
Episode 3

Episode 3

Previously on Power man

( Everything happening properly after his arrival but suddenly world is going to end, and so he started his journey to find a new planet in which human beings can survive )

We all know that he has a power of traveling faster than light. With wishes and prayers from the earth he started his journey. When he was out of the earth and in the space, he saw how beautiful our earth is from the space and he was thinking about the human beings in the earth like how to save them. Atlast he found a planet which is 1000 light years away from the earth. He then entered into the planet and he started to do research whether human beings can survive or not. He then found that the breathing air is oxygen in that planet, then he found a river which is crystal clear. And then he was roaming here and there to find what else were there. Then after some times he found a trace of human beings. He couldn't able to understand how come human beings are here, then the people who were living there saw him and asked about him. He told everything about him and also told why he came here. And he then found that their living style was entirely different from those people on the earth. There is no technology, no ruling(No one to rule them, there is a rule, like everyone are equal), no money, etc.... He asked how you people are living without money and without ruling, they replied him back. We all are from Acyuta planet before 100 years ago, in our planet human beings are destroyed by money, technology etc.... They kill themselves because of money, it has taken everything from people like love, mercy etc.... And we are reason for the destruction of our own planet before 100 year. Our planet got destroyed because we destroyed trees, we polluted water, we polluted air, whatever we can pollute we did. And atlast nature didn't showed mercy to us. We some 100-500 people who escaped from the planet by traveling in the space ship that we built, but unfortunately we are living for more than 100 years as this planet has special Power, which makes human beings to live for 200-250 years. Then those people told him that it's not too late to change everything, if you take necessary steps now, your planet can survive. He then realised that we are responsible for nature's Anger. He thanked them for their hospitality and he started his journey to earth.

To be continued....