
Power of the Orb

The witches who in a bid to seek for power, created a war which disrupts the peace of the four domains, which includes; the demons, werewolves, vampires and witches. Evelyn who embarked on the mission to bring peace back to the 4 domains could not fulfill it and hands the mission over to her daughter to continue. The mission gave her the experience of a life time coupled with her cold attitude. Evelyn daughter and her son help each other to restore the balance there once was, she advances meeting different sort of people on the way as they in their individual way impacted something in her life. Come join her in this journey. ....................................................................... This is my first story, please support me................................... I will be posting this novel on Sharestory.io, please come and support me for I will also change the discord server and I will inform you when I do that. The last chapter is has my explanation on why I dropped the novel.

Chidinma_Onunkwo · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 12- King Ian's Death (1)

Carson looked around, he saw Mrs. Nia on the floor with her eyes which were lifeless but showed the look of satisfaction as her lips were quirked upward showing a subtle smile of accomplishment.

With what he noticed, he proceeded to look at his body as well as his brother before turning to Luna.

He was shocked by what he found.

'Y...you... you what happened to you? How are you loosing your life energy?'

'What!!!' dylan was shocked by this discovery as he turned his head to face Luna who seemed to be controlling her energy from seeping out.

'I thought the poison was only to make us be in pain till death, how did you loose your life force'

Luna ignored their questions as she stopped her life energy from seeping out. She looked at them after she was through while using her hand to clean the sweat on her forehead.

She called her subordinate in and asked them to clean the place up as she led them to the study with penelope in toe.

'She was trying to bring out the inner demon in you guys through chain reaction. I had to start from the weakest which was Carson followed by Dylan and then penelope but it seems that i had ran out of luck and lost a lot of life energy especially to stop the poison from turning you guys into life essence. '

'Still i could not completely rescue penelope, so it would be her inner demon which might end up possessing her in the future and i think that was what happened to Mrs.Nia for her to behave like this.'

'Right now am tired and i need my rest, when penelope wakes up, do not tell her any of these for i do not know how she would react and it will fester her inner demon. Be careful around her.' she said while standing up to go as she left them with their faces which had turned into a shade of black.

As she stepped out of the study she was called by the maid to go to the hall.

She arrived at the hall, to meet her uncle and father who were discussing.

'cough' she made a light cough to be noticed but what she saw on her father and uncle's face was different from what she was expecting.

Their faces showed a huge sign of shock as they stared at her. Axel walked up to his daughter to make sure he was'nt seeing things. He walked around her for a while before he asked her what happened.

'How did you loose so much life force?' he asked with a grim face.

Luna regulated her breath before speaking as she told them everything that happened. She also mentioned about her mother, his wife giving birth to a boy in the forest.

They were both shocked as they listened to the series of event. Axel decided to go see the baby so as to let the Old man see his other grandchild before passing away.

They arrived with the baby in her grandpa's room which was decorated with luxury.

A man could be seen lying on the bed if one was to trace the outline. If one is to go closer he/ she will notice the loss of vitality in his eyes which only seem to hold a glimmer of hope when the doors where pushed open revealing two men and a small child as one of the man was holding unto a small baby.

It was luna who spoke first as she jogged her way to his bed.

'Grandpa, meet younger brother'

'Really? your mom gave birth to another child? where is she?' He asked as excitement seem to fill his tone, when he noticed his young grand dauther's head was down.

'What happened?'

It was Luna who summarized the whole story to grandpa and that was when he noticed his granddaughter life force had been reduced.

With the help of his son and his son-in-law he stood up as he led them to the hall where Luna failed evolution happened.

He walked to the orb with a small dagger in his hands.

After repeating a mantra, he stabbed the dagger into the orb from the centre.

A bright light illuminated the hall as a whirlpool of power surged into the dagger turning the Crimson red dagger into a silver one which illuminated various words on it in form of a mantra which said: IN DARKNESS THERE IS LIGHT AND IN DEATH THERE IS LIFE AS EACH CO-EXIST WITH EACH OTHER.

The room became dim after the light was gone leaving a transparent orb in it's wake.

Everyone was still trying to adjust to the light when King Ian coughed a large amount of blood as his face became pale which was as transparent as paper.

He was about to fall as his body swayed when he was caught and brought back to his room.

Luna had a lot of questions to ask but knew it was not the right time to ask, as King Ian took time to steady his life force.'

Luna' it had been a long time since her grandfather ever called her by her name since she was always being called granddaughter. When ever he did call her like that then it would mean something serious.

'Yes grandfather' she answered as she looked at her grandfather straight into his eyes to know what he was up to. When her grandfather suddenly smiled and handed her the dagger.

'This is grandpa's gift for you, keep it with you at all times. The mantra is very important. You can recite it everytime and it would help in increasing your mental strength. Do not loose this dagger as well as the bracelet in your hands.'

'Hold my hand and let grandfather help you with your life force.' her eyes flew open as she wanted to chastise her grandfather.

'Don't speak, i know what you want to say but grandfather can't live long and instead of letting it go like that while not use it on you. Come let's start.

They sat in a cross legged position for a whole day before he finished transferring all the life force from his body to hers.


Happy New month guys,

sorry for the unsteady post...

Happy New month guys,

Sorry for the Unstedy post..........

help me by voting with power stones.........


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