

Dan finds himself fighting with his boss over something that happened in the past.

DaoistnOuZq2 · Realistic
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2 Chs


Dan was very stunned when he saw a group of men in the picture. These men were his boss and two of his friends. Coincidentally, the first man he saw in the picture was the man his mother told him was his father. According to his mother, he died when he was three years old. He only knew him by the kind courtesy of his picture. He did not know any of his friends. What made him very shocked was the man on the left hand side of his boss, Rob, as that was his popular name. Dan recalled that a week prior to his appointment as the productions manager of Rolando Beverages, that man advised him to be very careful with the job he is going to do. He went as far as telling him not to go with his eyes and mouth, but with his brains. Rob said a lot to him that painted a dirty picture about Roland. He did not know why he said that since he did not know his boss. But Rob justified his claims with the notion that all rich administrators do not go easy on employers who behave in an inappropriate manner. So when he saw them together in the picture, he could not help it but turn a red face.

He took a shot of the picture on his phone, tidied up the place and left hurriedly. He was not afraid of his Boss seeing him at the office. He was rather in hurry to meet Rob to ask him questions that were running in his mind like a marathon. Inside his mind were a fountain of questions that pumped up in his mind with every passing second. He asked the taxi driver to hurry to his location and when he arrived at the main gate of Rob, he did not know how he got in the house. He hurriedly knocked on the door only for him to meet his disappointment. He was told Rob flew to the states three hours prior to his arrival. He was unlucky. He sadly went back to his own house. When he got home, he sent the picture to his mother on WhatsApp. His mother viewed the picture faster than he thought and commented on the picture. She described all those in the picture and told him how good they were with his father. She called Dan on video and talked him about the picture. That was when he got to know that Roland, his boss, was actually very close to his father. Wendy, Dan's mother told him that they were like brothers. She said that Rob, who is very close to Dan now, was his father's secretary. She did a lot of description then concluded with what she normally says, "nobody knows how your father lost his factory and died so sadly." Dan told his mother he would get back to her and hang up.

He sent a message to Rob's WhatsApp line that he should call him as soon as he touches ground. Immediately the message ticked, Roland called him to meet him at the office. He seemed very serious when he called. That sparked a lot fear in Dan. He dressed up in a casual wear and set off for the office. He decided to ask his boss about the picture when he got to work. In the cab, he sent the picture to Rob on WhatsApp and asked him to comment on it. To his surprise, the picture ticked blue. That was a good sign though. He waited patiently for a minute and Rob replied him. He firstly sent a shocking emoji to Dan and asked him to keep quiet about the picture. He asked him not to talk about it until he talks to him. But he was not going to take any of that. When he got to the office, he went straight to Roland's office. He sat on the seat being offered to him. The environment was very tensed but that did not move him. All he cared for was getting an explanation for the picture. He took out his phone and asked the boss, "can I ask you something sir? Go on. Roland answered. Just when he was about showing him the picture, a call came to him.