
Chapter 19 Wang Yingyu's Confusion

The hologram in his mind showed that after the Unimog motorhome was repaired, Han Fengxiong opened his eyes.

"This mechanical core is simply amazing. The whole RV is as if it hasn't been repaired." After opening his eyes, Han Feng ran to the front of the car for the first time, reached out and pressed the repaired metal bumper, and found It was exactly the same as before the damage, and I couldn't help but sigh.

Then he glanced at the broken teeth of the mutant bamboo rat that fell on the ground, and his heart moved.

This thing is the most significant material on the mutant bamboo rat, and it may be useful later, so he laboriously carried the broken die onto the RV.

After placing the mutated bamboo rat's die, Han Feng suddenly remembered that Wang Yingyu in the car was still in a coma, so he quickly climbed into the passenger seat and carefully opened Wang Yingyu's eyelids and found that her pupils were not dilated. , Han Feng only breathed a sigh of relief after being knocked out.

"Well, my head hurts!" It took more than an hour before Wang Yingyu woke up leisurely from a coma. After waking up, she covered the back of her head for the first time. Obviously, the previous shock still brought her. Not a small injury.

But as soon as she covered her head, she immediately remembered the scene of the collision with the mutant bamboo rat. She jumped up and said palely: "What about the monster just now, did we survive?"

Han Feng pointed his finger at the corpse of the mutant bamboo rat outside the car window and said: "The big monster in your mouth is lying outside, but that big monster is now too dead to die."

The car lights of the RV illuminated the outside like daylight. Wang Yingyu, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, glanced over and found that the eye just now was the size of a lantern, and the body was like a hill-like monster, already lying motionless in a pool of blood. in.

"Did you kill this monster? How did you do it?" Seeing the mutated bamboo rat that had fallen in a pool of blood and motionless, Wang Yingyu's beautiful eyes widened, showing a shocked expression.

"This monster was already seriously injured. After colliding with us, it fell to the ground. I basically didn't do anything." Han Feng lightly described the battle with the mutant bamboo rat. As for the mechanical core, that is his biggest secret, and naturally it is impossible to share it with outsiders.

After briefly talking about the battle with the bamboo rat, Han Feng changed the topic: "How is your head injury? Now the world is so chaotic. If you get injured, it will be a big trouble. A qualified doctor is a chance. Unquestionable."

"Hiss--!" Wang Yingyu touched the big bag on her head, and took a breath, but after a while, she judged that she was just a skin injury at most, and there should be nothing serious, so she turned to Han Feng Said: "We have just been attacked by a monster, so should we just go forward now, or according to the original plan, stay here for one night, and then continue tomorrow?"

"According to the original plan, I will stay here for one night tonight and continue to leave tomorrow." Han Feng has already made general arrangements for the itinerary. Even if there is an emergency tonight, he will not temporarily change the arrangement. Move forward rashly in the relatively dangerous night.

After confirming the itinerary, Han Feng continued to say to Wang Yingyu next to him: "You are injured, go to rest first. I don't know what will happen to you along the way tomorrow. I will stay in the cab for a while and confirm that there is nothing wrong. Later, come back to rest."

When Wang Yingyu nodded his head and returned to the living area behind the RV, Han Feng turned the knob on the joystick to directly extinguish the lights of the RV.

The country road that had lost the light source was plunged into darkness again. Only the Han Feng in the cab, his eyes flashing brightly and darkly, seemed to be thinking about something.



Not long after the sun rose the next day, a shrill cry rang through the entire RV.

After a day of running and running yesterday, Wang Yingyu was indeed very tired. She fell asleep not long after lying down, and she was still asleep, but when she woke up and found her current state, she couldn't help but scream. stand up.

She found that her hands and feet were being firmly tied by a nylon rope, and the other end of the nylon rope was tied to the drain pipe of the bathroom, and this way of binding made her completely unable to move.

"Does Han Feng want to do anything to me!" After Wang Yingyu found out that her hands and feet were tied up, she immediately thought of Han Feng.

But she quickly dispelled the idea.

Robbery? She has nothing valuable at all on her body now, except for her clothes, she has nothing.

As for the robbery? She also watched Han Feng's battle with the zombies yesterday. If Han Feng really wanted to do something to her, she must have done it yesterday. Even if she was awake, she would not have any resistance, so Han Feng would definitely not. As for waiting until she falls asleep, then tie her up.

While Wang Yingyu was contemplating why Han Feng tied her up, Han Feng, who was lying in the cab and sleeping in her clothes, was awakened by Wang Yingyu's screams, and quickly opened the small area behind the cab leading to the living area. door.

After Han Feng stepped into the living quarters, he walked quickly to Wang Yingyu's side, squatted down, and said to her with a serious face: "You are awake, I know you must be very confused now, why should I tie you? I can answer you this question now."

Without waiting for Wang Yingyu to ask, Han Feng said on his own: "I know that when you see so many materials hoarded on the car, you will definitely have questions in your heart, why there are so many materials on this car. This is not in line with common sense. And I can tell you very clearly that I do know the inside story of some things, so I hoarded a lot of materials in advance and prepared for a long-term battle in the end times."

Han Feng's voice paused here, swallowed, and then continued: "As for why you secretly tied you like this while you are asleep, I can also tell you the answer."

"The reason is very simple. At ten o'clock this morning, when the apocalyptic virus broke out yesterday, all human beings will be baptized by the second apocalyptic virus. Yesterday's survivors, if they have not survived this wave of the apocalyptic virus, then It will still become a zombie with only instinct left."

After speaking, Han Feng closed his mouth. In fact, there is something he didn't tell Wang Yingyu, that is, during the second baptism of the apocalyptic virus, some ordinary people will gain power beyond ordinary people and become Evolutionary! He also gained the ability to evolve at this stage in his previous life and became an evolver.

And among the entire human race, the special group of evolutionaries will be on the stage of this world for the first time after the baptism of this end-time virus!