
Possessive Addiction: Master Gu Is Bold and Powerful!

In her previous life, Mu Anhan abandoned her husband and son. It was only after her death that she learned that Gu Xiaozhan loved her madly. In her next life, she was going to cling to him tightly and give him a second child! Everyone sneered. “Mu Anhan seduces Master Gu all day long and only cares about giving him a child. She’s just trying to cement her position by giving him children. Master Gu will surely divorce her after.”Who would have thought that the Perfume Queen, top hacker, miracle doctor, genius designer, AI intelligence, scientific research master… All of her multiple identities were exposed. What annoyed everyone even more was that treasure appraisers, medical professors, and international celebrities were all kneeling at her door, begging her for guidance! At night, she snuggled in Master Gu’s arms with red lips, and was the most provocative little seductress. Eyeing her with his dashing brows slightly raised, the possessive Master Gu rasped out, “Darling, should we try for a third child?”

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40 Chs

Chapter 6: Coquettish Like a Kitten

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On the outside, no one knew what kind of person Mu Anhan was. Tang Haolong was privy to the truth since he was a victim of her endless abuse.

Every time she faked an illness, she would tear Tang Haolang apart when he prescribed her medicine.

Who knew this woman could speak so softly and politely? It was a 180-degree change. Was she trying to scare him to death? He shook his head; his surprise had made his thoughts humorously jumbled.

Mu Anhan was a little puzzled. She looked at Gu Xiaozhan beside her. "Hubby, am I that ugly? Why is Dr. Tang so scared?"

Tang Haolang's jaw was on the floor, mouth hanging open so wide he could swallow a dinosaur egg. When did Mu Anhan stop berating and scolding him and Master Gu together? 

He never expected to hear her call Master Gu her 'hubby' within his entire lifetime.

Gu Xiaozhan's cold eyes swept over Tang Haolang. "Get lost!"

"Right away, Master Gu!" Not only did Tang Haolang back away, but he also tripped and rolled in his haste to obey!

He quickly got up, rushed to the door, and shut it behind him on his way out.

Gu Xiaozhan's thin lips curved into a cold smile. "Mu Anhan, do you think I will spare you from punishment if you have a hole in your head in the future?"

In the past, she had only pretended to be sick.

This time it was real.

How dare she allow herself to be hurt?

Mu Anhan quickly shifted and knelt on the ground before him. Her soft hands hugged his thigh, and she acted like a kitten. "Hubby, I was careless! Please forgive me this once... "

She didn't know when she had hurt her head. She wasn't sure if she got hit when the plane crashed.

At that time, she had only Gu Xiaozhan on her mind and did not feel any pain, just some dizzy spells.

Of course, the joy of her reincarnation as she went back in time had gotten to her head, and she didn't notice any physical discomfort.

Gu Xiaozhan looked at his wife's stunningly beautiful little face. At the moment, she snuggled and rubbed against him like an obedient, needy kitten.

It was no secret that Mu Anhan was the most beautiful woman in Country A. Even the arrogant and unruly Gu Xiaozhan could not deny it.

Right now, it seemed like she was beautiful on the surface and on the inside, down to her bones.

She breathed gently on his abdomen. Gu Xiaozhan stiffened, and the blood in his body started boiling rapidly.

He lifted her with one hand and placed her on the bed. He looked down at her condescendingly, his usually cold voice slightly erratic. "Mu Anhan, you better remember this. Every inch of your body belongs to me and me alone."

After he spoke, his tall and slender figure disappeared from the room.

After Gu Xiaozhan closed the door, he took a deep breath. He could not believe he was actually tempted by that woman just now.

She seemed like a completely different person now. Every time their bodies touched, he wanted to ravage her and take her for his own.

He waited till he calmed down and strode into the study.

"Master Gu... " Tang Haolang bowed respectfully.

Gu Xiaozhan's reputation in Country A was second only to the president's. And this was only on the surface. Everyone knew that in secret, the president had to listen to him.

He had an army of his own, a political group, and an elite business circle. He was the country's backbone and firmly controlled the lifeline of the entire country.

Everywhere, people revered him and there was even a saying that if he stomped his feet, the land itself would quake.

"Speak!" Gu Xiaozhan looked at him, eyes sharp as an eagle.

Tang Haolang had been by his side for many years. He instinctively knew what his boss wanted.

"Master Gu, Madam's head is badly injured. I suggest that she gets a full body examination. Her personality has changed greatly, and it might be due to her head injury."

Gu Xiaozhan furrowed his brows slightly. "Will she return to who she was before?"

"I don't know… " Tang Haolang felt in danger of being glared to death. "Master Gu, the human brain is one of the most complicated things in the world. I'm still in the process of researching it."

"What's the point of keeping you with me?" Gu Xiaozhan's eyes were piercing white-hot coals. "Do you think I'm so kind as to patron idlers?"

"Master Gu, I'm going back to the lab right now. I'll cure Madam for sure." Tang Haolang knelt on the ground in fear.