
Possessive Addiction: Master Gu Is Bold and Powerful!

In her previous life, Mu Anhan abandoned her husband and son. It was only after her death that she learned that Gu Xiaozhan loved her madly. In her next life, she was going to cling to him tightly and give him a second child! Everyone sneered. “Mu Anhan seduces Master Gu all day long and only cares about giving him a child. She’s just trying to cement her position by giving him children. Master Gu will surely divorce her after.”Who would have thought that the Perfume Queen, top hacker, miracle doctor, genius designer, AI intelligence, scientific research master… All of her multiple identities were exposed. What annoyed everyone even more was that treasure appraisers, medical professors, and international celebrities were all kneeling at her door, begging her for guidance! At night, she snuggled in Master Gu’s arms with red lips, and was the most provocative little seductress. Eyeing her with his dashing brows slightly raised, the possessive Master Gu rasped out, “Darling, should we try for a third child?”

Fei Chuchu · General
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40 Chs

Chapter 7: G&M Perfume

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The bedroom was clean and tidy. Gu Xiaozhan had already ordered the servants to clean it up.

Mu Anhan sat in front of the large mirror. The woman in the mirror was exquisite. Her long hair was fluffy like clouds floating behind her head, and a faint fragrance wafted into her nose.

There was a long row of branded perfumes, all of which she had developed herself.

The G&M brand perfumes were worth 10 million a bottle, but the supply could not meet the demand. 

She was young and frivolous, so she had bid as she liked.

In the upper-class society, owning a G&M perfume was symbolic of status.

What a pity she did not love Gu Xiaozhan in her previous life and ruined her own career.

In this life, not only would she protect her husband, but she would also make her business flourish.

"Ding!" A jingle sounded.

She received an anonymous new email: Purchasing a bottle of aphrodisiac perfume to be delivered tomorrow at any price.

[100 million.]


Mu Anhan remembered that she was grounded and could not go out to purchase the raw materials.

What should she do?

Just as she was at her wit's end, she suddenly felt like walking into an enormous space, and the required materials appeared in front of her.

If she thought of it, her new head interspace could provide it. 

After retrieving the materials, she wondered if the hole in her head opened up an all-purpose space.

Mu Anhan was making perfume when she suddenly recalled that tomorrow was the twins' third birthday.

In her previous life, Gu Xiaozhan had accompanied them.

On the other hand, she had left to have fun with Zhou Jingyi. She cringed, shaking her head at her past behavior.

She entered her interspace again to select gifts for the two children.

The next morning.

Mu Anhan brought two gift boxes to the children's room.

It was their birthday today, and the children were thrilled. They excitedly surrounded Gu Xiaozhan and chattered non-stop.

When Mu Anhan appeared, the atmosphere instantly changed.

Gu Yu instinctively ran into Gu Xiaozhan's arms. Gu Yao also stared at their mother guardedly. He was young but carried a powerful aura.

"Good morning, hubby!" Mu Anhan smiled and greeted him.

Gu Xiaozhan pursed his thin lips slightly but did not respond.

"My babies, it's your birthday today. Mommy wishes you both a happy birthday!" Mu Anhan brought out the presents with a smile.

Gu Xiaozhan's eyes glinted coldly. The children were already three years old. But this was the first time she cared to celebrate their birthdays.

Mu Anhan ignored their surprise and pointed at a present. "My dear strong boy, this is the latest and most challenging Rubik's cube in the market. Would you like to give it a go?"

She knew she had to pull out all the big guns to impress her son. 

Gu Yao was a genius child who had inherited Gu Xiaozhan's perfect genes and relished challenges.

"Precious little one, this is a limited edition princess dress produced by the brand G&M. There's only one of its kind in the entire world!"

Gu Yu was a little princess who loved beauty products. She lived in a wealthy environment since birth and knew all the big brands well. She especially loved things from the Gu Corporation.

Gu Yao and Gu Yu seemed to have forgotten how scary Mu Anhan was. Their pretty eyes sparkled, and they could not help but look to Gu Xiaozhan for approval.

Gu Xiaozhan was puzzled. The G&M brand was so extravagant. Why was she willing to go through the effort of getting gifts from there for the children?

The astounding generosity was suspicious; her ulterior motive for doing all this was questionable. 

But seeing the anticipation in the children's eyes which he had never seen before, he said, "Mommy is giving you a present, go on, go get it!"

When Gu Yao and Gu Yu heard that, they held hands and ran to the gifts. Picking up the presents, they ran back to Gu Xiaozhan's side as fast as they could without glancing at Mu Anhan, afraid that Mu Anhan was a man-eating demonic creature. 

"You guys have fun, and I'll go back to my room for breakfast." Mu Anhan knew it was a good start and decided to retreat for the time being.

She did not take another step forward, despite still wanting to hold her children, but turned around and left.

"Wow, this Rubik's cube is amazing. Dad, it's even better than Uncle Huo's design!"

Huo Jiguang was one of the world's leading scientists. He devoted himself to the Gu family's laboratory and was always designing new toys for Gu Yao.

"Daddy, do I look pretty?" Gu Yu had changed into her princess dress in the bedroom. She walked out and twirled like a little ballerina. 

"My little fairy is the most beautiful!" Gu Xiaozhan hugged her and let the children play amongst themselves.

When he passed by Mu Anhan's room, she called out to him, "Honey, I want to ask you for a favor... "