
Power Stolen By The Kiss(male reader x rwby) +18

*Note Warning The story in fan fiction is being stopped written in that zone. This story is written original with just RWBY characters in it. So we gonna remove those characters an write our very own. Please an thank for reading this.* Kevin, a frail and powerless boy, yearned for strength and sought revenge. One fateful day, his dormant ability, known as his semblance, awakened, unveiling its true potential. Empowered with a unique ability to steal powers, Kevin embarks on an unwavering quest to become the mightiest of them all, venturing through uncharted and perilous territories. Fueled by an indomitable spirit, he unhesitatingly pursues his desires, unwittingly instigating a war within an organization. Amidst the ensuing chaos, a mysterious subordinate emerges, unlike any other, captivating Kevin's attention. Plagued by forgotten memories, Kevin is astonished by the individual's presence, as they harbor a profound connection to his past. Unbeknownst to Kevin, this encounter propels him towards an inevitable downfall, leaving him gasping for his final breaths unless he can somehow find a way to escape the impending doom.

MeowChan0 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Ruby Rose

Sam's chest rose and fell, each breath a deep inhalation that carried the weight of his weariness. The heaviness of his exhale filled the air, tangible evidence of the fatigue that burdened him. The room seemed to echo with the sound, a solemn reminder of the arduous journey that had brought him to this point.

Despite the fatigue that threatened to overwhelm him, Sam summoned the strength to speak, his lips parting with an effort. But as he searched for the right words, they slipped through his grasp like elusive shadows, leaving him frustrated and silent. The weight of his unspoken thoughts settled upon him, pressing down on his shoulders, a heavy burden he could not shake off.

As he lowered himself onto the bare floor, the coolness of the surface seeped through his clothing, sending a shiver down his spine. The absence of any seating or tables stripped away the familiar comforts of home, leaving him exposed and vulnerable. The starkness of his surroundings mirrored the vulnerability he felt deep within himself, magnifying his sense of unease.

Meanwhile, Ozpin watched in silence, his gaze fixed upon the entrance of the establishment. A flicker of relief crossed his face as Ruby Rose stepped inside, her scythe held firmly in her grasp. The sight of her brought a renewed sense of hope, a glimmer of light in the midst of darkness.

"Ruby," Ozpin spoke her name, his voice infused with calm and respect. His grey eyes swept across the room, taking in the scene of destruction that surrounded them. The broken furniture lay scattered, a testament to the violence that had unfolded. Blood stains marred the once pristine floor, their presence a stark reminder of the battles fought. The shattered glass that littered the window, once a source of music and life, now stood as a shattered reflection of the chaos that had ensued.

"Kevin was here. There was a fight," Ozpin informed Ruby, his words carefully chosen, leaving out the details that could further burden her. His omission hung in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the challenges they faced and the sacrifices that had been made.

Ruby's voice trembles with a mix of shock and disbelief as she utters the words, "What did I just walk into??" Her eyes widen, taking in the scene of devastation that stretches out before her. The air is heavy with the acrid scent of smoke and burnt debris, assaulting her senses and adding to her sense of unease. The sight before her is almost surreal, as if she has stumbled into a nightmare.

Her face contorts with a mixture of disbelief and growing concern, her features reflecting the disbelief that swirls within her. She surveys the chaos that lies before her, her eyes darting from one broken object to another, like shards of a shattered reality. The remnants of what once was a bustling establishment now lay in ruins, a jumbled mess of splintered wood, shattered glass, and overturned furniture. The very essence of life and vitality has been replaced by an atmosphere of desolation and loss.

Sam, on the other hand, remains unmoved by the scene, his countenance etched with stoicism. His face is a mask, revealing little of the emotions that undoubtedly churn within him. His eyes, though weary, hold a glimmer of determination, a steadfast resolve that refuses to be shaken by the surrounding chaos. He has seen his fair share of destruction, and it seems as though he has become hardened to its impact.

Ruby's mounting concern seeps into her voice as she presses for answers. "What do you mean, there was a fight? What happened here?!" Her words spill forth, laced with urgency and a hint of desperation. Her eyes dart to Professor Ozpin, searching for any sign, any clue that might shed light on the situation. The question lingers unspoken: Does he already know what happened here? Does he possess the knowledge that has eluded her? Does he carry the weight of the answers she so desperately seeks?

In the midst of the chaos, the air hangs heavy with an unspoken tension, the silence offering no solace. The scent of lingering danger mingles with the fading scent of violence, leaving a bitter taste in the air. Ruby's heart pounds in her chest, the rhythmic thumping echoing in her ears as she awaits the professor's response, yearning for a glimmer of hope, a fragment of understanding in the face of the unknown.

Ozpin looked at Ruby, observing her body language and facial expressions as she tried to figure out what truly occurred that night.

"Karlin, Kevin's brother, came looking for a duel with him. Kevin agreed to it."

Ozpin told her straightforwardly, leaving out that Karlin was the main instigator for the fight.

He hoped that the girl would piece together the rest of the story, now that she knew that Kevin went up against Karlin in a duel.

Sam's voice carries a weariness as he speaks up, releasing a heavy sigh. "Whatever it was that Kevin, my best friend, desired, he must have achieved it. We ventured into enemy territory, and I can't help but feel disappointed in him. He ignored all my calls, and that's why I scowl at him now," Sam confesses to Ruby Rose, his tone laced with frustration. "He's always been this prideful warrior, and I've never been fond of his personality. I wanted to ensure that this would be his final foray, defeating all of his enemies, including the boss. They were elusive, making it difficult for him to obtain what he sought. To me, it seemed like a reckless endeavor, and I was not alone in thinking so," Sam reveals, hinting at a shared sentiment among others.

As Sam recounts the strained relationship between Kevin and Kalrin, he expresses a sense of shattered bonds. "There's more to the story, something that caused a rift between Kalrin and Kevin. Kevin seems to have forgotten about Kalrin's family ties with Slaem. They fought with all their might, but in the end, Kevin was completely obliterated," Sam sighs, the weight of the truth settling upon him. "Kalrin was determined to kill Kevin, vowing to ensure his demise this time. It was only thanks to some girls, unfamiliar to me but perhaps known to you, Ruby Rose, that Kevin was saved from certain death. They pleaded with Professor Ozpin to get Kevin out of here and back home," Sam concludes, his words tinged with a mix of somberness and concern.

Ruby's ears become attuned to the cadence of Sam's voice, each word carrying the weight of his account. She leans in, her focus honed on his every syllable, as if each holds a vital piece of the puzzle that will help her make sense of the chaos that surrounds them. The air hangs heavy with anticipation, the silence broken only by the sound of Sam's voice, weaving a narrative from the fragments of his memory.

As Sam speaks of the relationship breakdown between Kevin and Karlin, Ruby's eyes soften with sympathy. She can sense the pain that lingers beneath his words, the weight of shattered bonds and broken trust. Her heart aches in tandem with his, a shared understanding of the anguish that accompanies such a loss.

But it is when Sam mentions the girls who aided Kevin in surviving the fight with Karlin that Ruby's ears prick up, her attention fully captured. The words hang in the air, each syllable resonating within her mind, stirring a flurry of thoughts and possibilities. The mention of "girls" ignites a flicker of hope, a spark of recognition that tugs at the corners of her consciousness.

"Girls...?" she interjects, the word laced with curiosity and a hint of excitement. Her mind races, weaving connections and drawing threads between the fragments of information. Could these girls be the same ones she knows? Could they be her friends, her companions from Beacon, brought together by fate in this web of uncertainty?

The question lingers, hanging in the air, as Ruby's anticipation bubbles beneath the surface. Her impatience, carefully veiled, dances at the edge of her composure, eager for answers. She tries to conceal her urgency, her desire for confirmation, as she poses her next question, her voice steady and composed.

"Those girls... do you know their names?" she inquires, her words a delicate dance between hope and restraint. The air quivers with anticipation, the silence stretching taut as she waits for his response. The room seems to hold its breath, as if even the walls are yearning for the revelation that lies dormant within Sam's memory, eager to unravel the mystery that binds them all.

Sam sighed, realizing the time had come to fill in the blanks about Melanie and Red.

"There were two girls who helped Kevin escape. They went by the names of Melanie and Red." Sam said bluntly.

He noticed Ruby's look of surprise, and he decided to tell her more about the two girls to further pique her interest in them.

"Red was Kevin's childhood friend, but they had a falling out because of some secrets Kevin never properly shared with her. Meanwhile, Melanie was a newly arrived transfer student from the Vacuo academy."

Ruby's face becomes a canvas of pure delight, a radiant glow illuminating her features. Her eyes widen with a renewed spark of excitement, reflecting the flickering flames of hope that dance within her. She leans forward, as if drawn by an invisible force, her eagerness tangible in every fiber of her being.

"Wait. Wait wait wait.... Melanie and Red?" Ruby's voice trembles with disbelief, her words barely escaping her lips. The air crackles with the electric energy of astonishment, as if even the atmosphere cannot fully comprehend the magnitude of what she is about to hear. The weight of the revelation hangs in the air, suspended between reality and the realm of dreams.

"Melanie Malachite and Red Riding Hood?" Her voice quivers, carrying with it a mixture of incredulity and wonder. The names roll off her tongue, their mere utterance a testament to the impossible becoming possible, the extraordinary intertwining with the ordinary. Her mind struggles to process the idea, to bridge the gap between the familiar faces of her friends and the heroic figures woven into the tapestry of their shared story.

"You're telling me that my friends, Melanie and Red, are the ones that saved him?!" Ruby's voice rises, infused with a near-shouting tone that echoes through the room. The sheer magnitude of the revelation washes over her, overwhelming her senses. Joy and awe intertwine in her words, intertwining like a symphony of emotions. The room seems to vibrate with her elation, as if even the walls themselves resonate with the sheer magnitude of the revelation.

The air crackles with a newfound energy, electric currents of excitement and disbelief intertwining with the atmosphere. Ruby's heart beats in sync with the rapid tempo of her words, the rhythm of her joy reverberating through the room. In this moment, the unimaginable becomes reality, and the boundaries of possibility expand to encompass a universe of wonder.