
Final Episode

He returned to earth after his long journey to the outer space. Everyone gave him a warm welcome. Then everyone wants to know about the thing that happened in the space, he then told everything what all happened there and explained them how we are spoiling our planet by ourself. Then altlast he told that we have to be prepared for the disaster that is going to destroy whole earth, then he asked everyone from each city to go to the railway station on next day and to wait there and he left the place. Everyone was wondering why he asked us to wait in the railway station and then next day started, as he told everyone came to their railway station and everyone was surprised to see a deep hole in the ground and he asked everyone to jump in the hole and he explained that this hole has a capacity to take us to the planet which we want to go. The hole was created by him which has lots of gravitational pull and it has capacity to travel faster than light. As per his instructions everyone jumped into the hole from all the places around the world. Then everyone was thinking about the earth and its beauty. Then they reached the planet which is called as Acyuta. Power man also came there and told everyone that everyone has to work for their food. And in this planet if you work you will get food and not the money. There is no rich no poor no government, new world was beautiful. They realised their faults and they are not going to do that again. Everyone is living happily without trouble.

The End!