
Possessor in Naruto

Kazuya Fujiwara, a switchcoin millionaire goes outside his house, after a week, to get some snacks. When he turns around, his surroundings change to pitch black. He panics. After a few moments, surrounding change again and now, he is lying on ground while it's raining. He tries to move but cannot... What happened...?

xX_Overlord_N_Xx · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter-40: Time skip!

After around 2 more weeks worth of work, I left a clone here and announced Mei as the Mizukage for now while leaving everyone to their own devices. I was still the top dog, she can work behind that desk and bask in the useless fame and glory. I won't be taking on stupid amounts of stress for that.

Kirigakure was flourishing a lot and it will be handy in my later endeavors.

The point generation also took off quite a bit as the punishment was mostly torture and physical harm.

My jutsu library kept on expanding because I was sending a lot of clones in order for searching their justu libraries.

Slowly I was getting stronger.






(2 years later)

(A/N: No important events were skipped, I thought y'all wouldn't wanna read too much details so imma skip them. In these 2 years, according to canon, in the first year, Gaara became Kazekage and the following year another chunin exam began as Akatsuki began their biju hunt. Nothing too special but that's not how it goes here :D)

2 years have past....Time really passes really fast, doesn't it?

In these 2 years, I took over Sunagakure and Kirigakure and placed seals on all of them without any failure. I also wanted to take over Konoha but now wasn't the time. I had my own plans regarding that.

My company kept rapidly expanding and I controlled the economy of a big chunk of elemental nations now.

I was currently in Konoha, training and mastering ninjutsus I've collected in all these years.

Everything is going just fine.

Except Sasuke defected while I was in Kiri but nothing too harmful to my plan.

During this time, I also learnt medic ninjutsu under Tsunade and poison making skills from Shizune.

Both of them were ashamed that they left me all alone and after getting to know my suffering, it weighed on them even more. So it was easy to guilt trip them into teaching me all that.

Sakura was also learning medic ninjutsu under Tsunade now but our progress were really different.

Normally, one would think that Sakura made progress faster because of her impressive chakra control and due to Naruto's chakra pool, I'd be making progress at a slower pace...

But that didn't happen.

Due to possessing obscene amounts of chakra, I could easily create shadow clones and learn nearly 24 hours with full attention on the topic and practicing stuff endlessly.

Naturally, my progress in controlling my chakra increased by several folds and I became a full fledged medic nin in just 3 months and surpassed Tsunade in terms of medic ninjutsu in 9 more months. It took my clones a lot of sleepless nights and a lot of info dumps and headaches for me.

I'd like to thank myself who arranged all this and my shadow clones who learnt and practiced endlessly while I relaxed.

I didn't stop here though, I still kept on learning about poisons and research medical fields constantly.

I also began my own intricate studies of bloodlines and a lot of human experimentation came into the play as well.

With tons upon tons of money at my disposal, I threw a lot of it towards researching privately and found a lot of interesting things in the past year.

I was now focusing on senjutsu training in Myobokuzan, so that I can master it and integrate it in my medic ninjutsu and other abilities. I was already a perfect sage but I still needed some time to get into it, so I was focusing on time reduction now.

My clones were also learning from a lot ANBU members as well as jonins.




Everything was focused on.

I was particularly good at ninjutsu, average at taijustu and decent at genjutsu (because I didn't have any fancy eyes...yet.)

The progress in these years was really amazing.

"Naruto! Focus!" I heard as a stick hit my body.

I was used to this by now.

I once again focused as my chakra stabilized and I entered into sage mode.

I was currently in Myobokuzan right now, training myself in sage mode.

My relationship with Jiraiya wasn't too good so we never really talked but he was sort of sensei...?

At least on paper, he was.

I got up as I looked at Fukusaku and Shima.

"I'll be heading out now. It's enough training for now and I'll have a lot of time in future to train as well." I said.

"That much is true, Naruto. You've grown to become a fine sage, unlike that idiot Jiraiya." Fukusaku said as he hmphed.

"Hahaha! Don't be so harsh on him. He is a Sannin, after all. A lot of work to do. I'll see ya later." I said as reverse summoned myself into Konoha and went to sleep.

I was really tired now.

In these two years, I've trained myself constantly, without stopping even for a single second.

'It's about time I take a rest-' I thought but I suddenly received some memories.

'Anddd there goes my rest. Looks like Gaara was captured and Suna was attacked. Haah...Whatever. I'll head out there and do...I actually let clones do the work while I sleep.' I said as I wore my jonin vest and headed to the Hokage tower.

"Yo...Granny? You there?" I said as I entered the Hokage tower.

"What do you want now, Naruto?" Tsunade asked as she was reading a document.

"Kazekage was captured by some random group. I got this information from one of my clones." I said as I yawned.

"And what was your clone doing there?" She asked as she eyed me suspiciously.

"I was trying to get their poison to check how good it actually is and some spying." I said as I answered lazily.

"Whatever...This is really troublesome however, the Kazekage was taken away by a random group of people sounds extremely serious. Immediately head out and verify the situation. I will send team guy and some members after you." She said as she took off her glasses and called an ANBU member.

I just left for Sunagakure immediately.

During this time, I was doing missions like crazy to rack on experience in fighting and hence I was the best candidate to send in such situations.

I was always up for a little adventure as training and researching got boring after a while.

I was also promoted to a jonin 2 months ago.

I moved out for Sunagakure immediately, using body flicker jutsu.

After a few hours of constant flickering, I finally reached the location.

I've flickered here so many times I literally remember how much chakra and how many flickers are needed to come here.

The damage was alright and nothing too crazy was going on...

Looks like my precautionary methods worked.

I created some clones and let them loose for tracking while I went inside my secret bunker in the village's centre and dozed off there for some time.

I was too tired and unbothered by Gaara's capturing. With my power, he can be brought back instantly, so I don't need to hurry.

Team guy and some ANBU members will be arriving here in a couple of days so let me relax for now...







(A/N: Another time skip.

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