd only fully believed after my stay at Atlantis. 

So what had I done? Before leaving for Atlantis, I'd created the pendant that I'd given to Caitlin and Hartley to awaken their meta-powers and enhance their abilities respectively. 

That wasn't my true intention.

My intention was to arouse the interest of Thawne. Thawne would go for anything that would help him attain a way home. And the pendant was powerful enough to process any energy to fit with whatever the user would need.

All he would have to do is adapt the pendant to convert dark matter into pure speed-force energy, tap into that speed-force energy like a speedster does and then use it to open up a rift in space to traverse back to his time-line. That was the simple version.

And it would have worked if I hadn't put in safeguards on the nanites in the pendant. I had crafted my own VI that would follow only my orders so if Thawne had reached that point, all the dark matter pushed through the pendant for it to convert into speed force energy would have been stored. Thawne wouldn't have been able to activate it and by staying so close to the pendant there was also an hidden function to suck most of the dark matter from anyone in a 10 meter radius, effectively mobilizing them and robbing Thawne of his speed like Farooq Gibran aka Blackout had done to Barry in canon.

This is where the questions come in though. For starters, how would I have been sure that Thawne would take the bait. Easy, it's Thawne. He's only concerned about 2 things. Going back home and killing the flash. His plan had always hinged in making Barry stronger. If he found a way to do it without Barry's help then he would have jumped right onto the alternative.

How was I able to hypnotize my mind? From my memories, I'd created a machine akin to Gorilla Grodd's that helped me learn more about the mind through monitoring people's brain-waves in different settings and emotional states. I couldn't control their minds though. Even under the Thinker's power, I knew that was a slippery slope. After that, a few sessions on reading up on hypnosis and I'd gotten the know-how on how to hide specific memories.

It was a very delicate procedure however and I'd also built in an activation sequence that would unlock my memories. That was what the soft hum had been. The activation sequence would only become liable for activation when my device was sucking in the dark matter from all over the planet. 

To further add on to the fucked-up ness that is the Thinker, I made my brain subtly paranoid based on what I'd seen in canon, to limit the usage of the Thinker's power. Why? In that state of higher intellect finding out that there was some inconsistencies with my memories would have been as easy as breathing. However due to my fear of the Thinker's abilities I didn't delve that deeply into finding out how I could use it so the risk of finding out the truth had been minimized greatly.

Why go through all this trouble? Why the plans and secrecy? 

Power. Power Trumps All. Power Unending. Power that is mine and mine alone. Excitement started blooming inside me. You see the ultimate function of the device was to suck all the dark matter energy generated by all the meta-humans in the world and then I would use that energy to bombard the seals holding my complete energy in my mind scape. 

The initial plan was to use that energy stored in the pendant after it's activation to whittle down the limits in my body through the help of nanites to force an evolution to a higher lifeform. I'd done the math and the theory was sound. It was meant to be a slow process and at the end of it all, all of my parameters would increase. Hopefully by becoming a higher life form, I would gain enough awareness of my being to break down the walls separating my full energy away from me. 

The laws of this world were much more flexible than my initial universe so there would be little chance of failure. That had been the initial plan but now…now I had something even better. Rune magic.

Rune magic would enable me to control that energy in its entirety and use it to break the seals holding my full energy at bay. 

The Thinker's power was activated as I modified my plans which is why I came to a terrifying conclusion. My body wouldn't be able to handle that much influx of energy.

What could I do? I needed to channel all that energy through my body and into the metaphysical wall separating it and my soul. 

Could I? Yes. There was another option. It was a gamble. But if it worked then most of my other big plans would go off without a hitch. The trade off being the risk of sacrificing my body.

I rose up from where I had been. The entire exposition a d thought process having gone on for a few minutes only. 

I looked over at the pile of Barrys and sighed while rubbing my head. The easier option would have been to kill them all except for 1 to conserve the timeline. I didn't know if the speed-force would send it's wraiths to take care of this problem or not and I didn't want to find out. 

Luckily I could feel their energy getting absorbed by my device at the star labs so the chances of their awakening before I made up my mind was lessened. The drain however didn't affect me at all. I constructed a divine water cube around them then employed the use of runes to put them in a stasis and lastly shrunk it to fit in my palm. Only one Barry was left unconscious on the roof.

I carried him up in the air and flew towards star labs. The city wasn't as wrecked as I'd thought from the initial blast of energy. If anything, over the past few minutes things had settled down like before my fight with the speedsters. 

Of course a team of police, firefighters and paramedics were patrolling and helping people up in cases where the electric lines blew up or something. 

I touched down on star labs and quickly made my way towards the main lab. Cisco and Caitlin were trying their best to stop whatever Thawne had started and Caitlin quickly ran over and hugged me after seeing me. 

"Oof! Gently Cait."

She withdrew from my arms and started fussing over Barry.

"Get him over to the medical room."

"Oh my god. What's wrong with him?"

Cisco asked worryingly. 

"He's gonna be fine."

I motioned for one of my clones to carry Barry to the medical room with Caitlin following close behind. 

I mentally dismissed my other clones and turned my sight to Cisco.

"What's going on Cisco?"

I asked while urgently making my way towards the console and monitors.

"Dr. Well...I mean The Reverse flash built this machine underneath the lab that's uniquely attuned to dark matter. It's absorbing all the dark matter energy on the planet and storing it. And I can't stop it without jeopardizing the process which might lead to the stored energy exploding in our faces."

"Fuck. Any ideas?"

Cisco shook his head. 

"Maybe an energy containment field? Or a safe way to disperse that energy in outer space or something! But apart from that. I'm out of ideas!"

"How long do we have?"

Cisco shook his head. 

"A couple minutes at most? I can't believe that Wells would do this! It doesn't make any sense"

He had a distressed look on his face and I matched him, trying to sell the fact that I was as worried as he was. Of course I knew there wasn't any reason to be scared but Cisco for all his genius wasn't given enough time to study the machine and understand it's function. Which is why, it would be very easy to convince him to let me sacrifice myself. 

"I can stop it."

I softly said.

He rounded up to look at me.

"Are you crazy? Even going anywhere near that...thing and you will be vaporized to ash!"

"No. Listen to me, Cisco. I have a power that can absorb all that dark matter and then I can fly up into outer-space and expell it."

I could instantly tell he didn't believe me. 

"You don't trust me and I get it. But trust in the fact that I wouldn't hurt Caitlin Cisco. If there's any chance for not only her survival, yours and everyone in the city then I have to take it."

I insisted. 

I was just about to knock him out and do it anyway before he nodded curtly in agreement.


"Good. Get Caitlin and Barry out of here."

I told him and ran down to the pipeline. A few turns later and I came upon the humming machine. It looked like a huge human size arc reactor core with the pendant twisting in the middle of bright white energy. The machine was placed in the middle of the same room that they'd tried to capture the reverse flash in during canon. 

The area around the huge energy cage was rippling with energy and grew bigger with the absorption of more energy. There was a resonance effect as the field got bigger and my heart started pumping louder in my ears. I took a step forward and breached the energy field. 

The armor I'd been wearing flowed out of my body along with the shrunken cube hiding the Barrys and I proceeded while naked. I didn't want the armor to be destroyed. 

The steps I was taking became harder as I felt my body get heavier. My runic form came on and I constructed runes all around my body to stabilize it and increase its durability. Once I came upon touching distance, the pendant conveniently stopped absorbing anymore energy. 

"Well...huh No pain no gain, I guess. Really wish I had a better line though."

I sent both my hands forward and grasped it.

The world opened up to me.