
Power Manipulator System in the Multiverse.

(I started this on QQ as Zackman2k12. You can enjoy it here or there.) Natsuki Subaru moved to Brockton Bay after Kyushu was sunk by leviathan, Natsuki Subaru Triggered when the s9 attacked with a trump power so insignificant that It might as well be nothing. Return by death did nothing for him but make sure he survived until he could get a second trigger. Durring Golden Morning The battle between [COMPANY REDACTED] and the false savior, Scion caused the world to shake as their mighty blows shattered buildings. Natsuki Subaru finally received a power that had the potential to be heroic. now if only Earth-bet wasn't destroyed by [COMPANY REDACTED]. "Well, Subaru-Kyun Do I have a contract for you! Please sign here." said the spider to the fly.

InterPlanarGod · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Company Kuroka doesn't like me.

- Natsuki Subaru POV-​


I stare out in incomprehension at the busty lady with cat tails and ears, Her skimpy ass Kimono really doesn't hide much, and yet I feel a sense of instant death for me if I looked anywhere but into her eyes for more than a half second.


She frowns, and looks at me like I'm an idiot.

"Well, you rated rather highly in our company agent assessment. so we sent your soul to earth-bet, made you look like this moron named Natsuki Subaru, gave you his name, and made you be Conceived there instead of a different multiverse cluster entirely. You're honestly better off now, though, because now you have a chance to actually survive where we're going to send you next."

"Fuck you." I say, and then I realize too late I just fucked up.

she glared at me, and I was in agony. a subjective hour took place and then I seemed to evaporate slowly, starting with my fingers and toes, then continuing with my arms and legs then everything else. ever so slowly, I was being erased.



+2 charges for dying to an incomprehensible being.

I stare in incredulity at the woman who I still don't know the name of who as soon as I respawned, pressed a button on the keyboard of her computer which wasn't there last time, while chuckling at my misfortune or an inside joke I don't actually know.

The key made the speakers make some Choir-sounding 'Wuh' noise that really seems creepy.

She grins at me menacingly.

"Let's try this again now That I've smote you properly. You don't have a choice, sign the contract." She passes me a tablet.

World Locked in.

DR 8 World Re:Zero Canon start.(Modified: Reinhardt and The witch of envy, [Redacted] are at a multiverse cluster level aka much stronger than Scion at their peak. or in other words their both tier 12. Literally beyond death the endless and the archbishops range from tier 7-tier to tier 9.)

Weak third class knights in the service of Lugunica are literally C+ on the servant scale and a first class knight like Julius Jukulious are As to A+'s across the board. This doesn't apply to luck however. simply being born in this world will give you F-rank Luck.

Unless you're Reinhardt. all his stats are EX to ERROR-Beyond-Primordial Phantasmal+++ depending on where you are in the timeline. If you rolled this version of Re:Zero on your first outing into the multiverse...




Here's 955 credits, good luck.

"You're probably fucked if you don't use every single advantage you got. press next on the bottom left corner and let's start adding stuff. We're also not heartless so your world is PVP-Mode Prohibited for the fore seeable future. Probably 5000 years. If you end up doing too well, however, we will have to see about reducing that a bit." She grins menacingly at me. even though that looks like a kind smile, it's definitely a Menacing grin.

I stare at her. "I don't know what any of those references to people or things are. But they sound powerful, dangerous and why is your voice no longer sca-"

She puts a finger on my lip and points down at the tablet. then goes back to filing her nails. when did she start doing that?

I grab stamp. cus it's free and I really don't like masters. But if I HAVE TO master people, and sell them into slavery, I might as well make it the weakest option despite-- ugh, I'm just going to try not to think about it.

I'm definitely going to have a harem, despite myself simply wanting to have a simple, two person relationship.

"I just read your mind and I feel stupid just hearing those durr-thoughts." the woman mocks, and i grit my teeth, knowing that back-talk will only get me erased again.

"Yes, and i'll take 5 credits every time I have to kill you. So maybe tone down the sass-nya?."

"Lady! why can't I sass you in my own head?!"

she frowns, and all of a sudden, I have 950 credits and she's staring at me like a I'm a dumbass.

"Dumbass-kyun..." She slowly says in a drawl and then adds a cute catlike suffix for some reason, and the...​



and I hear her press the sound effect key again.

I break out in a cold sweat.

At least I now have 4 charges instead of 3.

Looking back down at the tablet I have 955 credits again.

"First one's free dumbass-kyun." she smirks.

I stare blankly at her, and buy mind defense and information defense.

I look back at my credits. 905...

I then buy stress defense and I immediately feel a bit more calm.

I buy it twice more, because fuck being stressed, i always have anxiety attacks anyway.


I then buy 2 charges of wild defense because I hate being too cold, or too hot. there's not going to be air conditioning in fantasyland.


I buy 1 each of body defense, addiction defense, creature defense, possession defense, and soul defense, and environmental defense. .


I then buy destiny, trace, and corruption defense.


I then move onto talents.​

Everlasting Talent

Body Talent

Martial Talent

Wild Talent


Communication talent.

Soul talent.

Psychic talent.


I buy sticky fingers next, sexual calibration, and fairy feast.


I look at my other options,

for some reason, Sweet home, the dragon stuff, and the dimensional travel options are greyed out.

"they won't be grayed out forever. Just until you Capture and sell the modified sa- Witch of envy." she nods sagely.

"You were about to slip in something important weren't you?" I ask, feeling cheated.

"No spoilers nya ." she mocks.

I buy fertility calibration because i have another 2 points and why not.

I start thinking about what else I want.

A timer rings, "sorry, you took too long, no templates or waifus to start with for you. nyahahahah."

and then all of a sudden, everything else is dumped into all the other defenses and talents until I have 201 points. and then everything is dumped into potential. what kind of potential isn't even stated. It was totally random!

I then popped into existance in the middle of a bustling street. with nothing but a tracksuit and a grocery bag filled with stuff. my phone, oh wait, that's a company issue phone, is in a pocket. I start looking around.

well shit.