

Dan finds himself fighting with his boss over something that happened in the past.

DaoistnOuZq2 · Realistic
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2 Chs


Dan left home with the hope that he was going to complete his work for the day in peace. He did not have in mind that his boss, Dr. Roland was targeting him for the day. He signed in at work at 8:00am and went straight to his office. He switched on his computer to check on his last entries. After checking up on the entries, he took off his suit, pulled on his factory coat set off for the production room. Just as he was about opening his office's door, he heard a knock on the door. He wondered who it was then quickly opened it. He found out it was Mercy, the secretary at the boss's office. "The chairman wants to see you immediately." Mercy said to him. "After you," he responded and went after Mercy preceded by swift thinking about what might have triggered the call. While he was walking to the office of the boss, a lot of ideas ran through his mind. But none of the questions he asked himself was answered properly. Are you wondering why? That's because the boss was the only person who had those answers.

He went to the room and stood in front of the boss with his hands behind him. He was very attentive because the relationship that existed between them was like a soldier and his commander. Prior to his appointment, he received an advise from an undisclosed source that he shouldn't get on the left hand of the chairman. Or he risks writing a bad CV for his next job search. The unknown advisor told him that every information of the staff at the company transfered to other companies like pollen grains. As a good listener, he only had to follow that advise. Because he needed no PA system to make that loud and clear for him. "I need you to ran an errand for me. I hope you can kill this one for me because all my representatives are on a mission right now." That was Dr. Roland. Dan nodded and kept quiet for his boss to continue what he was saying. "There is a CEOs meeting at Manna Heights. I need you to go there and represent me. You will meet Dr. Abednego, give him these files(pointing to some files on his table) and take some from him for me. Take this key. It is the key to my office. when you return, put the files in the first drawer over there(pointing to the cupboard on his far right). Then you are done for the day. Make sure you listen to what they say very well and make contributions where necessary. I give you my full power. Hope you can do it for me?" Dr. Roland asked conclusively. "Yes boss, I would not disappoint you." Dan answered. He took the items and went out of the office. He went back to his own office and changed back into his suit. He headed out for the hotel immediately with smiles all over his face. Even though it's comes with great deals of responsibility, caution and mannerism, he took his first mission from the boss a step in the right direction. He was very happy about it.

Heaven smiled on him that day. He was very active in the meeting, and all his contributions were on point. The CEOs present liked him, especially in his capabilities as a rookie. He did his exchange with Dr. Abednego, and headed out of the place with Mr. Wright. Mr. Wright drove him in his own car because Dan did not have one. When he got to the office, the chairman was out of the office as expected. It was a minute to 4pm. So a lot of the workers were leaving office. He headed to the Chairman's office and opened the first drawer of the cupboard. As soon as he opened the drawer, a folder fell down and all the papers in the folder took a portion of the floor as if they were sharing the land. He started gathering the papers. There were a lot of them. He brought them together until he saw a picture on the floor that left him on the red face.