
Power Stolen By The Kiss(male reader x rwby) +18

*Note Warning The story in fan fiction is being stopped written in that zone. This story is written original with just RWBY characters in it. So we gonna remove those characters an write our very own. Please an thank for reading this.* Kevin, a frail and powerless boy, yearned for strength and sought revenge. One fateful day, his dormant ability, known as his semblance, awakened, unveiling its true potential. Empowered with a unique ability to steal powers, Kevin embarks on an unwavering quest to become the mightiest of them all, venturing through uncharted and perilous territories. Fueled by an indomitable spirit, he unhesitatingly pursues his desires, unwittingly instigating a war within an organization. Amidst the ensuing chaos, a mysterious subordinate emerges, unlike any other, captivating Kevin's attention. Plagued by forgotten memories, Kevin is astonished by the individual's presence, as they harbor a profound connection to his past. Unbeknownst to Kevin, this encounter propels him towards an inevitable downfall, leaving him gasping for his final breaths unless he can somehow find a way to escape the impending doom.

MeowChan0 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs


Sam's words stumble out, his voice tinged with a blush as he nervously responds to Ruby's sarcasm. The chuckle that escapes her lips adds a touch of amusement to the tense atmosphere. Meanwhile, Professor Ozpin stands nearby, his presence marked by the sound of deep breaths, his attempts to understand the people around him, including Kevin, evident in his contemplative demeanor.

Sam notices a hint of weariness in Kevin, a spiritual kid who Professor Ozpin has taken under his wing. Sam suspects that Kevin may have hidden demons or secrets lurking in his past, and the fact that Professor Ozpin seems unaware of these details only adds to the mystery. The thought of what might have happened if the girls had not intervened to save Kevin weighs heavily on Professor Ozpin's mind, causing him to retreat into his thoughts, his glasses reflecting the depth of his contemplation.

Acknowledging Ruby's presence, Sam makes a playful remark, comparing her to Little Red Riding Hood. Blushing, he recalls how she kissed Kevin before carrying him away. The act perplexes Sam, wondering if it was an act of interest or simply a decision made to spare Kevin from being left behind. He expresses gratitude for the girls who worked together to save Kevin, acknowledging their boldness in venturing into enemy territory.

Sam speculates about the girls' motives, questioning whether they were spies or troublemakers, and how Kevin's presence may have compromised their cover. He reveals that they were originally hanging out at the bar, and their willingness to put aside their differences to rescue Kevin impressed him with their maturity.

As the conversation continues, Sam delves into the intense sword duel between Kalrin and Kevin, with Salem and her associates watching closely. The sound of clapping hands echoes through the bar as Kalrin emerges victorious, leaving Kevin defeated and battered on the floor. Sam notes that the faces of Salem's associates remained hidden, except for Kalrin, who removed his mask, revealing his true identity.

With a steady nod to Ruby Rose, Sam's words bring a sense of storytelling and intrigue to the scene, painting a vivid picture of the interactions and events that have unfolded.

Ruby's ears become finely tuned instruments, capturing each syllable that spills forth from Sam's lips. Her focus narrows, honing in on the cadence of his storytelling, as if she were savoring the taste of a delectable dish. The words weave through the air, painting vivid images in her mind, and she embraces the narrative with a sense of fervent appreciation. The story unfolds like a tapestry before her, and she finds herself immersed in its vibrant hues and intricate patterns.

A swell of pride engulfs Ruby's heart, radiating warmth throughout her being, as she envisions her friends standing tall amidst adversity. She pictures them, a united front, courageously facing their enemies and defying the odds. The very thought fills her with a deep sense of admiration for their strength and resilience.

"Tell me more about Melanie and Red," she requests, her voice tinged with a gentle eagerness. A soft smile graces her lips, their corners curling upward in anticipation of the tales that await. Her imagination weaves intricate portraits of her friends, Melanie and Red, their unique qualities and camaraderie coming to life in her mind's eye.

But as Sam delves into the story, recounting Melanie's childhood friendship with Kevin, a bittersweet emotion seizes Ruby's heart. A twinge of jealousy, almost imperceptible, tugs at the edges of her consciousness. It whispers of the intimacy that once existed between Melanie and Kevin, a bond forged in the fires of shared experiences. Ruby can't help but wonder what it must have been like, the closeness they shared, the memories they built. The pang of longing stirs within her, a fleeting flicker of envy that she struggles to suppress.

The air crackles with a mix of admiration, curiosity, and the delicate tendrils of jealousy. Ruby's senses entwine with the narrative, absorbing the emotions and sensations that course through the room. As she listens intently, her heart dances to the rhythm of the story, embracing its highs and grappling with its complexities. The sensory details breathe life into the scene, allowing the reader to experience Ruby's emotional journey in all its vibrant shades.

A faint blush spread across Sam's cheeks, a rosy hue that mirrored the warmth he felt in his heart upon seeing Ruby's radiant smile. Her request hung in the air, a delicate melody that danced upon his ears, igniting a spark of anticipation within him.

"Ah, where should I begin?" Sam mused, his thoughts drifting through the corridors of memories. He couldn't help but notice the curiosity that flickered in Ruby's eyes, her interest piqued by the mention of the past relationship between Melanie and Kevin. Perhaps that was the starting point she sought.

"Well, you see," Sam began, his voice carrying a nonchalant tone that belied the significance of his words. Unaware of the subtle waves of jealousy that might wash over Ruby, he ventured forth. "Kevin and Melanie, they were childhood friends. They would spend hours together, playing and exploring the world with the innocence of youth."

As he spoke, Sam's mind traversed through time, conjuring images of a vibrant past. He recalled a moment, etched in his memory like a cherished photograph. It was a day when the boys, including Kevin and himself, were engrossed in conversations about video games and typical boyish banter. Suddenly, a burst of happiness radiated from around the corner, and their attention pivoted towards its source. Kevin's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and a hint of a broken heart flickering within them.

Sam continued, his words tumbling forth like delicate brushstrokes painting a scene. "There she was, a girl with a radiant smile, running towards us, calling out Kevin's name with unguarded joy. Before we knew it, she had enveloped him in a tight embrace, and in that fleeting moment, she planted a kiss on his cheek. Melanie, his childhood friend, had resurfaced, flooding his mind with a rush of memories. Kevin, sheepish and blushing, struggled to find words, a testament to our youthful playfulness. Of course, we couldn't resist teasing him, playfully jesting about his newfound love."

Sam's hand instinctively scratched his hair nervously as he continued, the memory still vivid in his mind's eye. "It was an intriguing time, those moments that etch themselves into the fabric of our lives. Kevin started spending more time with Melanie, creating a bond that surpassed our own companionship. We were happy for him, knowing that he, an introvert, had found someone with whom he shared a chemistry that was undeniable. It was a connection unlike any other, and it brought him a happiness we all longed for."

Sam's gaze shifted from Ozpin to Ruby, a flicker of admiration shining in his eyes. He marveled at the professor's unwavering determination, his insatiable thirst for knowledge of the history between Kevin and Karlin. Yet, despite Ozpin's efforts, the answers remained elusive, like an enigma waiting to be unraveled.

The air hung heavy with the weight of untold stories, the mysteries that entwined their lives. Sam's words, laden with fragments of the past, echoed in the room, seeking understanding, closure, and perhaps even a glimmer of hope.

As Sam's words flow forth, Ruby's mood descends into a somber state, a veil of melancholy casting shadows upon her features. Her once vibrant countenance now carries a weight of realization, as the depth of Kevin's shared time and intimacy with another becomes apparent. The tendrils of jealousy that had once flickered within her are subdued, replaced by a forced happiness for Kevin's sake. She recalls the sheer joy that emanated from him when reuniting with his childhood friend, a bittersweet reminder of the connections forged in the past.

Meanwhile, the weight of Ozpin's contemplation hangs palpably in the air, his thoughts swirling in an intricate dance. Ruby, captivated by Sam's narrative, finds within herself a growing admiration for the bonds that he describes. Yet, amidst the tapestry of emotions, she recognizes the arduous path towards closure, the healing required to mend the wounds of the past.

In this tender moment, Sam walks slowly towards Ruby, his steps gentle and deliberate. He envelops her in a warm embrace, offering solace in his presence. Ruby, unable to conceal her emotions, allows them to spill forth, knowing that Sam understands. "It's okay," he whispers softly, his voice carrying reassurance. "We can go check on Kevin together, see if he's alright at home base. I'm certain he'll come to love you just as much. Despite his complex past, I'm sure you and he will create a beautiful bond."

A flicker of gratitude tinges Ruby's eyes as she looks at Sam, a small smile playing upon her lips. Taking Sam's advice to heart, she decides to remain where she feels safe for now, while he and Ruby Rose make their way back to home base. They step into the familiar surroundings, seeking solace within the company of their associates, working together to unravel the mysteries that surround Kevin's past. Ozpin, the commanding professor, his voice resonating with authority, interrupts his own contemplation. "Go, continue your conversation within my office," he commands, a sense of urgency lacing his words. "Kevin will need to rejoin the school academy. Although he hasn't passed the qualifications for Beacon Academy yet, I have him half-signed up. It's time for him to embark on his first day. And together, with the hopes of law enforcement in Vale, we shall strive to resolve the enigma that lingers at the bar."

With determination etched upon their faces, Sam and Ruby Rose depart, their hearts intertwined in the pursuit of truth and healing. The journey ahead may be challenging, but their shared resilience and the guidance of Ozpin lend them strength as they step into the unknown.