
Possessor in Naruto

Kazuya Fujiwara, a switchcoin millionaire goes outside his house, after a week, to get some snacks. When he turns around, his surroundings change to pitch black. He panics. After a few moments, surrounding change again and now, he is lying on ground while it's raining. He tries to move but cannot... What happened...?

xX_Overlord_N_Xx · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter-41: Mission rescue Gaara!

After waking up from a "long" nap, I came outside and saw that ninjas teams have arrived. Jeez...I slept like a damn log.

Oh yeah I forgot, Naruto is still sleeping inside me.

It's been 1.5 years since Naruto last woke up.

I can restrain him inside my soul space for a long time as I control everything there. It was a matter of time before I learnt doing that.

Welp whatever, It feels monotonous without him.

"Yo....Team guy and ANBU people." I said as I walked out to them while yawning.

"Naruto-kun. What sort of information was found on Kazekage?" Gai asked with vigor.

"Kazekage was kidnapped by Akatsuki, a rogue mercenary organization that operates in Amegakure for creating "peace" in the ninja world. At least that's what they say. These two members are Sasori of red sand, the genius puppeteer who defected from Sunagakure while the other member is Deidara, a rogue ninja from Iwagakure who can use some sort of technique to create explosive clay and use it in a variety of ways. Their current location is tracked, I suspect they want to extract the tailed beast." I said in one breath.

Everyone had a serious look in their eyes, even Gai did.

Except Rock Lee. He was a sort of fighter who jumps in battle fields than someone who'd think properly.

"Is that so...?" Gai said as he got lost deep in thought.

"Let's go, Gai-sensei! We need to save the-" Rock lee said enthusiastically but I cut him off.

"The jinchuriki is Gaara who also happens to be the Kazekage, the kid who almost disabled you. You sure, you can deal with this situation?" I said.

Now Lee was very uncomfortable too.

After a while, Neji came forward.

"We can do it." Neji said with a resolute look.

"You are getting more likeable, man. Then let's go." I said as I started running.

ANBU members followed me along with team Gai.

After some time of jogging through the village, I suddenly stopped.

"Now, Now....Grandma Chiyo, how can I help you, considering you've been following us for quite a while? Pretty agile for someone your age." I said as I looked into her direction.

Suddenly from that direction, a figure rose from sands, revealing a big puppet carrying Chiyo inside it's core.

Bruh what? This b*tch made a small gundam robot? That's really impressive.

"I'd like to accompany you in this mission. Kazekage is equally important to Sunagakure. It's my duty as an advisor and a council member." She said.

"You don't say? Anyway, I came across a rather interesting news. Isn't the red sand kid your grandson?" I asked with a foxy grin.

This made everyone get ready for fighting instantly. We are fighting here grandson, after all.

"Now, please reveal your real motive, Grandma Chiyo. Otherwise, I am afraid we will have a scary conflict going on. One against eight won't end up very good for you, regardless of your skills." I said as I prepared Rasengan, with only one finger.

After practicing it rapidly, I had enough proficiency and chakra control to make Rasengan with just one finger.

I created four more with other fingers and the thumb.

"I am here....to correct my mistakes. I believe that on persuasion, Sasori may come back to Sunagakure." She said as she bit her lips.

"I believe that you will kill Sasori with your own hands if you cannot bring him back, right?" I said.

Everyone on my own team looked at me with surprise. It's very cruel to say something like that. Asking someone to kill their own grandson is inhumane.

She looked a little lost and even a bit worried but she resolutely said, "I will do it."

"Please follow through your promise, Grandma Chiyo. Let's go now, for real. unless someone wants to ambush us." I said as I looked in the air.

"You are careful, kid. Hn. But not as carefully made as my art!" Deidara appeared from the air as he started bombarding us with bugs.

"Please deal with them for now, ANBU members and Gai. We will proceed to Gaara's location before tailed beast is extracted." I said.

"Katsu!" Deidara screamed as a few bombs fell on us.

I slipped past these bombs while others were able to somewhat protect themselves.

"Of course, Naruto-kun. Fifth gate. OPEN! Sixth gate OPEN!" Gai said as he jumped towards him and started fighting.

ANBU members also tried doing their own thing like trying to use different jutsus to bring Deidara down.

I just left the location along with remaining team Gai and Chiyo.

After running for a couple of hours, we finally found the location of Gaara.

My Shadow clones have been doing an amazing job at tracking. I dispelled the remaining clones in the vicinity to get some more information before fighting with Sasori and rescuing Gaara.






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