
Chapter 20 The Second Wave of Doomsday Viruses

After listening to Han Feng's explanation, Wang Yingyu, whose hands and feet were tied, became silent immediately.

Smart, she immediately heard the subtext in Han Feng's words, that is, she was afraid that she would not survive the second wave of apocalyptic virus attacks and become a zombie with neither humans nor ghosts, so she was temporarily controlled.

As for Han Feng on the side, seeing Wang Yingyu shut his mouth and no longer speak, he felt a sigh in his heart. He didn't want to tie Wang Yingyu just like that, but this wave of apocalyptic viruses made his memory very deep.

In this wave of apocalyptic viruses, he will be in a coma for a short time before he becomes an evolutionary. Once Wang Yingyu becomes a zombie and attacks him while he is in a coma, all his plans will become futile. Therefore, controlling Wang Yingyu silently is also helpless.

"Then if you didn't carry this wave of apocalyptic viruses and became a zombie, but I carried it, wouldn't I be eaten by you alive." Wang Yingyu thought for a long time, without any expression on her face. Asked the question in my mind.

"Don't worry, I won't become a zombie. You don't need to worry about this. In addition, I have not completely tied the rope on your body. As long as you spend four or five hours, you should be able to untie it. If something really happened, you would definitely be able to escape."

After Han Feng finished speaking, he got up and left the living area of ​​the RV, and then there was a creak of the door locked.


After finishing the conversation with Wang Yingyu, Han Feng sat directly in the driver's seat, pulled up the seat belt next to the driver's seat, and fixed him firmly to the seat, and then stared at the phone clock on the side.

The numbers on the phone clock interface are beating from grid to grid, and with the passage of time, the numbers on the interface begin to gradually move closer to ten.

Nine:59 minutes and fifty-seven seconds.

Nine:59 minutes and fifty-eight seconds.

Nine:59 minutes and fifty-nine seconds.


When the number on the mobile phone clock jumped to ten o'clock, Han Feng's eyes suddenly became blurred again, and a strong feeling of pain spread from the back of the head to his whole body again. The pain that went deep into his bones was in his bones. Spread in the body.

At this moment, Wang Yingyu, who was tied up in the living area of ​​the RV, also let out a scream. The painful pain of yesterday came again, and waves of intense pain continued to wander and spread in his body.

Han Feng in the cab naturally heard the screams from the living quarters, but at this moment, he has no time to take care of Wang Yingyu's situation. The huge pain has completely overwhelmed him, and when the extreme pain reaches After reaching a critical point, Han Feng finally couldn't hold it anymore, his eyes went dark and he passed out.

About five minutes later, the severe pain in Han Feng's whole body began to slowly subside, and he gradually woke up. When he was fully awake, a helpless smile appeared on his face: "Uh...it hurts, unexpectedly. I experienced this unbearable process again."

After waking up, Han Feng tried to stretch out his arm and wave forward, but the wave of clothes on his arm made a sound of wind.

"Sure enough, even if it is reborn, it still has this evolutionary ability, but this speed is so slow, it seems that it needs to be used often." After hearing the sound of breaking through the sleeves and air friction, Han Feng finally nodded his head. .

The evolution this time did not deviate in the slightest from what he expected, and his evolutionary direction was the same as in the previous life, still agile strengthening.

However, his level of evolution now is only at the level of his first entry into bronze. Compared with the gold-level evolutionary in the previous life, it is simply a difference between the clouds and mud. His current ability and evolution level are estimated to be less than one ten thousandth of the previous life.

After Han Feng confirmed his own condition, he unplugged the seat belt that fixed his body, walked to the small door leading to the living area, stretched out his left hand, and tentatively knocked on the door.

"True!" After the crisp knock on the door, Han Feng put his ear on the metal door and listened carefully to the movement inside the door.

However, the living area at this moment was quiet, and there was no response to Han Feng's knock on the door.

Han Feng found that Wang Yingyu did not respond, but he felt a little more relaxed.

If there is no response, it means that Wang Yingyu has not become a zombie at this moment. If Wang Yingyu has become a zombie at this moment, then it is estimated that the living area will not be so peaceful.

When he opened the small door connecting the cab to the living area and saw Wang Yingyu lying on the ground clearly, he was taken aback.

At this moment, Wang Yingyu's body was dripping with sweat, and the sweat completely soaked her already very close-fitting ballet practice clothes. In this way, the curves of her body were completely exposed to Han Feng's sight, which seemed extremely attractive.

And when Han Feng looked at Wang Yingyu's body, he seemed to feel the temptation of Ruoyuowu. A primordial desire in his heart was aroused. There was a voice in his heart, faintly shouting at him: "Don't suppress your desires anymore. Come on, hurry up, hurry up!"

Fortunately, Han Feng had sufficient combat experience in his previous life. Faced with this situation, he was stunned for a second or two before immediately forcing himself to calm down, and turned away from sight, no longer looking at Wang Yingyu's place. Position, and when he got rid of the temptation from Wang Yingyu's body, he was secretly shocked, and couldn't help but breathe a breath of cold air in his heart: "Hiss——! What's the situation!"

"This shouldn't be the cause of my body, so the root of this incident should be Wang Yingyu." Han Feng checked his body carefully and found nothing abnormal, and immediately determined the source of the problem.

And he basically judged the reason why Wang Yingyu's body suddenly exuded fatal temptation.

After Wang Yingyu survived this wave of apocalyptic viruses, his body also evolved and became an evolutionary.

"I don't know what the direction of her evolution is, why her body exudes this primitive temptation." After confirming that Wang Yingyu has also become an evolutionary, Han Feng began to wonder again. He was also a gold class in his last life. The evolutionary, but I have never encountered an evolutionary who will possess this peculiar ability.

Han Feng was standing in place, thinking hard about Wang Yingyu's evolutionary direction in his mind, while Wang Yingyu, whose hands and feet were tied with nylon ropes, began to tremble slightly, and his eyes that had been closed began to slowly open.

When Wang Yingyu opened his eyes and saw Han Feng, who was standing at the entrance of the living area, lowered his head and seemed to be thinking about something, he felt relieved and said in a low voice to Han Feng, "It seems that I have also passed this smoothly. With a wave of apocalyptic viruses, can you help me untie the rope now."