
Potter's luck

Plot: When the last descendant of the Peverell family cries out for help, two beings answer his call: one is a legendary sorceress, and the other is the goddess of death, among tags: sex, immortality, space, personification of death, relationship development, other planets, group sex, dystopian themes, alternate universe, imaginary beings, educational institutions, femslash elements. Advanced Chapters: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Chapter 13

Few people knew that the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Albus Dumbledore, even after the events of 1981, personally monitored Harry Potter's whereabouts with the help of a special artefact. However, in the summer of 1990, everything changed. The Dursleys were murdered. And the boy disappeared and appeared only at the distribution ceremony. During that year, Potter changed a lot. The boy no longer looked like a pathetic bastard, but like a real aristocrat, and Dumbledore immediately noticed two birth rings on Harry's hand.

"Too bad, looks like the boy has accepted the inheritance, hell, we'll have to adjust the plan," the Headmaster thought at the time as he watched the distribution. What happened next knocked the Headmaster out of the loop: Harry Potter had made it into Slytherin. However, Dumbledore quickly came to his senses and began to think about the situation.

" So, what we have. The Dursleys were killed, the boy went missing and disappeared for a year, then the Chosen One showed up and ended up in Slytherin and took the inheritance. It's too late to change anything this year, but next year, Harry Potter, you won't be able to escape your fate so easily," the Headmaster pondered in his office after the placement ceremony. Although the 'performance' with the Philosopher's Stone had partially succeeded, that was where the good news for the Headmaster ended. The stone was gone. Fortunately, Nicholas had another stone in reserve that no one but Albus knew about. However, the relationship between Flamel and Dumbledore finally soured, the alchemist was unhappy with the actions of his former student and refused to communicate with the headmaster.

And so, after several weeks of the school year, Dumbledore was finally able to get to work on finding Harry Potter. Sitting in his office and studying the search artefact, which resembled a memory maelstrom in appearance, the Headmaster pulled from his locker a flask of Harry Potter's blood, which the old manipulative had secretly stored since the events of Halloween 1981. Pouring a few drops onto the artefact, Dumbledore waited, and after a few moments, an image of Harry Potter and some dark-haired girl walking through the streets of Alexandria appeared. Having found Harry Potter, Dumbledore was about to leave for Egypt when Fawkes delivered a letter. After printing out the envelope and reading it, Dumbledore came up with a new plan to get Harry Potter to obey him.

"Since the Dursleys are dead, the best option would be the Weasleys, except Ron, although it would be a good idea to try and implement the old plan, although it is unlikely to work," the Headmaster thought as he read the letter from Molly. Standing up from his chair, the Headmaster walked over to the fireplace before heading over to the Weasleys.

Arriving at Nora, Dumbledore began to consult with Molly Weasley. Convincing the woman to send Ron on holiday to Charlie, who was working at the Romanian dragon sanctuary. The Headmaster explained his decision by saying that Harry wasn't treating Ron very well. Molly was angry and was about to go to bring up her youngest son for failing his assignment, but Dumbledore stopped the woman and said that it was not worth punishing Ron yet, the boy would still be able to complete his assignment, but later. After giving Mrs Weasley some valuable instructions, the Headmaster left for Hogwarts. Back in his office, Dumbledore retrieved and activated the portkey and arrived in Egypt.

Seeing Potter, the Headmaster approached the boy. Smiling happily, Dumbledore said the following:

- Harry, my boy, how good to see you.

At such a statement Potter wrinkled his nose slightly and then replied:

- Headmaster, what do you want from me and why are you here?

- Harry, my boy, the street is not the best place for such a conversation. And may I ask who your companion is?

- Perhaps you're right, Director. We'd better get back to the hotel. To answer your question, this is my magic coach. You don't need to know her name," Harry said.

However, the headmaster pretended to believe him. Using his glasses, which had a recognition spell cast on them, Dumbledore immediately identified the girl as a necromancer, but the dark-haired beauty's true identity Dumbledore could not recognise.

"Most likely she was involved in the Dursleys' murder and helped Potter hide from me for a year. Hmm, for the greater good, she should be discreetly eliminated, and we can smile in the meantime," the old manipulator thought.

Back at the hotel, the trio went up to Harry and Hela's room where the Headmaster and Potter continued their conversation while the brunet headed for the shower.

Despite all attempts to send Potter to the Weasleys, the Headmaster was unable to do so as Harry stood his ground. The old wizard was stubborn too, trying to send the boy to visit his loyal supporters at all costs.

- No, Harry will never go to those red-haired blood traitors," Hela declared as soon as she came out of the bathroom.

- The Weasleys are a noble, bright family and I would ask that you do not insult them in my presence," Dumbledore said.

- What are you talking about? - The black-haired Asgardian replied almost with a laugh, looking at the Hogwarts Headmaster with disdain.

- 'If the Weasleys are so respected, why don't they have a family estate and Arthur Weasley doesn't hold the title of Lord before magic?

- It's all a relic of the past, and anyway, as Harry's Headmaster, I can oblige him to visit Ronald's family.

- However, it's summer and Harry won't listen to you," Hela said sharply.

- 'Harry, my boy, don't listen to that dark witch. She might lead you astray," Dumbledore tried to exhort.

"You are right about some things, old man, but Harry is still young. But in a few years I'll seduce him,' Hela thought lustfully, mentally licking herself.

- 'No Headmaster, I'm not going to the Weasleys,' Harry said firmly.

- 'Well, my boy, then you leave me no choice,' the grey-haired wizard said, pointing his wand at Potter. Hela, however, was ahead of Dumbledore and created a portal behind the Headmaster's back, throwing him out of the room.

- Harry, I think I'm going to go talk to Morgana. It looks like you'll have a new Headmaster of Hogwarts for the new school year," Hela said, returning to her true form.

- Where did you send Dumbledore?

- Oh, he's going to love Helheim. He'll love it," Hela kissed the boy on the cheek and the goddess of death walked off into the next room, leaving Harry puzzled.


- You seriously sent Dumbledore to Helheim? - Morgana said, grabbing her head.

- 'Yes, he belongs there,' replied the black-haired Asgardian, smiling.

Taking a few breaths, Morgana let out a foul curse. There was a long silence for a while.

- Fine, I'll go to England and make sure Hogwarts gets a decent headmaster. But you owe me," Morgana said, slapping the goddess of death lightly on the arse. As soon as the witch disappeared in a greenish glow, Hela walked out into the living room with a satisfied smile on her face.


Lying on a sun lounger and looking up into the vast blue sky, Hela, dressed in a green swimming costume, wiggled her right leg slightly as she watched Harry swimming in the sea.

- In a few more years, Morgana and I will have you trained in all aspects of bed-making, and then no mortal tomboy will dare look in your direction, for Harry you belong to me and Morgana and no one else," Hela smiled languidly.


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