
Potter's luck

Plot: When the last descendant of the Peverell family cries out for help, two beings answer his call: one is a legendary sorceress, and the other is the goddess of death, among tags: sex, immortality, space, personification of death, relationship development, other planets, group sex, dystopian themes, alternate universe, imaginary beings, educational institutions, femslash elements. Advanced Chapters: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Chapter 14

A beach on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

Lying on a sun lounger, Harry read the latest issue of the magical newspaper with interest. Since Dumbledore's disappearance, there has been a great commotion in Britain. In the Ministry of Magic, there was a struggle for who would take Dumbledore's posts, namely the Hogwarts Headmaster's chair and the Wizengamot's chair. Of course, the English tried to push their candidacy for the post of president of the MCM, but they were refused. The new head of the MCM was the representative of Bulgaria Todor Krum.

Morgana was actively involved in political squabbles in magical England. The candidacy of a certain lover of pink clothes, for the post of the headmistress of Hogwarts, which was actively pushed by Minister Fudge, Morgana and her associates, which Le Fey managed to gather a lot, managed to reject.

After much debate, Hogwarts had a new Headmistress. Being a deft political schemer, Morgana managed to make sure that she was appointed the new Headmistress of Hogwarts, which, of course, could not please the representatives of the Ministry of Magic and the remaining light radicals, Dumbledore's associates.

As for the Wizengamot, Amelia Bones became its new chair. It was the candidate Morgana found most favourable. Because of all this, the black-haired wizard had never been able to get out to see Harry and Hela.

- What's new? - The black-haired goddess of death turned to the boy.

- 'Well, read it yourself,' Harry said, handing the paper to Hela. After that, Potter went to the sea again.

Humming softly and making sure Harry was far away, Hela removed her black bra leaned back on the back of the sun lounger and began to read, letting the warm air caress her voluminous breasts.

A few days later.

Arriving at the mansion after the Egyptian holidays, Harry had gone to the library to do some reading. However, as was usually the case with him, the boy got too engrossed and didn't leave the library until late in the evening. Before going to bed, Potter talked to Hela about the fact that they would need to go to Braid Alley in a couple of days to do some shopping for the new school year.

A few minutes after Harry had fallen asleep in his room, someone's House elf walked into the Potter Manor. He looked rather pathetic. He was dressed in a tattered pillowcase and trembled slightly the whole time.

- Stay here," Hela said, noticing that the unknown House elf had tried to use magic on the door to Harry's room. A greenish glow enveloped the house elf, lifting him into the air and making it impossible to escape.

As Hela approached him, she penetrated the elf's mind and learnt a lot. This Dobby was the most undeveloped House elf of the Malfoy family. Unlike the other House Elves, Dobby didn't know how to work properly, constantly messing things up and getting beaten up for it. Dobby's psyche was extremely unstable. This defect was extremely rare in House Elf.

Hanging in the air and jerking his legs funny, Dobby was talking nonsense. Hela could make out through the House elf's incoherent babbling that Dobby didn't want Harry to go to Hogwarts on the pretext of protection. The mad houseboy was even prepared to maim the boy to keep him out of Hogwarts.

With a snap of her fingers, Hela burned Dobby in green flames as the mad houseboy was a threat to Harry.

- 'I can handle protecting Harry without any crazy houseboys talking nonsense,' Hela said and scattered Dobby's ashes.


Harry looked over the list of second-year textbooks one more time before heading to Slant Alley:

Wizarding textbook, 2nd year. Miranda Hassockle

Vampire Encounters. Gilderoy Lockhart.

Spirits on the roads. Gilderoy Lockhart.

Holidays with hags. Gilderoy Lockhart.

Victory over a ghost. Gilderoy Lockhart.

The way of the trolls. Gilderoy Lockhart.

Fun with ghouls. Gilderoy Lockhart.

Yorkshire Yeti. Gilderoy Lockhart.....

Further down the list, the boy didn't bother to read. Handing the sheet of parchment into Hela's hands, Harry saw the black-haired goddess of death writhing angrily on her face. After reading the list of books of the Curls' creations, she frowned loudly. Unfortunately, Dumbledore had managed to make a magical pact with this charlatan back at the beginning of summer. So there would be no way to get rid of Lockharts before the end of the year.

Leaving the boy in the living room, the black-haired goddess of death took a quick step towards her bedroom to calm down a bit.

" Yes, this year's DADA lessons are going to be decidedly nasty," thought Harry, as the boy knew exactly who Goldilocks Lockhart was.

At the end of the first year, shortly before the epic Philosopher's Stone, Harry accidentally stumbled across one of Lockhart's books in the library and read it. Harry had never read such nonsense in his life. Potter immediately realised that the author was an obvious charlatan. Later, however, the boy was more interested in how the book had ended up in the library.

Giving in to his memories, Harry quickly gathered himself and together with Hela, using the portkey, rushed to Slanting Alley. Entering Gringotts and taking 500 galleons from the safe for shopping, the young wizard and the goddess went shopping.

After buying almost everything they needed, Harry and Hela made their way to their final destination, the Flourish and Blotts bookshop, where a huge crowd had gathered. The reason for this was the huge sign in the top window, "Goldilocks Lockharts signing her autobiography 'I'm a Volunteer' today from 12.30 to 4.30 pm."

Squinting at the crowd of Lockharts fans, Harry and Hela simultaneously thought, "Bunch of idiots."

After barely squeezing through the crowd and entering the shop, Harry and the Goddess of Death made their way to the shelves of books. Potter looked through the list of required textbooks for the second year and selected the books he needed, but there were no Lockharts' works among them. Potter tried on principle not to take those creations. Instead, Harry picked up several DADA books authored by Richard Blackwood, a former Auror and associate of Alastor Moody. Harry planned to use these books to study while the others attended Lockhart's lessons. Having bought all the necessary textbooks, Potter, accompanied by Hela, was about to leave the shop when Lockhart spotted the boy.

The writer suddenly jumped up as if a flying saucer had landed in the shop.

- It can't be! Maybe it's Harry Potter himself! - Lockhart exclaimed.

Whispering excitedly, the crowd parted. Lockhart rushed towards the boy, wanting to grab his hand and try to pull Harry towards the table, but Hela intervened. Intercepting Lockhart's arm, the brunette smacked him in the face, then sent the writer into a long flight to the table where Lockhart was sitting and signing autographs.

The goddess of death came closer, looked angrily at the whimpering and moaning man and gave Lockhart a couple of kicks just in case, then said:

- 'Listen carefully, no one gave you the right to touch Harry, and if I find out you're taking an unhealthy interest in him at school, you're going to be in trouble. You got me, you miserable worm.

After waiting for an affirmative nod from the man, Hela hurried towards the shop's exit. However, Molly Weasley, who was there with her children, began to become indignant and demanded that the brunette be arrested immediately. Turning around and seeing who was yapping, Hela immediately walked quickly over to the fat redhead took Molly firmly by the throat and said:

- "Well, you're a ginger fool, it's not for you to judge me, and anyway, if I were you, I'd rather deal with the children you don't know how to raise."

Loosening her grip, the goddess of death released Molly, causing the matriarch of the Weasley family to fall to the floor. Leaving the bookshop, Harry and Hela were unaware that immediately after they left, another fight had taken place at Flourish and Blotts, with Arthur Weasley and Lucius Malfoy as participants. However, the wizard and the Asgardian beauty didn't care deeply about the event.


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